On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 A good strategy to kill two birds with one stone!

Maybe it was because she was too tired from the train ride all day, and soon after she had a full meal, Mrs. Zhou lay down and fell asleep, even snoring rhythmically.

Yunmo sleeps a lot during the day, so she will not feel sleepy, and she will enjoy reading with a book of stories.

In this era without mobile phone network, story magazines are undoubtedly the best pastime.

Yunyao waited and waited, but she didn't see Yunmo lying down, instead she dozed off a little, and she couldn't help but secretly worried.

"Xiaomo, it's so late, are you still sleepy?"

Yunmo just wanted to go back without being sleepy, but the moment she opened her mouth, she suddenly realized something, and quickly stretched out her hand and yawned.

"You don't feel it until you say it. I'm really sleepy when you say it. Oh, I'm asleep."

Yun Yao immediately said: "I'm asleep too."

Time passed minute by minute, and when Yunmo closed her eyes and was about to count a thousand sheep, Yunyao on the opposite side finally made a movement.

"Xiao Mo? Xiao Mo?"

Shouted twice in succession, seeing that Yunmo didn't respond, Yunyao sat up from the bed.

Maybe because she got up too hastily, a burst of dizziness hit, and Yun Yao almost fell back.

She rubbed her forehead in a hurry, took two sips of the unfinished peach juice on the small table, woke up, and then put on her shoes and left the carriage.

Hearing the sound of the carriage door being closed, Yunmo immediately opened her eyes.

She got up and pushed Mrs. Zhou who was snoring like thunder.

After finding out that Mrs. Zhou couldn't wake up no matter what, she looked at the unfinished peach juice on the small table, and had a vague guess in her heart.

What is the purpose? Could it be that he wanted to sell her while she was asleep?

Yunmo would never have imagined that she really guessed right.

When she learned that Yunmo wanted to go back to her hometown in Anshi, but she couldn't stop it, Yunyao came up with such a poisonous plan.

Using the memories of her previous life, Yunyao secretly contacted a human trafficker who specialized in trafficking in women, and decided to take Yunmo off the train in the middle of the night after she fell asleep, and trafficked her to a mountainous area.

She claimed that it was Yunmo who put medicine in the food, stole money from her and Mrs. Zhou, and ran away.

I have to say that this is a good strategy that kills two birds with one stone!

In order to make the plan go smoothly, Yun Yao put a large amount of sleeping pills in the peach juice of Yun Mo and Mrs. Zhou in advance.

Sister-in-law Zhou is an ignorant poor person. She drank peach juice for the first time and drank the whole bottle to the last drop, which is why she fell asleep unconsciously.

Although Yunyao herself drank peach juice with sleeping pills under Yunmo's subordination, but because she drank less, the effect of the medicine has not yet fully taken effect.

Yunyao resisted her increasingly drowsy consciousness, and came to the aisle connected to the soft sleeper car, and spoke to a middle-aged woman who had been waiting there.

"She sleeps in the lower bunk No. 7, remember?"

Xie Caixia patted her chest and repeatedly assured, "Don't worry, you can't go wrong, it's the lower bunk on the 7th. Well, the hard work we agreed in advance..."

"She has a thousand yuan and a gold bracelet on her. As long as she falls into your hands, everything on her will belong to you."

When Xie Caixia heard this, her eyes lit up.

She can get people and money at the same time, she is a good girl, this time she is going to give it away!

Yun Yao returned to the carriage, looked at Yun Mo who was sleeping soundly on the bed, a gloomy light flashed across her eyes.

She prevented Yunmo from going back to her hometown in Anshi. Apart from not wanting her stolen money to be leaked, there was another more important reason, that is, she didn't want Yunmo to find her biological father.

In her previous life, five years after she accidentally killed her domestic violence husband and was sentenced to prison, a well-dressed middle-aged man came to her and took away her hair and saliva samples, saying Is to do what to identify.

After that, she never saw that man again.

It was not until several years after she was released from prison that the Yun family finally found her, and she was already terminally ill at that time.

She didn't know who Yun Mo's biological father was. She only vaguely learned from Yun's family's discussion before she died that Yun Mo's biological father was a big shot in Jiang City.

All the misfortunes and sufferings in her previous life were caused by changing identities with Yunmo. If she is lucky enough to come back to this life again, she will never let Yunmo have a good life!

With the onset of the effect of the medicine, Yun Yao soon lay down on her bed and fell into a dim sleep, not even awakened by Yun Mo moving her.

Although I don't know what kind of ghost Yunyao was secretly planning, but Yunmo cleverly swapped the beds between herself and Yunyao, and even found a piece of clothes of the same color as herself from Yunyao's luggage to change into for Yunyao , and she changed into a skirt similar to Yunyao's before.

In the middle of the night, just as Yunmo was falling asleep, there was a movement in the carriage door.

She immediately took out the electric shock baton in the space, held it tightly in her hand, and at the same time closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

At this time, the lights on the train have been turned off, and the inside of the carriage is pitch black.

Xie Caixia carefully turned on the flashlight, and after confirming the bed number, she winked at the man behind her.

The man came to bed No. 7 knowingly with a big sack, bound Yun Yao's hands and feet on the bed, gagged her mouth, stuffed the whole thing into the sack and carried it away.

Xie Caixia did not leave in a hurry, but looked around on the bed with a flashlight.

After searching for a long time, but couldn't find the money and gold bracelet that Yunyao said, Xie Caixia turned around and touched Yunmo in the lower berth of No. 8.

Yunmo didn't know what the other party was going to do, so she raised the electric shock baton in her hand carefully.


At this moment, Mrs. Zhou, who was sleeping on Yunmo's upper bunk, uttered a few ravings, which startled both Yunmo and Xie Caixia.

Worried that Mrs. Zhou would wake up, Xie Caixia didn't dare to stay any longer and left.

Hearing the sound of the carriage door being closed, Yunmo couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and at the same time, she found that the train had stopped.

Looking out through the car window, I found that I arrived at a site called Tongshan.

This is a small station in a remote area, and there are not many tourists going down the mountain. Among them, a middle-aged man and woman attracted Yunmo's attention.

The two of them were dressed plainly, and they looked like migrant workers from the countryside. Most importantly, the middle-aged man was carrying two sacks on his shoulders.

Based on intuition, one of the sacks contained Yunyao.

Looking at the backs of the middle-aged man and woman walking away, Yunmo finally understood Yunyao's plan.

Really intend to sell her.

After the train started again, Yunmo returned to her bed and changed back into the clothes she was wearing before.

But she didn't dare to sleep again, and waited until the sky was bright before she dared to close her eyes.

"Miss Yunmo, Miss Yunmo?"

Slept soundly, Yunmo was woken up by Mrs. Zhou, opened her eyes and saw Mrs. Zhou's anxious face, Yunmo's heart was like a mirror, but she pretended not to understand.

"Miss Yunmo, have you seen Missy?"

Yunmo shook her head blankly, "What happened?"

"Miss is missing! I searched the entire carriage but couldn't find her!"

Yun Mo rubbed her eyes and sat up on the bed, "Have you looked for the toilet?"

"I've found them all!"

Sister-in-law Zhou was so anxious that she was about to cry. Before going out, Yunmu asked her to take care of her daughter Yunyao, but she lost her in the middle of the journey. When she went back, the Yun family had to skin her!

(end of this chapter)