On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 216

Chapter 216

Chapter 216 Siheyuan adds two new members

Yunmo tasted one piece, then took an empty plate, picked up two sliced scallion pancakes, paired them with chopsticks, and gently placed them in front of Xie Xia.

After putting down the cake, Yunmo left.

But not long after she left, Xie Xia stopped the pen in her hand, looked up at the hot green onion cake for a few seconds, and reached out to pick up the chopsticks.

When Yunmo came to the yard after breakfast, she was slightly surprised to see that the plate in front of Xie Xia was empty.

She served Xie Xia the scallion pancake just out of courtesy, and she didn't expect Xie Xia to really eat it.

"The pancakes are fried well, did your husband make them?"

Sensing her gaze, Xie Xia turned her head to look at her, her lips were slightly oily because of the sliced scallion pancake.

"Well, Miss Xia, wait a minute, I'll get you some tissues."

Wiping the paper towel handed by Yunmo, Xie Xia said again: "Your husband's skills, it's no problem to find a restaurant to be a pastry chef. If necessary, I can help."

Do you still remember Yunyao saying that Ling Chuan was unemployed?

Yunmo felt warm and touched in her heart, "Thank you sister Xia, Ling Chuan is now in the wholesale business of small accessories, and I will definitely not be polite to you if I need you in the future."

Hearing that Ling Chuan had something to do, Xie Xia stopped talking.

Xie Xia has a cold personality, and the two of them are not close to each other strictly speaking. Yun Mo didn't know whether to meet each other and chat with each other for a while, or leave without disturbing each other's study.

Amidst the embarrassment, Zeng Fang's voice came from outside.


Zeng Fang ran into the courtyard in a hurry, and when she saw Xie Xia sitting in front of the stone table, she couldn't help being stunned.

Yun Mo introduced the two with a smile, and then asked Zeng Fang, "Have you had breakfast?"

"Eat, but not full."

Yunmo was funny, "There is green onion pancake left in the pot for you, should I get it or do you go by yourself?"

Hearing that there are scallion pancakes, Zeng Fang's eyes lit up immediately, "I don't bother you, I'll go by myself!"

After Zeng Fang got into the kitchen, Xie Xia's voice came from behind, "You have a good relationship with Miss Zeng's family."

"Our personalities and hobbies are quite congenial in all aspects, and we have a lot of contacts in normal times."

Xie Xia looked at her with her chin propped up, with a thoughtful expression, "Yunmo, in fact, you are very different from what I know."

Yun Mo smiled slightly, "Then what should sister Xia know about me?"

"Anyway, it's not a good thing, you don't want to hear it. I didn't try to understand it. It's just that people can always talk about it from time to time. In fact, I met you a few years ago. At that time, I felt, um, you are like a Only flowers and butterflies."

"Everyone has periods of rebellion and self-willedness. They were ignorant and didn't know the heights of heaven and earth."

Xie Xia raised her eyebrows, "You and Yunyao were wrongly hugged, so have you found your biological parents?"

"I did, I went to see them during the summer vacation..."

While chatting, Zeng Fang came out of the kitchen carrying a large plate of fragrant yellow green onion pancakes.

Because it has been baked in the pan for a period of time, the scallion cake is relatively crisp, and it makes a "chacha" sound when you bite it down.

Looking at the scallion pancake in Zeng Fang's hand, Xie Xia narrowed her eyes.

It's also a door-to-door guest, why does she only have two small pieces on this plate?

Seeing Yunmo and Xie Xia looking at her, Zeng Fang said casually, "Do you want to eat?"

Yunmo: "No, I just had enough."

Xie Xia: "I want to eat."

Seeing Yunmo looking at her, Xie Xia explained calmly: "Doing the questions burns up calories quickly, so I'm a little hungry."

A large plate of scallion pancakes, actually Yunmo planned to take them out, as a snack to fill his stomach when he was hungry, but the two finished it before he went out.

It's going to be November soon, and the weather is much cooler, but when we got to the place, Ling Chuan took out the tarpaulin and built a simple awning that can block the sun, and then he and Zhou Xiaowei took off their shoes and went into the water to touch crabs and river prawns .

Crabs usually hide in the crevices of the rocks. In addition, this place is relatively remote. Usually, few people come here, and they reproduce very much. Basically, there are under every rock.

However, crabs that are too small have no meat, so Ling Chuan only catches those crabs that are more than one or two.

The river prawns were in the aquatic plants on both sides of the ditch. Zhou Xiaowei took a net bag and went all the way. Dabai Erbai happily followed behind him, constantly burying his head in the water, catching dried shrimps and small fish to eat.

The flood season has passed, and the water level of the small river ditch is very shallow, and the deep part can reach knee level.

Because there is no industrial and environmental pollution, the river water is crystal clear, and occasionally some small fish schools can be seen swimming.

Sitting is also boring, Zeng Fang is a little eager to try, "Momo, let's go into the water to catch crabs too."


Then the three of them also took off their shoes, and helped each other slowly descend into the ditch.

When she came to the middle of the river bed, Zeng Fang carefully moved a stone the size of a bowl, and saw two crabs that were bigger than her thumb running around, she immediately shouted excitedly, "Hurry up, catch them, don't let them escape !"

Xie Xia: "Too small, no meat."

"Ah, it seems a little small, it's okay, I'll find another one."

Seeing that the two were touching with great interest, Yunmo smiled, turned around and walked towards Ling Chuan's position.

Ling Chuan threw the crab he had just caught into the iron bucket, and when he looked up and saw his daughter-in-law approaching him, he quickly stepped forward and stretched out his arms towards her.

"Momo, hold me up and be careful not to fall."

Although the water level is not deep, there are stones of different sizes everywhere. If you accidentally slip and fall, you will definitely bump into them.

With the help of a man, Yunmo sat on a big rock out of the water, paddled with her snow-white feet while watching the man touch the crabs, and enjoyed the surrounding scenery by the way, not to mention how comfortable and refreshing she was.

It was noon in a blink of an eye, and everyone picked up vegetables on the spot. The small shrimps and fish were deep-fried until crispy, the larger river prawns were poured with water, and half of the crabs were steamed and half were used to make porridge.

Wild small fish, shrimps and crabs have little meat, but they taste delicious and sweet enough.

After eating and drinking enough, everyone sat under the tent to rest and chat.

"I want to raise a dog, do you know where I can buy good-looking puppies?"

Hearing that Yunmo wanted to raise a dog, Zeng Fang hurriedly asked, "Momo, what kind of dog do you want?"

"The older ones, the ones that can take care of the nursing home."

Hearing her words, Ling Chuan was a little silent.

Because he knew that the purpose of his wife raising a dog must be to prevent his sister-in-law Li Li from coming to make trouble again.

"My dog gave birth to a few puppies a while ago. If you want, I will catch two for you when I go back."

Hearing Xie Xia's words, Yunmo nodded quickly, "Okay."

It was late, Xie Xia kept her word and asked someone to bring her two puppies.

But when Yunmo opened the carton and saw two husky puppies inside, she immediately regretted it.

Is it too late for her to return the product now?

As if feeling her disgust, the two puppies jumped out of the cardboard box with a "wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow" , ran in the yard as if having fun, one of them even ran to the pond, and the big white dog in the pond Stare small.

"Wow woof!"

Who are you?

"Quack quack!"

Your dad.




Silly Bi.

Watching the scene of dogs barking and geese barking, Yunmo rubbed her forehead, almost predicting how "lively" this home will be in the future.

(end of this chapter)