On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 224

Chapter 224

Chapter 224 Yunhuan got leukemia

Hearing the little daughter's voice was hoarse, Jiang Yu immediately asked the servant to pour a glass of warm water.

After drinking half a glass of water, Yun Huan's spirits improved slightly, but her face was still pale, her lips had no blood at all, and she looked very haggard.

Jiang Yu sat on the edge of the bed, showing tenderness and concern rarely, "Xiao Huan, how are you feeling? Are you feeling better?"

Yun Huan shook his head feebly, "I'm dizzy, and I don't have any strength in my body."

Jiang Yu couldn't help scolding in distress, "You didn't listen to me telling you to go out and put on your coat. You're fine now. You must have caught a cold. You're not the one who suffers."

Yun Huan retorted, "It's not cold, the rest of the class are fine without coats..."

While talking, Yun Huan felt his nasal cavity heat up, and in the next second, a line of nosebleeds flowed out from the nostrils, dripping on the quilt.

Jiang Yu hurriedly let the little daughter lie down, and then asked the servant to bring the towel.

After a period of turmoil, Yun Huan's nosebleed finally stopped, and her already pale face became even paler.

Looking at the sleeping little daughter, Jiang Yu's worry gradually turned into uneasiness.

In the past half a month, my youngest daughter has had frequent nosebleeds, and now she has a persistent high fever. Could it be some serious physical problem?

Jiang Yu panicked more and more, and hurriedly asked her servant to call her husband.

Yun Shixian had a dinner party at night, so he didn't come back, but he asked his secretary to come home and take a look.

"Madam, according to Mr. Yun's instructions, I have already made an appointment for the second miss to have a full-body physical examination tomorrow morning. If you are worried, I can send the second miss to the hospital for observation."

Considering that the youngest daughter was already asleep and going to the hospital would be too much trouble, Jiang Yu rejected the secretary's proposal and instead arranged for a servant to take good care of the youngest daughter.

Yun Yao returned late as usual.

Usually Yunyao used the excuse of studying at a classmate's house, and Jiang Yu didn't bother to care about it, but today, because of her younger daughter's illness, she was in a bad mood, and she became a little emotional about her eldest daughter's late return.

"Come back so late every day, other people's house is so nice, why don't you come back, just live in other people's house!"

Facing Jiang Yu's anger, Yun Yao was not angry.

During this period of time, the business of the clothing store was very good. She made a lot of money and felt very happy.

"Mom, how is Xiao Huan's body?"

"You still know how to care about your sister..."

While the mother and daughter were talking, the servant who took care of Yun Huan hurried down from downstairs.

"Madam, Second Miss has started to have a high fever again!"

Jiang Yu's expression changed, and he quickly asked the servant to help him upstairs.

After coming to the little daughter's room, Jiang Yu touched the little daughter's forehead, and it was really hot.

"Xiao Huan, Xiao Huan..."

Even yelling several times failed to wake her up, Jiang Yu immediately made a decision, and immediately asked the servant to carry the little daughter into the car and take her to the hospital.

Watching the car disappear into the deep night, Sister Juan, who was standing behind Yunyao, finally couldn't help expressing the fear and anxiety in her heart.

"Eldest Miss, Second Miss suddenly became so seriously ill, could it be related to the medicine we gave her?"

Yunyao turned her head, with a weird sneer on her face, "Sister Juan, remember, Xiao Huan's illness is due to her own poor health, and has nothing to do with us."

Does it really have nothing to do with them?

Looking at the indifferent back of the young lady, Sister Juan froze in place for a long time without moving.

In order to avoid complications, Yunyao took the remaining potion from Sister Juan, and warned Sister Juan repeatedly not to show her weakness.

"When Xiao Huan's situation improves in a few days, you can excuse yourself to go back to your hometown and resign. Before you leave, I will give you the rest of the money."

Thinking of the money she was about to receive, Sister Juan's uneasy heart finally settled down.

For her a rural person, 1,000 yuan is not a small amount, enough for her to go back to the countryside to build two new houses and marry her son.

This side of the hospital.

After a simple consultation, the emergency doctor first gave Yun Huan an antipyretic injection, and then drew blood for a routine blood test.

Two hours later, the doctor came to Jiang Yu with a serious look on the examination result sheet.

"Mrs. Yun, after a preliminary examination, your second daughter is suffering from acute leukemia."

The moment he heard the result, Jiang Yu's head buzzed, and then his eyes darkened and he passed out.

When Jiang Yu woke up, Yun Shixian, Yun Yao, and the youngest son Yun Cong were all in her ward.

Yun Shixian brought all his family members, one to take care of Yun Huan and the unconscious Jiang Yu, and the other for examination.

Rao is deep and experienced Yun Shixian was also frightened by acute leukemia blood, worried that he and other family members would also have this hidden danger.

Fortunately, after preliminary screening, everyone except Yun Huan is in good health.

Seeing her husband, Jiang Yu immediately asked eagerly, "How is Xiao Huan?"

Yun Shixian's complexion was very bad, "I'm still in a coma, I have asked the best leukemia expert in the province through my relationship, he will arrive tomorrow, and he will give Xiao Huan the most comprehensive examination and work out the best treatment plan."

Hearing this, Jiang Yu covered her mouth all of a sudden, tears could not stop falling down.

"How did this happen? Xiao Huan has always been in good health. She rarely catches a cold since she was a child. How could she contract leukemia when she is so fine..."

Looking at his sobbing wife, Yun Shixian's mood was also gloomy.

Worrying about the safety of the youngest daughter is on the one hand, and on the other hand, I also feel upset about the marriage with the Su family.

Let's not talk about whether the youngest daughter's leukemia can be cured, even if it is cured, the body will be ruined, the Su family will not accept a medicine jar as a daughter-in-law.

"Mom, don't be sad, your body is important, and Xiao Huan still needs our care."

Watching Wen Sheng comfort his wife's eldest daughter, Yun Shixian's eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking.

While the family members were immersed in their own sorrows and concerns, Yun Cong quietly left and came to Yun Huan's ward.

As Yun Shixian's only son, Yun Cong has perfectly inherited Yun Shixian's selfish and cold side, and he is indifferent to everything in the family on weekdays.

But Yun Huan is his twin sister after all, and now she is suddenly contracted a serious disease and may die at any time, which makes Yun Cong feel distressed and sad for the first time.

"Sister, get well soon. When you get better, I will give you half of my pocket money."

Yun Cong is the only child in the family, Jiang Yu and Yun Shixian naturally dote on him in every possible way, food and clothing are always the best, even the pocket money is twice as much as Yunyao Yunhuan, which made Yunhuan once Very envious and jealous.


Just as Yun Cong was hanging his head down, a weak voice suddenly came from his ear.

He raised his head all of a sudden, looking at Yun Huan who opened his eyes and looked at him on the hospital bed, he couldn't help being pleasantly surprised.

"Sister, are you awake? I'll go find Dad and the others."

Knowing that the youngest daughter woke up, the whole family flocked to her immediately.

"Xiao Huan, how do you feel?"

"Xiao Huan, are you hungry? I'll get you some water."

Facing the whole family's coldness and warmth, Yun Huan was overwhelmed by flattery, and felt a sense of satisfaction and happiness that he had never felt before.

(end of this chapter)