On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 225

Chapter 225

Chapter 225 One meal is one less meal

Because the fever had not subsided, Yun Huan only woke up for a while and then fell asleep again.

Yun Shixian took the whole family to the ward where Jiang Yu was resting to discuss countermeasures.

"Don't tell her about Xiao Huan's illness, wait until the experts arrive tomorrow to see what the experts say."

Everyone nodded in unison.

Yun Yao even volunteered to stay and take care of Yun Huan, "Dad, Mom, it's already late, you go home and rest, I'll take care of Xiao Huan here."

Considering that tomorrow is the weekend and there is no need to go to school, Yun Shixian nodded in agreement.

"Xiao Yao, thank you for your hard work."

"As an older sister, it's only natural for me to take care of my younger sister. If I had known that Xiao Huan would get sick, I would have let her go more often..."

Seeing the elder daughter's eyes flushed and her face full of self-blame, Yun Shixian couldn't help but sighed, "Okay, it's useless to talk about it now, take good care of Xiao Huan, and call home immediately if you have anything to do."


After everyone left, Yun Yao wiped away the tears on her face, turned around and came to Yun Huan's ward, and looked at the sleeping person on the bed with a weird smile on her face.

Parents, don't worry, I will definitely "take good care" of my sister.

Yunyao took some warm water in a cup, asked the nurse for cotton swabs, then closed the door, took out the leftover medicine from Sister Juan's bag, and poured two drops into the cup.

Afterwards, she dipped a cotton swab in warm water with "materials" and repeatedly smeared Yun Huan's dry lips due to the high fever.

The nurse came in to change the medicine and saw this scene, and couldn't help but admire Yunyao for being careful and gentle.

In this way, under Yunyao's "caring" care, Yun Huan's condition came and went again and again, and the high fever couldn't go away. Even the experts invited by Yun Shixian were helpless and could only do their best to treat her.

The best treatment for acute leukemia is chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy can control and relieve the disease in the fastest and most effective way. It usually takes 2 to 3 years. If the disease relapses midway, chemotherapy will be required again.

In short, if you get this disease, even if you survive, your next life will be ruined.

Yun's family tried their best to conceal Yun Huan's true illness, only telling her that she was infected with pneumonia and needed to be hospitalized for a period of time.

Yun Huan didn't doubt it, and even felt that the illness was worth it.

The whole family let her in, doted on her, and cared for her. She has never felt so happy and comfortable.

The only bad thing is that I feel uncomfortable. I don't have an appetite every day. Sometimes I barely eat something and I vomit it out. In just one week, I lost 10 pounds in weight.

Yun Huan is very happy about losing weight, and looks forward to being discharged from the hospital, wearing a beautiful dress, and giving her fianc Su Mingan a surprise.

Thinking of this, Yun Huan realized that something was wrong. She had been hospitalized for so many days, and her fianc Su Ming'an never came to see her.

"Mom, does Brother Ming'an know about my illness?"

Jiang Yu comforted: "Your father means that being sick is not a good thing, so don't tell the Su family first, lest they have any thoughts."

Yun Huan was a little depressed, but she also knew that her family's concerns were not unreasonable, so she could only hold back her longing, hoping that her illness would recover soon, so that she could see her fianc sooner.

"...It's really pitiful, I got leukemia at a young age, this disease is not curable, even if I'm lucky enough to survive, it's easy to relapse in the future..."

While half asleep and half awake, Yun Huan heard someone whispering in her ear. She was inexplicably disturbed, and her consciousness gradually came to her senses.

"...Shhh, keep your voice down, the family members have warned you not to let the patient know, that's all right, hurry up and get out after changing the medicine."

A sound of footsteps went away, and with the sound of closing the door, Yun Huan opened his eyes and looked at the snow-white ceiling above his head and the slightly shaking potion bottle. His heart seemed to sink to the bottom of the sea, and his whole body felt like ice the cold.

No, the nurse is definitely not talking about her, how could she have leukemia.

She just got pneumonia and she will recover after a while.

Today it was Yunyao's turn to come to the hospital to take care of Yun Huan. When she entered the door, seeing Yun Huan awake, Yun Yao smiled habitually, "Xiao Huan, are you feeling better? I brought you your favorite shepherd's purse wonton, It is the wild shepherd's purse specially dug from the countryside by Matuo, it is very delicious."

Because of illness and chemotherapy, Yun Huan was so thin that her whole body was thin, and the sunken eye sockets made her eyes look very big.

At this moment, her big eyes stared straight at Yunyao, "Sister, what disease do I have?"

Finally got it.

Yun Yao brought the filled wontons to Yun Huan with her smile unchanged, "Xiao Huan, my mother made the wontons by herself. She said you loved it when you were young. Try it, after all..."

The smile on Yunyao's face gradually turned into sympathy and pity, "Every meal is one less meal."

Hearing this, the tense nerves in Yun Huan's head snapped, and she knocked over the soup bowl in front of her with a wave of her hand, roaring like a beast.

It's a pity that there is a bowl of wontons.

Looking at the wontons and soup spilled all over the floor, Yun Yao sighed with regret. Immediately, she pretended to be panicked, and tried to comfort Yun Huan while ringing the bell to call the nurse.

"Xiao Huan, don't be like this, Dad invited the best experts for you, your illness will be cured..."

"Get out, get out of the way! Ah..."

Doctors and nurses arrived soon, and under the action of tranquilizers, Yun Huan finally calmed down, and soon fell into a coma.

"What's going on? How did Xiao Huan know about her condition?"

Looking at the younger daughter in front of the hospital bed who couldn't sleep well even when she fell asleep, Jiang Yu angrily questioned the elder daughter.

Yunyao shook her head aggrieved, "Mom, I don't know either. As soon as I entered the ward, Xiao Huan asked me what kind of disease she had. I felt that she already knew about the disease..."

It wasn't the eldest daughter who said it, it was the nurse!

Facing the aggressive Jiang Yu, the two nurses on duty had to admit that they had accidentally discussed a few words while changing the dressing.

Jiang Yu was so angry that she went to the hospital leader and demanded that the two nurses be fired.

Of course, the hospital will not agree to such an unreasonable request, and it is not against the hospital's regulations to chat with nurses outside of work.

The two sides are deadlocked.

In the end, it was Yun Yao who came out to dissuade and comfort Jiang Yu, and finally calmed down the incident.

Afterwards, Yun Yao brought generous gifts to find two nurses to apologize, and she did not forget to explain for Jiang Yu, "My mother is not like this usually, she is just too worried about Xiao Huan's body, so she loses her sense of control in a hurry, please You can understand and be considerate, and Xiao Huan will ask you to take care of us when we are not in the ward in the future."

The two nurses were aggrieved at first, but they were greatly moved after hearing Yun Yao's words.

"Miss Yun, it is our duty to take care of the patients. Speaking of which, today's matter is indeed handled improperly by us, and we should not talk about the illness in front of the patients."

Yunyao sighed, "Mom and Dad were worried that Xiao Huan would not be able to accept the reality, but this matter could not be hidden for a while. In fact, it is also a good thing that Xiao Huan knew about the condition earlier and actively cooperated with the treatment."

"Yes, in fact, Miss Yun Er's leukemia was discovered early, and there is still a great hope that it can be cured."

"That's it..." Yun Yao smiled gratefully at the two, "Thank you, I understand."

(end of this chapter)