On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Chapter 245 Bamboo basket fetching water in vain

Jian Xun thought it was an illusion caused by being too tired, so he raised his neck and drank the remaining half glass of water.

The moment the water is drunk, it seems that the exhaustion and turbidity all over the body are washed away at once, leaving only relaxation and comfort.

Now, Jian Xun is sure that this is definitely not his illusion, this water really has a miraculous effect.

He looked at Yunmo who was talking to Zeng Fang calmly, and put the cup into the pocket of his coat.

After Yunmo and the others left, the young man pretended to have just returned home and shook Li Li and Zhu Hongping awake.

Li Li and Zhu Hongping woke up one after another. Before the mother and daughter realized what was going on, the young man immediately explained: "I'm really sorry for keeping my sister and aunt waiting for so long. My friend has something to do. I went out, and I waited for a long time for him to come back, but I didn't expect you all fell asleep while waiting."

As he spoke, the motorcycle boy handed 30 yuan to Li Li, "Sister, please keep this money, plus the 20 yuan given at the beginning, the total is 50, the number we agreed upon."

Seeing the money, Li Li and Zhu Hongping regained their spirits immediately and put other things behind them.

After Li Li had put away the money, the boy on the motorcycle said courteously again: "It's so late, and my sister's feet are not convenient. Where do you live? I'll take you back by motorcycle."

There is a free car ride, of course Li Li and Zhu Hongping will not refuse.

It was already late, there were no pedestrians on the road, and the motorcycle arrived at the gate of Ling's house very quickly.

Seeing that Zhu Hongping was holding his grandson Ling Jiale in his arms, unable to spare Li Li, the motorcycle guy offered to help Li Li out of the car.

"Sister, aunt, you go back and rest early, then I will leave first."

After a whole night of tossing, Li Li and Zhu Hongping were both tired, and they asked each other to leave after a few lectures.

Ling Jiang also just returned home from business, and was boiling water in the kitchen to take a bath. When he saw Li Li limping back from the outside, he subconsciously asked, "What's wrong with your foot?"

"Runned by a motorcyclist."

Hearing that Li Li was hit by a car, Ling Jiang stepped forward to help her into the house, and then looked at her fixed ankle, "Is the injury serious?"

Li Li glanced at him, "The doctor said that he should stay in bed and not work."

"Then you have a good rest these few days, I will do the housework."

Hearing her husband's words, Li Li felt at ease.

Zhu Hongping put the sleeping Ling Jiale on the bed, covered the quilt, and turned to wink at her daughter.

Li Li said knowingly to her husband Ling Jiang: "My mother is taking care of you in the house, so go and boil more water. You've been sweating all night."

"it is good."

When Ling Jiang went out, Zhu Hongping immediately closed the door, turned to Li Li and whispered: "Li, let me tell you, don't tell your son-in-law about the money."

Li Li nodded, "I know."

Thinking of the warm 50 yuan in hand, Li Li was so beautiful in her heart that she stretched her hand into her pocket, and she was stunned.

What about the money?

She quickly went to touch the pocket on the other side, but it was still empty.

Li Li was a little anxious, she lowered her head and touched all the pockets and trouser pockets, still nothing!

Zhu Hongping on the side saw her like this, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?"

Li Li was anxious and angry, "Mom, the money is gone..."

"Why did it disappear, didn't you put it in your pocket?"

As he spoke, Zhu Hongping personally turned over Li Li's pockets and trousers pockets, so that there was no sign of a penny in them.

"Could it be lost somewhere?"

Li Li and Zhu Hongping searched the room and the bed carefully several times, but couldn't find it. They lit candles and walked out all the way. They even searched outside the gate, but still couldn't find it.

Zhu Hongping thought of something, and hurried into the kitchen, "Son-in-law, did you pick up anything just now?"

Ling Jiang shook his head blankly, "No, what's wrong?"

Zhu Hongping didn't believe that the money was lost just like that. She decided that her son-in-law must have picked it up, and immediately went forward to search her body.

Ling Jiang couldn't stop her, so she had to let her search.

Some money was found, but not what Li Li lost.

The boy on the motorcycle gave all the bills of 5 and 10 yuan, and all the money on Ling Jiang's body was the 10 and 50 cents he received for selling small accessories.

Zhu Hongping didn't believe in evil and ran to search in Ling Jiang's house again, but couldn't find it after searching for a long time, so he ran to Ling Chunhua's room to look for it.

Ling Chunhua was already asleep, but Zhu Hongping forced her to get out of bed.

The entire Ling family was turned upside down by Zhu Hongping, but there was still no trace of the 50 yuan.

This made Li Li and Zhu Hongping very angry, "What the hell, can the money still run on its own?"

"Will it be lost on the way back?"

Hearing Ling Jiang's reminder, Zhu Hongping immediately took Ling Jiang out to help find him.

Ling Jiang had no choice but to find someone to borrow a flashlight, and accompanied Zhu Hongping to search along the route the mother and daughter had come back.

Li Li had a leg injury, so she could only wait at home, but she was not idle, racking her brains to recall the details when she came back.

Thinking about it, she suddenly remembered that when she got out of the car, the motorcycle boy helped her, and the other hand seemed to touch her waist at that time.

He must have stolen the money!

The name of the boy on the motorcycle is Xu Gang, he is Xu Lili's distant nephew, and he is now working under Xu Lili.

After Xu Gang completed his task, he got on his motorcycle and turned around to meet Xu Lili and Yun Mo.

"Uncle, Miss Yun, I got the money back."

After parking the motorcycle, Xu Gang immediately returned the 50 yuan that he "touched" from Li Li's pocket to Yunmo.

Yun Mo didn't answer, and said to Xu Lili with a smile: "Boss Xu, you have worked hard today, so let this money be your hard work fee."

Seeing Yunmo being so generous, Xu Lili and Xu Gang's uncle and nephew were very happy.

"Thank you, Miss Yun."

"You're welcome, Li Li and Yunyao, please keep an eye on them and let me know if there is any trouble."


After confessing a few words, Xu Lili left with Xu Gang, and Yun Mo turned back to Yao Cheng's car.

"Cousin, take Momo home first, she lives over there on Guoxing Road."

When the car started, Zeng Fang pulled Yunmo and asked, "Momo, how much did you pay Boss Xu? You ran up and down to help me, so I can't let you spend any more money. I'll pay you tomorrow." Give you."

"Don't worry about money, wait until this matter is completely resolved."

Zeng Fang took her arm, leaned her head on her shoulder emotionally, "Momo, thank you, if it weren't for you this time, I really can't imagine what the consequences would be."

Yun Mo touched her face with a smile, "Don't worry, even without me, there will be other unrivaled heroes coming down to save you from the fire and water."

Zeng Fang was amused, "How should I thank you this time, my unrivaled hero?"

Yun Mo smiled, "Observe first."

"Well, then I owe you a lot, and I don't know when I can pay it off."

While talking, Yunmo saw a familiar figure in the distance from the corner of her eye, and hurriedly asked Yao Cheng to pull over and stop.

(end of this chapter)