On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 269

Chapter 269

Chapter 269 Daughter-in-law, I want to kiss you

I hope this is the last time she will sell antiques, Yunmo thought silently when she came out of Zhenbaoxuan.

Back to the courtyard, Ling Chuan came back before his **** was hot.

With a sad look on his stern face, it was obvious that the money-raising was not going well.

Ling Chuan didn't tell her, but she could see that he was worried about money. In fact, he could discuss with her about using this courtyard house as a mortgage, but she waited for two days, but the man never mentioned it.

She can probably guess that the man is reluctant to take any risk of losing his family, and she is also the same.

Every plant and thing in this family was built and established by her and him, and they already have feelings.

She would rather exchange the rare antiques in the space for money than take it as collateral.

"Ling Chuan."

"Daughter-in-law, are you hungry? I'm going to cook now."

Since the last time he changed his name to call her daughter-in-law, Ling Chuan has been calling her that way. Yunmo was uncomfortable at first, but after listening to it too much, he let him go.

"Don't cook for now, come here for a while, I have something to tell you."

After the man entered the room, Yunmo took out the cash from the bag and put it on the desk.

All are 10 yuan denominations, a total of 8 stacks, which looks very spectacular.

Seeing the money, Ling Chuan did not show joy or happiness on his face, but looked at her with worried eyes.

"Daughter-in-law, where did you get so much money?"

Yunmo deliberately teased: "I said it was blown by a strong wind, do you believe it?"

"daughter in law"

Seeing the uneasy and nervous expression on the man's face, Yunmo also stopped joking, "It was bought by selling antiques."

Ling Chuan hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help asking his doubts, "Daughter-in-law, do you have many antiques?"

"You don't care about the fairies. The money is not a small amount. To be on the safe side, you go to Urumqi this time and bring your eldest brother with you. As for Chunhua, let her live in the courtyard temporarily and let someone take care of her."

Ling Chuan once read a story that said that every princess has a knight by her side.

The knight will always protect his princess and dedicate everything to her, including life.

When he saw this story, Ling Chuan thought of his daughter-in-law in his heart. He thought that he would also be a knight in this life, guarding her side forever and protecting her from wind and rain.

But the fact is exactly the opposite, he has not yet become his wife's knight, but on the contrary, his daughter-in-law has become his **** and fairy.

No matter when and where, no matter what difficulties he encounters, she can always easily solve them for him, and guide him to the light and direction.

He is an ordinary man, so what can he do.

But even though he knew he was not worthy, he was reluctant to let go, selfish, greedy and despicable, wanting to keep such a good woman by his side and take her as his own.

"daughter in law."

Yunmo was just about to respond when she saw the man approaching her with big strides, bent down to pick her up, and gently put her on the desk.

Combined with the height of the desk, the two of them are just about the same size, and their faces are very close to each other, and they can even feel each other's warm breath.

Yunmo discovered for the first time that the man's pupils were not only dark, but also simple and clean, like a clear lake, full of her reflected in it.

Sensing that the man's face seemed to be slowly approaching her, Yunmo instinctively said, "What do you want to do?"

Ling Chuan stopped approaching her, but the desire in his eyes grew stronger.

"Daughter-in-law, I want to kiss you, okay?"

The man's words were like a hammer, beating heavily on the drum in her heart, and it kept ringing non-stop.

"Not good..."

As soon as the words came out, they were blocked by the man's moist, hot and soft lips.

As the man's breath filled the nasal cavity, there was a slight tingling sensation on the lips.

Yunmo realized in a trance that the man actually doesn't know how to kiss at all, but just clumsily chews her lips like a puppy.

She suddenly felt that the worries on the wedding night were too much. What can a man who can't even kiss do to her?

Yunmo pushed him away a little, panting slightly, "Kissing is not like this."

The woman in front of her had pink cheeks, her apricot eyes were as moist as spring water, and her crimson lips were even redder than freshly bloomed petals.

Ling Chuan felt as if a fire had ignited in his heart, making him tremble all over, and begged in a hoarse voice: "You teach me..."

"Brother Chuan."

The shouts in the yard woke up the two people who were deeply in love.

Yunmo pushed away the man who was clinging to her, "Xiaowei is calling you."

Ling Chuan stood still, and looked at her unwillingly with dark eyes full of emotion, just like a big dog with desire and dissatisfaction.

"Brother Chuan, are you at home?"

Hearing Zhou Xiaowei's shout outside, Yunmo had no choice but to push him out indiscriminately, "You go out first, and I will teach you next time."

"It must be determined."

The man was like a child who had eaten candy, and followed her force to exit the room contentedly.

Yun Mo covered her face, came to the dressing table, looked at her pink cheeks in the mirror, and felt like a rampant rabbit in her heart.


Maybe Ling Chuan's stern face was too deceptive, even seeing him come out of Yunmo's room, Zhou Xiaowei didn't think much about it.

"Brother Chuan, I collected the money when I went home, so you can use it first."

Looking at the money in Zhou Xiaowei's hand, the charming thoughts in Ling Chuan's heart disappeared in an instant, leaving only emotion.

"No need, Xiaowei."

Zhou Xiaowei thought he was being polite, and insisted on stuffing the money into his hands, "Brother Chuan, take it, you are a person who does great things, and the money is more useful to me than I am, so I will keep it with you, and I will keep it here." So as not to put it at home and worry about being missed by thieves."

Considering that the law and order in the old street area is indeed not good, Ling Chuan accepted the money.

"I'll put it in a safe for you, and if you need it, ask me to get it."

Zhou Xiaowei grinned indifferently, "Okay."

With the funds, Ling Chuan began to prepare for the trip to Urumqi.

After lunch, he went out to discuss the matter with his elder brother Ling Jiang.

When Ling Chuan asked him to accompany him to Urumqi, Ling Jiang agreed without hesitation.

After discussing the business, Ling Chuan took out the cotton swab again, and used an excuse to help Ling Jiang do a physical examination, collected saliva and hair samples, packed them in a transparent sealed bag and put them in his pocket.

After that, Ling Chuan asked a few words about Ling Jiang and Li Li's recent situation, and when he learned that Li Li was still living in Lijia Village with Ling Jiale, Ling Chuan soon had an idea in his mind.

He pretended to bring Ling Chunhua back to Lijia Village to see her grandfather, and then asked Ling Chunhua to find a way to get Ling Jiale's saliva and hair while talking with Li Li.

Maybe because she was eager to divorce and get rid of the evil star Ling Jiang, Li Li's attitude softened a bit compared to before.

"Chuanzi, go and tell your elder brother that I don't need the house in the old street, but he has to build a new house for Jiale in our village. I know he can't afford the money now. Three years, I'll give him three years , is this all right?"

"Sister-in-law, I will tell my elder brother about your request."

After Ling Jiang left, Li Dajun looked at his daughter with a sad face, deeply puzzled.

"Li, don't quarrel with your son-in-law. Ling Jiang is a good guy. He can earn money and take care of his family. He is also good to you. After leaving him, how will you and Jia Le live in the future?"

There are four more changes later, so it will be later

(end of this chapter)