On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 If you don't agree to separate the family, we will divorce

When Yunmo silently recited the 250th "Bastard Lingchuan", the phone at hand finally rang.

"looking for me?"

Hearing the familiar Leng Kuang voice of the man on the other end of the phone, Yun Mo couldn't hold back her suppressed anger for no reason.

"Didn't you agree on 12 o'clock, it's almost 12:30 now, do you have a sense of time?"

"You called on purpose just to talk nonsense?"

Yunmo gasped: "..."

Actually said she was talking nonsense, good man, you managed to get my attention!

"No, I have something very important to tell you!"


"I want to separate."


"I can't get along with my sister-in-law, and my habits are different. Living together under the same roof will only increase the contradiction."

"Did you quarrel?"

Thinking of the confrontation between her and Li Li in the past few days, Yun Mo nodded, "That's right."

"The eldest sister-in-law is like a mother, you should respect the elder sister-in-law more in the future, and don't mention the separation of the family in the future."

Yunmo's eyes widened, "What do you mean?"

"It means that it is impossible to separate the family. In the future, if you have nothing to do, make fewer calls and waste money."

Yun Mo gritted her teeth angrily, "Ling Chuan, if you don't agree to separate the family, then we will divorce."

Hearing her threat, Ling Chuan on the other end of the phone just sneered lightly, "You can get a divorce if you want, as long as you can convince the Yun family, I have no objection."

After speaking, he hung up the phone without giving her a chance to speak.

When Yunmo called again, she was told by the owner of the grocery store that the Lingchuan people had left.


The Ling family is really virtuous, and each one is more evasive than the other.

No matter, she will go back to her hometown first.

"Chuanzi, what did your siblings tell you?" As soon as Ling Chuan returned to the work shed, Ling Jiang stopped him and asked.

Looking at his eldest brother's face full of interest, Ling Chuan suppressed the emotions in his heart, "I didn't say anything, just ask us what to go back."

Ling Jiang smiled, "My brother and sister must miss you!"

Ling Chuan silently twitched the corners of his mouth.

miss him? It's almost as if I want to divorce him! Even use the branch as a raft.

This woman, whoever said she was stupid, is obviously very cunning!

Early the next morning, Yunmo packed a simple bag, closed the door of the room, and took a taxi directly to the train station.

Soft sleepers are separate small compartments with four berths in each compartment.

Yunmo and Yunyao each occupied a lower berth, and lived in Yunyao's upper berth with the same nanny.

As soon as the train started, Yunmo lay down and began to sleep. She woke up too early in the morning, and her mind is still confused.

Yunyao sat on her bed reading a book, the nanny stayed quietly on her upper berth, and the other upper berth was empty.

We spent half a day in peace all the way.

After Yunmo woke up, she leaned over and looked out the window, and unexpectedly found that the scenery was good, so she sat up and admired it with relish.

"Xiaomo, it's almost time for lunch, let's go to the dining car." After a while, Yun Yao closed the book and said to her.

Yunmo glanced at the other party, "No need, you go, I'm not hungry."

Yun Yao didn't force herself, and took the nanny out.

As soon as Yunyao left, Yunmo stretched in a relaxed way, then took out the prepared food from the space, and drank the tea made with Lingquan water while eating.

Not long after eating and drinking, Yun Yao also came back, and "kindly" brought her a meal.

Yun Mo took the food and put it aside, and asked Yun Yao about her biological family.

Yun Yao spoke very vaguely, giving Yunmo the feeling that she didn't want her to know the information about her biological family.

While puzzled, Yunmo became alert.

She always felt that Yunyao seemed to be planning something along the way.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening.

After laying down for a whole day, her bones were sore. After going to the bathroom, Yunmo didn't rush back to the carriage, but stood on the aisle doing stretching exercises, and enjoyed the beautiful sunset by the way.

When I returned to the carriage, I found that a sumptuous dinner had already been set on the small table.

There are shredded beef with onions, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, and a tomato scrambled egg.

"Xiao Mo, you are back, let's eat."

Seeing Yunmo looking at the food, Yun Yao smiled and said: "You didn't eat lunch, so I bought two more dishes that you like."

Seeing Yunmo looking at her coldly and not saying a word, Yun Yao turned her head and signaled the nanny to go out.

After the nanny left, Yun Yao suddenly became serious.

"Yunmo, I have something to ask you for help, as long as you agree, I will give you all of these."

Seeing Yun Yao handing her a thick stack of cash, Yun Mo raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Yunmo deliberately showed a greedy and joyful expression, "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Yun Yao rarely showed a bit of shame and discomfort, "I want you to hide one thing for me. I ran away from home secretly, but I didn't have the money to buy the ticket back, so I just stole it. The money at home..."

Yun Yao wiped away tears, "Xiao Mo, as long as you don't tell your parents about this, the thousand dollars will be yours."

Yunmo took the bills and flipped through them. They were all brand new 10 yuan bills, as if they were taken out of the bank on purpose.

"I don't say it, but it doesn't mean that the Huang family won't say it either. Can you buy them off one by one?"

Yun Yao immediately said: "I will beg their forgiveness."

"I'll think about it."

Seeing that Yun Mo was obviously tempted, Yun Yao continued: "Xiao Mo, as long as you promise to keep it secret, I will help you plead with Dad when I go back and arrange a decent and easy job for you, okay? "

Yunmo's heart moved, "Forget about work, and I don't want money. I want to divorce Ling Chuan. If you can help me convince the Yun family to agree, then I will help you keep the secret."

"Alright, Xiaomo, I'll help you when I get back."

After finishing speaking, Yun Yao enthusiastically stood up and pulled her to sit down, "Xiao Mo, let's eat first, the food won't taste good when it's cold."


Yun Mo was ignorant on the surface, but secretly vigilant in her heart, waiting for Yun Yao to pick up every dish before moving her chopsticks.

After taking a few mouthfuls, Yun Yao suddenly put down her chopsticks, "I'm a little thirsty, I'll go buy something to drink, Xiao Mo, what do you want to drink?"

Yunmo originally wanted to say no, but changed her mind.

"I drink the same as you."

"it is good."

After Yunyao went out, Yunmo immediately filled up some spiritual spring water and drank it.

Lingquan water can detoxify all kinds of poisons, no matter whether there is any tampering in the meal, it is always good to be prepared.

Yunyao came back soon, along with the nanny, who held three bottles of peach juice in her hand, the bottles had already been opened, and there were white straws inserted in them.

"Xiaomo, we can't finish this dish anyway, let Mrs. Zhou eat with us."

"Okay, anyway, it's your treat."

Sister-in-law Zhou thanked Yunyao flattered, looking at Yunyao with gratitude.

"Ah, what a big mouse!"

The three of them just sat down and were about to start eating, when Yunmo suddenly pointed at Yunyao's bed and yelled.

Taking advantage of the time when the nanny and Yunyao looked back at the bed, Yunmo swiftly swapped her own peach juice with Yunyao's.

"Where, there are no mice here?"

"It seems to have run away, forget it, let it go, eat, I'm starving to death."

The little fairies who read the article remember to vote, there is no vote and no motivation, beg for love

(end of this chapter)