On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 184

Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Li Li Looking for Wei Qiaolan

Ling Jiang yelled at Li Li angrily, "What are you doing!?"

Li Li yelled back, "I just asked what you want to do. If it's a big deal, you have to buy this or that. Are you burning too much money?"

"Didn't you hear what the doctor said, Chunhua is underdeveloped, and if he dies now, he will have serious problems with his body."

"What dysplasia, I couldn't even eat the bark when I was a child, and I still grew up alive and kicking, what's wrong?"

Ling Jiang didn't want to argue with his wife, "Give me the money."

Li Li put her hands behind her back, sternly refusing to take out the money.

"Bring it!"

Seeing that her husband got angry, Li Li was so angry that she threw the money on the ground.

Ling Jiang bent down and picked up the money one by one, sorted them out, and handed them to the doctor politely.

"Doctor, sorry for your inconvenience."

The doctor seemed to be used to trivial scenes, so he took the money without any surprise, prepared the medicine for Ling Chunhua, and explained the precautions for Ling Jiang to take the medicine one by one.

According to the doctor's advice, Ling Chunhua needs to take care of her wound at home for a few days, and she can't go to kindergarten to prevent the wound from being touched or infected by sweating.

Back home, Ling Jiang fed Ling Chunhua medicine according to the doctor's advice, and put her to sleep before closing the door and going out.

Li Li stood in the yard, obviously still angry about spending money, and yelled at him when he came out.

"What's the use of spending so much money on her? She's not a loser. When she grows up, she will marry into someone else's family as a cow and a horse. It's for nothing. With this money, you might as well buy some food and clothing for Jiale Yes, when you get old, you can still have hope. I have never seen a man who is more stupid than you, leaving his son alone and treating a loser as a treasure!"

Listening to his daughter-in-law's harsh words, Ling Jiang felt disgusted for the first time.

He couldn't figure it out, animals know how to protect their calves, how could there be such a mother who doesn't love her daughter in this world.

He looked at his daughter-in-law with great disappointment and chills, "Keep your voice down, Chunhua just fell asleep."

Li Li was so angry that her stomach was full. "You can get used to it. If you get used to a big lady, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later when you get married."

Ling Jiang couldn't bear it anymore, and said in a low voice: "Li Li, our Ling family is different from your Li family. The children of our Ling family, whether son or daughter, are treasures. I love your family, I will love Chunhua!"

"Okay, Lao Ling, you said this yourself, I don't care about Chunhua from now on!"

"Yes, as I said, you don't have to deal with Chunhua's affairs in the future."

After finishing speaking, Ling Jiang went to push his bicycle, ready to go out to do business, but was stopped by Li Li.

"Don't go yet, give me twenty yuan."

Ling Jiang frowned at her, "What are you doing with so much money?"

Li Lili said bluntly: "What do you care about me, Chunhua is your daughter, isn't Jiale your son? You spent fifteen yuan for Chunhua without blinking, what's wrong with me spending twenty for Jiale? You It's the man of this family, isn't it only right and proper to make money for his wife and son?

"I have no money."

"You liar, just now I saw you have money in your pocket at the clinic, bring it here!"

After speaking, he reached out to touch Ling Jiang's pocket.

Ling Jiang pushed her away, Li Li blocked the door unwillingly, and grabbed the faucet of the bicycle with one hand to prevent Ling Jiang from going out.

"If you don't take out the money today, don't even think about getting out of this door!"

Looking at Li Li who was messing around endlessly, Ling Jiang was so angry that his chest hurt.

In order not to disturb his daughter Ling Chunhua, he suppressed his anger and went back to the main room, and took out his notebook for counting.

"I have recorded all my transactions during this period in this book. I sold a total of 325 items and made a net profit of 52 yuan."

Hearing that her husband earned 52 yuan in less than half a month, Li Li's eyes lit up.

But the next words seemed to be a cold water, "Yesterday, my mother came over and made a fuss, and injured Boss Wei. The medical expenses and the expenses of coming to the door to apologize, a total of 70, I have worked so hard. One month is not enough for my mother to make a fuss.

You are my daughter-in-law and the mother of the child. I should make money for you to spend, but this money has been spent by my mother, and I have no money. "

Hearing that her husband had spent the money, Li Li was so anxious that her eyes almost popped out, "Who are you fooling, why did you pay so much for fireworks! 70 yuan is two months' wages!"

Regarding the money spent on buying gifts last night, Ling Jiang was also quite distressed, but there was nothing he could do about it. Wei Qiaolan was a small boss. He had seen too many good things, and the gifts seemed insincere if they were too light.

"Believe it or not, Li Li, you and your natal family can work hard, and if this family is destroyed, you will be satisfied!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Jiang put away his notebook and went out angrily, Li Li didn't dare to stop him.

No matter how ignorant she is, she will not stop her husband from going out to earn money.

Not long after Ling Jiang went out, Li Dajun came to Ling's house.

As soon as he arrived, he asked Li Li to find a way to save Zhu Hongping with a frowning face. "The police station said that they will release him only if Boss Wei withdraws the lawsuit. Li, you have an idea."

"What idea can I make? Mom really does. It's okay to play tricks in the village, but I don't restrain myself in the city. I thought that the people in this city are as easy to bully as the people in Lijia Village. Now I've kicked the iron plate. I What can a woman with no money and no skills do!"

Li Li is now full of complaints about Zhu Hongping, the mother-in-law. The husband made some money with great difficulty, and his mother made it all up.

Li Dajun said: "The people from the police station pointed me to a clear path, saying that we should come to Boss Wei for reconciliation."

Li Li didn't say a word.

The reconciliation is not a reconciliation by lip service, it needs to be paid for in real money, and the family can't afford the money now.

No, Ling Jiang bought something last night and apologized to that surname Wei.

The gift of 70 yuan cannot be given away for nothing!

After inquiring, Li Li and Li Dajun quickly found Wei Qiaolan's shop.

"If you need to buy something, just look around."

Wei Qiaolan didn't know Li Li. Seeing Li Li looking around as soon as she entered the store, she thought she was here for shopping, and greeted her warmly.

After seeing the store, Li Li looked Wei Qiaolan up and down.

Wei Qiaolan was wearing a western-style long skirt with hips, with light makeup on her face, and her entire body exuded the delicacy and charm of a city woman. Even with injuries on her face and neck, it didn't affect her beauty in the slightest.

Li Li felt jealous, and her tone was sour, "Are you Boss Wei?"

"I am, what do you want?"

Li Li cleared her throat, "I am Ling Jiang's wife, and I came here specially to find you today."

Knowing Li Li's identity and purpose of coming, the smile on Wei Qiaolan's face disappeared.

"I'm inconvenient now, if you have anything to do, come to my house to talk about it tonight."

Li Li curled her lips, "What's the inconvenience? You don't have a single customer in this deserted store. A few words can waste your time."

Seeing Wei Qiaolan's ugly face, Li Li immediately said again: "Okay, let me make a long story short, it was my mother's fault for hurting you, but you accepted the gift from my old Ling last night, so let's settle this matter, what are you going to do?" Time to go to the police station to withdraw the case?"

Good night~

(end of this chapter)