On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 157

Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Discrimination

Xie Xia stared at her with confidence and calm eyes, "Yunmo, I hope you can go all out, don't make me feel like I'm wasting my time."

Yunmo smiled slightly, "I will do my best."

"Let's go, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the examination room first."

It can be seen from this that Xie Xia is a very gentlemanly person. Yun Mo also accepted the other party's kindness and smiled and said thank you.

Seeing that the two protagonists had shifted their positions, the others followed suit to the examination room.

Ling Chuan found a place to park his bicycle before hurriedly following.

Bai Hang and Zhang Wei intentionally fell behind by two steps, gossiping to Ling Chuan, "Handsome, can you tell me, what's your relationship with Yunmo?"

Ling Chuan glanced at the two of them, and said three words calmly, "It's not convenient."

Seeing that Ling Chuan was not easy to talk to, the two of them didn't bother, and soon chatted with other people.

Ling Chuan walked at the back, looking through the crowd to his wife, with imperceptible tenderness and pride floating on his stern face.

The examination room is an empty classroom in No. 3 Middle School. There are only two sets of desks and chairs in the huge classroom, one in front and one in back, with a distance of three meters.

It was approaching 9 o'clock, and a group of people from the Education Bureau walked into the examination room with the test papers. They saw that Yun Mo and Xie Xia had already sat down, but Sun Yi, the person in charge of the test, asked them to switch places.

Originally, Xie Xia sat in the front, and Yun Mo sat in the back. With this change, Yun Mo sat in front of Xie Xia.

Yunmo knew what she meant to the master, but she was afraid that she would peek at Xie Xia's test paper.

After changing seats, Sun Yi asked others to check their pencil cases and desks.

Of course, the emphasis is on checking Yunmo's position, even Yunmo's coat is not spared, insisting that she take it off for inspection.

To be honest, this request is a little too much, but Yunmo didn't say anything, and did it one by one.

The invigilator went through Yunmo's pockets, corners, and sleeves carefully, and returned them to her only after confirming that they were all right.

The official exam is at 9:10, and there are still two or three minutes before 10 minutes. Yun Mo and Xie Xia can only sit in their seats and wait.

The corridor outside the examination room was full of people, looking at the two people in the classroom like a monkey.

Yun Mo turned her head subconsciously, wanting to see if Zeng Fang and Ling Chuan were also in the corridor, but just as she turned her head, she saw Wen Qingsheng standing by the window, holding a camera in his hand and taking pictures of her.

Seeing her looking over, Wen Qingsheng hurriedly waved to greet her.

Yunmo smiled, raised her hand and waved lightly.

"Yunmo, don't make small moves. If you are warned this time, you will be directly disqualified from the exam next time."

Sun Yi's stern voice echoed in the examination room, even the people in the corridor could hear it clearly.

In this situation, everyone will feel embarrassed and embarrassing, and Yunmo is no exception.

But she knew very well in her heart that the other party was nothing more than deliberately targeting her, messing with her mentality, and trying to make her fail the exam.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I will pay attention."

Sun Yi looked at her coldly and remained silent, Yunmo smiled back.

In the corridor, Wen Qingsheng saw that Yunmo was being scolded by him, so he quickly stepped back a few steps, lest the people from the Education Bureau take the opportunity to make trouble again, while others whispered about what happened just now.

"Mom, the sound just now scared me to death."

"Me too, this is too strict, the exam has not officially started yet, is it necessary to go online?"

"Didn't you find out? The invigilator inspected Yunmo strictly. Xie Xia also wore a coat, but she just touched it casually, but Yunmo asked to take off her clothes."

"Tsk, treat them differently."

Listening to the discussions around him, Ling Chuan pursed his thin lips tightly, and clenched his hands hanging by his side into fists, anger, distress, and annoyance surged in his dark eyes.

Annoyed at his incompetence, watching his daughter-in-law being bullied, but he can't do anything.

Zeng Fang was also filled with righteous indignation. She pulled Wen Qingsheng and motioned for him to take a picture of Sun Yi who scolded Yunmo just now, and planned to quietly announce a complaint to her outside when she had the opportunity in the future.

Hmph, people who are not worthy of virtue, don't even think about climbing up in the future.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Sun Yi took out the test paper he brought and placed it on the podium, and asked Xie Xia to come up to draw.

The test papers were all packed in sealed file bags, and there were five copies in total. Xie Xia chose the middle one at random.

Sun Yi signaled Xie Xia to return to her seat, then tore off the seal on the document bag, took out the test papers inside, and distributed them in front of Yun Mo and Xie Xia.

Dangdang, as the exam bell rang, Sun Yi reminded in a deep voice: "You can answer the questions."

In the first Chinese exam, Yunmo quickly browsed through the question types before picking up the answers to write.

The examination room was very quiet, only the rustling sound of writing could be heard.

In the corridor outside the exam room, the students of No. 3 Middle School left one after another after watching the excitement, and soon there were less than a dozen people left.

Zeng Fang couldn't stay idle, and she was afraid that what she said would affect Yunmo inside, so she simply took out the Walkman and memorized the words.

The full score of Chinese in this era is 120, and the test time is 100 minutes.

At 10:40, the exam ended. Yunmo and Xie Xia handed in the papers, and there was a 20-minute break. The biology exam started at 11:00.

As soon as Yunmo walked out of the classroom, Ling Chuan and Zeng Fang greeted her.

"Momo, how do you feel?"

"is acceptable."

"That's good, it's okay, Momo, don't worry, you will definitely do well in the exam."

Listening to Zeng Fang's comfort, Yun Mo smiled and nodded.

Wen Qingsheng first stood in the distance and took two material photos, and then walked over, with a hint of guilt on his face, "Miss Yun, I'm sorry, I got you in trouble just now."

"It's okay, reporter Wen."

On the other side, Bai Hang and Zhang Wei also surrounded Xie Xia to ask questions.

"How do you feel? Are the questions difficult?"

"Average, a little more difficult than the unified test paper, but I guess my score will not be much different from the unified test paper."

"That's okay."

20 minutes passed in a flash, Yun Mo and Xie Xia returned to the examination room to continue the biology test.

"Zeng Fang, reporter Wen, please stay here with Momo, I'll go home and make lunch first."

"it is good.

At 12 o'clock, the exam is over.

When the three of them returned to the courtyard, Ling Chuan immediately came out of the kitchen when he heard the movement, and greeted everyone: "Momo, you are back, wash your hands and eat, there is one last dish."

"it is good."

After washing their hands, everyone entered the main room and found that four dishes and one soup had been set on the dining table. There were meat and vegetables, and the combination of nutrition made them appetite.

Looking at a table of dishes, Wen Qingsheng couldn't help admiring, "Brother Ling, this skill is pretty good."

Zeng Fang grinned, "It's not only good, it's really good, not inferior to restaurant chefs."

Yunmo is also not modest, "Ling Chuan's cooking skills are really good."

Rao is Ling Chuan's calm and introverted personality, and he is also embarrassed by everyone's compliments.

He brought the last dish to the table, "Let's eat, the dish will be cold later."

Yunmo was having a tasty lunch at home, while Sun Yi was personally marking Yunmo and Xie Xia's test papers in the office.

(end of this chapter)