On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Chapter 217 Penultimate and Penultimate

"Momo, don't you like them?"

Seeming that Yunmo was worried, Ling Chuan asked in a strange way.

At this time, he still didn't know what breed of dog Husky was.

"You will know later."

Ling Chuan didn't think too much about the deep meaning in his daughter-in-law's words, "Momo, please give them a name."

"Let's just call him Big Boy and Little Boy."

From the name, we can see Yunmo's expectations and hopes for the two huskies.

It was Yunmo's first time raising such a small pup, and she didn't quite know what to feed them, and it was not easy to buy dog food in this age, so she simply mixed some porridge with eggs, added a few drops of spiritual spring water, and made homemade I bought two small pots of dog food.

The two puppies probably looked like they were just full moon. They were short and stubby, but they didn't expect to eat a lot. After eating the dog food in their own basin, they ran to Dabai Erbai's food trough to grab food. .

The result can be imagined, Daguai and Erguai were kicked out by Dabai Erbai and ran around.

Strength performed the classic scene of "you run away, I chase, you can't fly".

After dinner, Yunmo was preparing to pickle sauerkraut, and was busy with Ling Chuan, when the two huskies and Dabai Erbai started arguing again in the cabin.

Yunmo ran over, and found that Daguai and Erbai, who were supposed to rest on the second floor of the cabin, had already reached the first floor, and were playing with Dabai and Erbai inside.

In order to let the first and second darlings have a place to sleep at night, she temporarily made a kennel with dry straw and old clothes on the second floor of the cabin, and planned to buy materials tomorrow to build a kennel.

Unexpectedly, the two puppies have the ability to tear down the house before they have all their teeth. They plan the doghouse into a mess, and even provoke Dabai and Erbai.

"Elder boy, second boy, come out!"


don't want.

Seeing that Yunmo was angry, Ling Chuan walked over and said, "How about I buy two dog leashes? They just came home, so they might not be used to it."

I'm not used to being so noisy, but I'll get used to it later.

But the proposal to buy a dog leash got Yunmo's approval.

It was not too late, Ling Chuan quickly bought back two dog chains.

The husky itself is not a docile and obedient species. I saw that the dog leash ran faster than anyone else, but it was because of its short legs that it was caught before it ran far, and was forcibly put on a collar and a dog leash.

Worried that the first and second boys would be cold at night, Yunmo deliberately found an empty room, spread cardboard and clothes on the floor, and put clean water on it.

At first, they thought they could be quiet for a while, but as soon as Yunmo and Ling Chuan went out, the two little ones started howling wolves.

Yunmo endured it at first, but after half an hour passed, the two huskies showed no intention of stopping, and Yunmo opened the door aggressively.

"Don't bark, tell me to tie up your mouths again."

Maybe aware of her anger, the first and second darlings turned their heads to one side, squinted at her, and kept whining from their throats.

seems to be protesting and dissatisfied with keeping them locked up.

It was a puppy who was just one month old, and it was indeed a bit pitiful to be locked in a small room.

Yun Mo walked into the room, stretched out her hand and patted the heads of the two boys, and comforted her softly: "Be good, don't make any more noise, I'll take you out to play tomorrow."

Hearing this, the first and second darlings raised their ears to look at her, and wagged their tails slightly.

"Wow woof woof!"

You are right.

After being coaxed by Yunmo and each eating a piece of plum candy, the big boy and the second boy stopped making trouble.

After Yunmo pickled the sauerkraut and came to the window to see what the two little guys were doing, she found that the two little guys had already huddled together and fell asleep.

Yunmo kept her word, and went out for a walk early the next morning with the first and second darlings. Of course, Dabai and Erbai were also accompanying her.

It was fine when I first went out. I was so excited that I sniffed here and looked there. Maybe I saw that Dabai and Erbai had no chains, but they were chained. Feeling dissatisfied, the big and darling started to bite the iron chain around their necks.

After biting for a long time and seeing that they couldn't bite, they gave up and continued to explore this new and wonderful world for them.

After breakfast, Ling Chuan was ready to go out for business.

"Momo, I'm going out first, and I'll buy the materials for building a dog house later."

Yunmo reminded: "Don't buy wooden ones."

Although Ling Chuan was a little strange, he still agreed without asking any further questions.

At noon, Ling Chuan came back, bringing steel wire mesh and a few pieces of wood with him.

After putting things away, Ling Chuan couldn't wait to tell Yunmo his idea, "Momo, I thought about it, use steel wire mesh to make an iron cage for the big boy and the second boy, and then build a wooden wall outside.

It is cold in winter, and the wooden boards can be put down to block the wind. In summer, the wooden boards can be propped up, which can not only shade but also ventilate. "

Yun Mo is very satisfied with this idea, "That's right, let's make it like this."

After lunch, Ling Chuan took Zhou Xiaowei to start building the kennel.

The kennel is built next to the sand pit, which is convenient for dogs to excrete in the future.

The ground is first covered with a layer of bricks, and then a layer of wood and straw, so as to prevent moisture and keep warm.

The foundation was laid and the house began to be built.

Fix the four corners with iron pipes with four fingers, then surround the iron pipes with steel wires, then make wooden boards into movable wallboards that can be supported or put down, and two asbestos tiles are used to build a house on the top Top, the simple dog house is set up.

The eldest and the second guarantor didn't know whether they were dissatisfied with their new home or too satisfied. As soon as they entered, they waved their paws and planed desperately, causing the straw to fly everywhere.

After planing for a while, maybe they were tired of planing. The two little guys held the iron net and bit their teeth again, making a "beep" sound in their throats, showing a posture of not giving up until the new home was demolished.

Yunmo watched from the side angrily and funny.

It's Monday again in a blink of an eye.

As soon as Yunmo entered the classroom, she found many people gathered around the blackboard. After a closer look, it turned out that the results of the midterm exam had been ranked.


As soon as she saw her, Yang Huiying couldn't wait to come over and tell her the result, "You scored 633 in the test this time, ranking 11th in the class and 17th in the grade."

The score is about the same as what Yunmo estimated, but the ranking is a bit lower. She originally wanted to keep the same as the top 10 in the grade.

It was just a mid-term exam, and Yunmo didn't feel too worried about it.

She subconsciously cared about Yang Huiying, "How did you do in the exam?"

Yang Huiying sighed, "As always, she is as stable as an old dog."

Yunmo was amused, "Stability is also pretty good, it's better than falling."

"But I want to improve, even if it's just a small step."

Yunmo patted the other person on the shoulder comfortingly, "Come on, there are still two months until the end of the semester, there is a chance."

"hope so."

Others didn't know that Yunmo only scored 633 points in the test because she deliberately preserved her strength. Seeing her score, they couldn't help discussing it quietly.

"The test paper this time is simpler than the unified test, but Yunmo's test is not as good as that of the unified test. It seems that the score of 647 in the previous test is a blind cat and a dead mouse."

"This time Fu Ruman did well in the exam, seventh in the class, several places ahead of Yunmo, does this count as revenge for being pushed out of the top eight in the city by Yunmo in the unified exam?"

Compared with Yun Mo, there are two people in the class who are more miserable, that is Yun Yao and Zhong Xiaoya.

The two took the first and last place in the class respectively.

(end of this chapter)