On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Chapter 268 You may not be the only husband in my life

Hearing this, Ling Chuan couldn't help but feel a little turbulent.

The daughter-in-law only told him to show her trust and intimacy with him.

But then he thought about his wife saying that his nephew Ling Jiale was not born to his eldest brother, so he couldn't be happy again.

Li Li's sister-in-law is indeed a bit mean, but he can't believe that the other party will cheat on his elder brother.

"I know that the matter is very important, so I plan to take the DNA of Jiale and Big Brother to do a test first, and the scientific data shall prevail."

This is the first time Ling Chuan has heard of DNA testing, "Is this D test reliable?"

"99.9% accurate."

Hearing this, Ling Chuan did not object again.

Yunmo took the opportunity to confess that he took the time to get the saliva and hair samples of Ling Jiale and Ling Jiang, and Ling Chuan agreed.

After a while, Ling Chuan couldn't help but asked again: "Momo, why do you suspect that Jia Le is not the child of the eldest brother?"

"A woman's intuition."

Seeing that Ling Chuan was silent, Yun Mo smiled, "Let me tell you, a woman's intuition is very accurate, including not limited to men lying, cheating, and other small thoughts, from daily behavior habits and emotions You can see the clues from above.

So, don't try to lie to me in the future.

Ling Chuan was also smart enough to realize that his wife was beating him, and immediately stated, "Momo, don't worry, none of what you said will happen to me."

Yunmo snorted softly, "That's the best."

After dinner, Yunmo returned to the room, thinking that it was getting colder, she took out the clothes she bought earlier from the space, then walked outside the door, and waved to Ling Chuan who was packing up the dishes.

"Ling Chuan, come in."

After Ling Chuan entered the room, Yunmo pointed to the things on the bed, "Take these back to your room."

Ling Chuan was a little dazed looking at the clothes on the bed, "Momo, didn't you say you want to send these to your cousin?"

Yunmo looked at him with impatient face, "Do you want it?"

Ling Chuan hurriedly nodded, "Yes!"

"Take it if you want it."

"it is good."

When holding the clothes, thinking that these clothes were specially bought for him by his wife, Ling Chuan couldn't express his sweetness in his heart.

While waiting to get the last two pieces of clothes, Ling Chuan felt that he should thank his wife.

"I like each of these clothes very much, thank you daughter-in-law."

Yun Mo's face turned hot when she was called out by her daughter-in-law, and she couldn't help spitting, "Who told you to yell nonsense."

"I didn't yell, Momo, you are my daughter-in-law, the only one in my life."

Under the light, the man's black eyes shone brighter than the light bulb hanging above his head.

Yun Mo retorted with a blushing heart, "Then I may not be the only husband in my life."

Ling Chuan was stunned for a moment, then grinned, "Momo, you called me husband."

The focus is not on this, okay?

She gave the man a disgusted look and said, "Go out as soon as you finish your stuff, don't hinder my study."

Seeing two red clouds on his daughter-in-law's white jade-like cheeks, Ling Chuanfu realized in his heart that his daughter-in-law was shy.

"Daughter-in-law, you are shy."

"Who is shy?"

"Your face is very red."

"Am I too hot?"

After finishing speaking, Yunmo slapped her face with her hand.

Although the daughter-in-law refused to admit it, Ling Chuan found that her cheeks were even redder, like overripe tomatoes.

He felt as if the paws of a kitten were gently scratching his heart, his heart was so soft that it was about to melt, and he wished he could hold everything he had in front of his wife.

"Momo, we'll go shopping after your holiday. Last time I only bought clothes for mom, grandma, and me, but I didn't buy them for you."

The man's words made Yunmo feel a little sweetness in her heart, but she didn't show any emotion on her face.

"No need, I have already made an appointment with my classmates to look at the clothes on the weekend."

Hearing this, Ling Chuan took his clothes and went out without saying anything more.

Yunmo sat at the desk, calmed down, took out the pencil case and test papers and prepared to study, when suddenly familiar footsteps came from behind her.

She turned her head, and Ling Chuan's tall figure enveloped her whole body.

"Daughter-in-law, the money is for you."

Yunmo looked at the money that the man put on the desk, it was a thick stack, it was estimated to be around 1,000 yuan.

"Why are you giving me money?"

"I will buy you clothes for the weekend."

Yunmo took the money and thought of something, "Are there still many goods in the warehouse?"

"I'm just going to tell you about this. I plan to go to Wushi in a few days to bring back another batch of goods. In addition to small accessories, I'm going to buy another batch of socks, hats and scarves. It's cold now. These Everything is a must-have, and sales will definitely not be bad.

Yunmo agrees with the man's idea, "Then do you have enough funds to purchase?"

"Enough, I have reserved it in advance."

Yunmo nodded, and then another thought came to her mind.

"Urumqi is rich in ham, brown sugar, and candied dates. These are good New Year's gifts for people during the Spring Festival. You can take Xiaowei and Aunt Cuihua to various department stores to see if they need these things. , if you can get the order, then you can bring back a batch of new year goods by the way, and you should be able to earn some money."

Ling Chuan hesitated, "We don't have samples on hand, so I'm afraid it won't be easy to sell."

Yunmo pondered for a moment, "I'll figure out a way about the samples."

The next day, Yunmo called Sister Shi, whom she met when she went to Urumqi to pick up goods last time, and told her about her idea of doing New Year's goods business, and promised to share 10% of the money with the other party. profit.

Since you can collect money while sitting, Sister Shi will naturally not refuse.

Three days later, Shi Xiu entrusted an acquaintance to send her two large boxes of ham, brown sugar, southern dates, and candied dates, and marked the purchase prices of different qualities.

Yunmo deliberately spent one night listing the recipes and eating methods of ham, as well as the efficacy and function of brown sugar, in order to increase the selling point.

The next day, Ling Chuan took ham, brown sugar and other things, and went to the department store with Zhou Xiaowei and Feng Cuihua to do sales.

There are detailed recipes and eating methods as selling points. Ling Chuan's sales were quite successful, and he got an order of 10,000 yuan in two days.

Excluding various costs and expenses, you can earn a profit of 1,000 yuan conservatively.

While Ling Chuan was happy, he couldn't help feeling worried.

The customer who placed the order only paid a small part of the deposit, which added up to only 2,000 yuan, and he needed to find a way to advance the remaining 8,000 yuan.

Yunmo does have some money on hand, but it is still close to eight thousand.

Do you want to exchange an antique for some money?

Yunmo rummaged through the space for a long time, and finally found a pair of incense candlesticks with cloisonn enamel and lotus pattern from the Yuan Dynasty.

The candlestick itself is not very valuable, but it is a complete pair, which is extremely valuable for collection.

Yunmo took her things and took a taxi to Zhenbaoxuan.

It is not the first time that she has dealt with the boss of Zhenbaoxuan. Yunmo is too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly tells the other party that she needs 8,000 yuan.

The boss of Zhenbaoxuan took a magnifying glass and carefully observed the candlestick inside and out for nearly half an hour, and finally agreed with Yunmo's request.

"Miss Yun, this time I'll make it easier for you. I'll keep the things. Next time you have a good product, remember to come to me."

Yunmo agreed with her lips, but she was not feeling well in her heart.

Thinking that she was a top rich lady in her previous life, and her family had so much money that she would never spend it in ten lifetimes. Now that she has come here in this life, she can only live by selling antiques. It's not too miserable.

So why didn't she think about storing some gold in the space?

Second update~

Good night

Tomorrow night's update will be relatively late, around 11:30

(end of this chapter)