On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 183

Chapter 183

Chapter 183 Husband and wife quarreled, Ling Chunhua was injured

Ling Chunhua was unprepared, the bun in her hand flew to the ground, bounced a few times and rolled to the corner of the wall.

"Damn girl, can't keep your mouth shut, can't you? Why did I tell you, tell you not to tell your dad about this, can't you remember what people say?"

Ling Chunhua covered her face with tears in her eyes. Although she was wronged and sad in her heart, she still apologized sensiblely, "Mom, I was wrong, I will not dare in the future."

Li Li was still not relieved, she dragged Ling Chunhua to the yard and kicked Ling Chunhua's leg.

The 6-year-old child couldn't stand the strength of the adults, and knelt down to the ground as soon as his knees bent and plopped.

Li Li poked Ling Chunhua's head fiercely, and Ling Chunhua's small body swayed from side to side like a tumbler.

"Kneel down here for me. I didn't ask you to get up. If you dare to get up, I will break your legs!"

After beating and scolding, Li Li went back to the main room and continued to eat breakfast.

Ling Jiale gloated and ran to the yard, clapping her hands around Ling Chunhua who couldn't help wiping her tears, "Sister is crying, shame on you!"

Ling Jiang rode to the entrance of the alley only to find that he had forgotten the counting book, so he went back home to get it.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw his daughter Ling Chunhua kneeling in the yard, and his son jumping up and down beside him, and his face immediately darkened.

When he saw the red fingerprints on his daughter's face, Ling Jiang felt like a fire was burning in his heart.

"Chunhua, get up."

Looking at her father who seemed to have fallen from the sky, Ling Chunhua was both surprised and happy, tears streaming down her eyes.


Ling Jiang pulled his daughter up, bent down and patted the dust on her knees, and said gently: "Hey, go back to your room and get your schoolbag, Dad will take you to kindergarten."

Ling Chunhua pursed her mouth and said nothing, her big eyes full of tears looked towards the main room, fear and uneasiness appeared on her face.

Seeing her husband coming back, Li Li hurried out of the main room.

Seeing her husband looking at her with a dark face, she felt a little guilty, "Why are you back again?"

Ling Jiang stood up and pointed at the slap marks on her daughter's face, "Chunhua, what did she do wrong, why did you hit her? She is such a small child, if she has something to say, you have to make her kneel on the ground , if I don't come back, how long are you going to make her kneel?"

Facing her husband's accusation, Li Li also became angry, What's wrong with me disciplining the child? I can't discipline the daughter I gave birth to myself anymore?

"Chunhua was born by you, but she is also my daughter! You can discipline her, but you just can't do anything to her!"

"Ling Jiang, don't pretend to be a good person here. Go out and ask, whose child hasn't been beaten since childhood. Do you think you gave birth to a princess with golden branches and jade leaves, and you can't touch it?"

"I don't care about the affairs of other people's families, but mine can't do it anyway! If you do anything to Chunhua again, I..."

Ling Jiang couldn't say harsh words, so he could only change his words: "Go back to your mother's house."

Hearing that her husband wanted to drive her away because of her daughter, how could Li Li bear it.

"Okay, the surname Ling, you still don't want to get along with me after talking about it, and you use Chunhua as a raft, tell me honestly, is there someone outside, is it the one surnamed Wei yesterday! You don't want to use it today To be clear, I'm not done with you."

Li Li was still yelling and still not relieved, she even rushed to beat and kick Ling Jiang with her hands and feet.

Although Ling Jiang was angry, he couldn't do anything to fight back against his wife, so he could only raise his hands and hide behind.

"Mom, don't hit Dad..."

Ling Chunhua saw her father being beaten, and ran up anxiously to help, but was pushed away by the angry Li Li.

"Get out!"

Ling Chunhua staggered and fell backwards, her head hit the flower bed with a muffled sound.

"It hurts, Dad..."

Seeing Ling Chunhua fall, the couple were taken aback.

Ling Jiang quickly picked up his daughter, and touched her head with her hand, it was sticky, and her hand was covered with blood.

Ling Jiang's face turned pale with fright, "Chunhua, it's okay, it doesn't hurt, Dad will take you to the hospital."

Looking at her husband rushing out of the house with her daughter in his arms, Li Li regained her composure, took the key, picked up her son and hurriedly followed.

In the health center, the doctor quickly stopped the bleeding for Ling Chunhua, and said while checking, "Fortunately, the skull was not injured, but the wound is a bit long and needs a few stitches."

"Okay, let's sew!" Ling Jiang nodded without hesitation.

Children are afraid of injections, let alone stitches.

Ling Chunhua raised her small face with tears in her eyes, and tightly pinched the corner of Ling Jiang's clothes with her small hands, "Dad..."

Aware of her daughter's fear and uneasiness, Ling Jiang hurriedly comforted her patiently: "Chunhua, don't be afraid, the wound will heal after stitches."

The doctor is quite experienced in this area, and he also coaxed with a smile: "Don't be afraid, little girl, uncle will give you anesthesia to ensure that you won't feel any pain at all."

Hearing this, Ling Chunhua was obedient and no longer resisted or struggled, but her trembling little body still betrayed her true emotions.

Although Ling Jiang felt distressed, he had no choice but to hold his daughter's thin body tightly to give her daughter comfort and strength.

Looking at the thin hook piercing her daughter's white and tender scalp, Ling Jiang turned his head and wiped his eyes.

Looking at her husband, Li Li secretly cursed to no avail, and then took her son outside, lest the scene of stitches scare her son.

The wound was sutured quickly, and then covered with a thick layer of gauze, Ling Chunhua's small head seemed to be completely enlarged.

The doctor carefully explained the time and precautions for changing the dressing, then pinched Ling Chunhua's wrist and shoulder bones, and asked Ling Jiang casually: "How old is your daughter?"

"It's 6 years old, it will be in June, and it's time to start elementary school next fall."

The doctor carefully observed Ling Chunhua's teeth and hair, and took out a tape measure to measure her height, and said to Ling Jiang: "Your daughter is moderately stunted, and the condition is already a little serious. If it doesn't improve, it will have great harm to her body in the future. Impact."

Hearing this, Ling Jiang's face changed, "Then doctor, is there any cure for this?"

The doctor pondered for a moment, "I can prescribe some calcium tablets and nootropic syrup, and eat it first. If possible, give the child more eggs and milk."

Ling Jiang nodded again and again, "Thank you doctor, do the math, how much will the medical expenses plus the two medicines you just mentioned cost?"

The doctor did the math with a pen and quoted a price, "Fifteen seven."

Ling Jiang heaved a sigh of relief. He still had around 30 yuan on him, enough to pay for the medicine.

"Okay, doctor, just prescribe the medicine as you said..."

"Why prescribe it! We don't want such an expensive medicine!"

Before Ling Jiang finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Li who came in from the door.

But he ignored Li Li, took out the money on his body, counted fifteen seven and put it on the doctor's desk.

Seeing that her husband didn't listen to her, Li Li grabbed the money anxiously.

(end of this chapter)