On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Chapter 246 Bringing up the matter of bath water

Zeng Fang didn't know, so, "Momo, what's the matter, I haven't arrived at your house yet."

"It's okay, there are only a few steps left, I'll walk back."

"No, it's so late, what if you are targeted by bad guys?"

Yao Cheng also began to persuade, "It's better to send you to the door, otherwise everyone will be worried."

Yunmo could only explain, "My husband is here to pick me up."

Hearing this, Zeng Fang turned her head and looked out the car window, and she saw Ling Chuan standing at the entrance of the alley back to the courtyard, looking up.

At the entrance of the alley, when he saw the familiar figure of his daughter-in-law, Ling Chuan finally let go of his heart.

Seemingly feeling the man's worry and anxiety, Yunmo subconsciously quickened her pace.

Ling Chuan was also walking towards her, and the distance that was originally not short was quickly drawn closer as they approached each other.

"Momo, you are back."

Seeing the joy and concern in the man's black eyes, Yunmo couldn't help but feel warm, "Let's go, go home."


When turning around, Ling Chuan subconsciously glanced at the car that was slowly turning around and driving away. The wife got out of this car just now.

Although the light was very dark at night, he still recognized two strange men sitting in the car with sharp eyes.

Sensing his gaze, Yunmo took the initiative to explain: "The driver is Zeng Fang's cousin, who just came from the provincial capital this afternoon."

Hearing what his wife said, Ling Chuan hurriedly looked away, "Momo, have you had dinner yet?"


"I had already boiled the water when I came out, you go back and take a bath first, so you can rest early."


The night in November was already a little chilly. A gust of wind blew through the alley, and Yunmo couldn't help shrinking her shoulders.

The next moment, a jacket was draped over his shoulders.

The clothes were just taken off by the man, and there was still a warm body temperature, as well as a unique but not unpleasant male body odor, which made her feel inexplicably at ease.

Yun Mo turned her head to look at the man, only a short-sleeved shirt was left on him.

The shirt is blue, but it has turned gray-blue after wearing it for a long time, and there is a rectangular patch on each elbow on both sides.

Ling Chuan didn't notice his wife's gaze, his mind was full of morning affairs, and he was extremely nervous and inexplicably excited.

"Momo, this morning, did you..."

Seeing that the man's ears were turning red, Yunmo secretly laughed, "Is it something?"

Ling Chuan's Adam's apple rolled up and down a few times, and finally swallowed back the words in his heart.

"It's nothing, you went out this morning without breakfast, I'm afraid you're hungry."

"I ate at Fangfang's house."


Seeing the man's dejected look like a frost-beaten eggplant, the corners of Yunmo's mouth couldn't help but slightly twitch.

Yunmo was really tired. As soon as she got home, she took her clothes and went to the shower room to take a bath, preparing to have a good night's sleep. However, the water from the faucet turned out to be lukewarm, not reaching the temperature for bathing at all.

"Ling Chuan!"

Hearing her shout, Ling Chuan hurried over, "What's wrong?"

"Didn't you say the water is ready? Why is it cold?"

Ling Chuan hastily turned on the faucet and tested the temperature of the water, it was indeed a bit cold.

"I went out and went to the stove to light the fire." Afraid that his wife would get angry, Ling Chuan explained nervously.

"When did you go out?"

"Around 8 o'clock."

It's past 11 o'clock now, and the temperature at night in this season is only around 20 degrees. The boiler is outdoors and there is no heat preservation. The fire in the stove is extinguished, and the water will definitely become colder.

But Yunmo's first thought was that Ling Chuan had left at 8:00, wouldn't that mean she had to wait for her for 3 hours?

"Momo, I'll go to the kitchen to boil a pot of hot water for you. It will be ready soon. You go back to the house for a rest. I'll call you when the water is ready."


Yunmo took two steps, then suddenly thought of something and turned around, "Ling Chuan, will you help me carry the bath water this time?"

Ling Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned red like a fire.

Yunmo snorted softly, turned around and prepared to go back to the room.

Ling Chuan chased after her in three steps and two steps, "Momo, I was wrong before, don't be angry."

Yun Mo gave him a white look, "Why don't you boil water and follow me?"

"I'll go."

The man said, but his body didn't move, his dark eyes stared at her for a moment, his face was full of tension and embarrassment.

Yunmo urged: "Go."

"Then did you forgive me?"


"Momo, what do you want me to do to forgive you, I will listen to you."

"Go and boil the water first, and bring it to the bathroom."

"it is good."

It was already 12 o'clock when Ling Jiang and Zhu Hongping returned to Ling's house, and the result was predictable, the money was naturally missing.

Zhu Hongping also suspected that Xu Gang had stolen it, but it coincided with Li Li's thoughts.

Immediately, Zhu Hongping asked Ling Jiang to go out with her again, and went to Xu Gang's house to ask for an explanation.

Ling Jiang couldn't hide his tiredness and persuaded: "Mom, let's go tomorrow, it's already so late."

Zhu Hongping was worried about nights and dreams, "No, I'll go now, and it's not too far away. You can take me by bike, and the round trip can take up to an hour."

Zhu Hongping said it lightly, and he didn't think that Ling Jiang hadn't rested from 6:00 in the morning until now, and he had to ride a bicycle with her weight of tens of hundreds for an hour, and the donkeys of the production team didn't have to do that .

Maybe it's because I can't even see the sky, and the flashlight can't turn on.

No matter how unwilling Zhu Hongping and Li Li were, they could only rest their minds and wait until dawn tomorrow to find Xu Gang.

Yunmo originally wanted to lie down and rest for a while, but fell asleep as soon as she lay down, and when she woke up, it was already midnight.

He was covered with a quilt, his shoes were taken off, and mosquito coils were burning at the foot of the bed.

Siheyuan is good everywhere, but it attracts mosquitoes. It is late autumn and the mosquitoes are very fierce. Once bitten, it will be a big bag.

I guess the bath water is cold again.

Yunmo thought, yawned and got up, wanting to go to the bathroom, but when she opened the door, she saw a man dozing off outside.

Woke up by the sound of the door opening, Ling Chuan looked at her with sleepy eyes, with a bit of joy on his stern face, "Momo, are you awake?"

Yunmo stared at him, "Why are you staying here if you don't sleep?"

Ling Chuan rubbed his eyes, "I'll wait for you to wake up so I can bring you water. I'll call you after I've brought the hot water, but you fell asleep, so I was afraid that the water would be cold, so I poured it back into the pot to keep warm .

Yunmo recalled that she seemed to have heard a man calling her while she was half asleep. She was too sleepy at the time, and after answering, she turned over and fell asleep again.

It was already midnight, Yunmo didn't want to take a bath anymore, but she thought that the man had waited half the night, so she asked the other party to carry the water to the bathroom.

After taking a shower, the drowsiness was gone. Anyway, I don't have to go to school tomorrow, so Yunmo simply made a pot of tea and told the man everything about what I was busy outside today.

After listening, Ling Chuan was both shocked and admired, "Momo, you are really amazing, you can come up with such a good idea."

Yunmo looked at him, "Ling Chuan, aren't you afraid of me?"

Seeing the confusion on the man's face, Yunmo said, "I can plot against my sister-in-law, and I may plot against you in the future. Aren't you afraid of a scheming and cunning woman like me?"

(end of this chapter)