On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 156

Chapter 156

Chapter 156 If you don't go, what if someone bullies me then?

In order to ensure fairness and avoid leaking the test questions, lots were drawn for this test, and five test papers were prepared for each subject, which were randomly selected on-site for answering.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the official exam.

Yunmo deliberately got up early in the morning, wanting to go for a walk to get some fresh air, but she didn't want Ling Chuan to be busy in the kitchen earlier than her.

When Yunmo came home from her stroll, a sumptuous breakfast was already set on the table.

There are eggs, eight-treasure porridge and steamed buns, as well as a few side dishes for porridge.

Yun Mo weighed a small steamed bun to eat, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was sauerkraut-flavored, mixed with foreleg meat chopped into fine moss, sour and appetizing, fat but not greasy.

"Momo, drink some porridge, so as not to be thirsty in the examination room later."

Seeing her eating buns with relish, Ling Chuan reminded in a low voice.

"Ling Chuan, your bun stuffing is really good."

Seeing that she likes her, Ling Chuan feels indescribably satisfied.

He had already discovered that his daughter-in-law likes to eat steamed stuffed buns and other pasta in the morning. During this period of time, whenever he was free, he went to get close to the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop, and sometimes did him a little favor. After so much effort, he finally I got the experience and learned the art from the owner of the bun shop.

After eating one bun, Yunmo still couldn't get enough of it. If she wasn't afraid of going to the bathroom after eating too much, she would have wanted to eat another one.

After a good meal, Ling Chuan cleaned up the dishes as quickly as possible, and then rode his bicycle to take his wife to No. 3 Middle School.

No. 3 Middle School is not far from the courtyard house. The distance between three or four street intersections is that it is not very convenient to take the tram, and it takes a long walk.

This season is neither hot nor cold, and the environment is not as bad as later generations. Sitting on a bicycle and blowing a breeze is quite pleasant.

Today is Saturday, and the school does not have classes, but there are many students on the campus of the No. 3 Middle School, all of whom came to watch this special exam.

Among them, the third grade students accounted for the majority, especially those in Class 1 of the third grade. On the one hand, they came to join in the fun, and on the other hand, they came to cheer Xie Xia on.

Someone even made small banners for Xie Xia, with words like "Sister Xia, come on" and "Sister Xia must win" written on it.

Xie Xia is one of the famous academic masters in the third middle school. From the first year of high school to the third year of high school, she has always been among the top ten in all exams. She has never fallen from the altar.

Bai Hang has a good relationship with Xie Xia, and Wuyi came to cheer her up today.

Looking at the lively atmosphere, Bai Hang joked, "Sister Xia, why don't I tell you to accompany you in the exam too, it feels a bit interesting."

Xie Xia has the same aloof personality on the outside as on the inside. She glanced at him lightly, with three points of sarcasm in her eyes, seven points of coldness.

Seemingly despising his afterthought, Bai Hang made fun of it, then turned around and asked "Tintin Cat" Ding Junming, "Didn't you say that you admire Yunmo's courage, can you compare it to her? On the day the Education Bureau talked, Why didn't you agree?"

Ding Junming adjusted his glasses, "My time is not coincidental, I have something to do tomorrow."

"What important things can't be delayed?"

"My dad is married."

Zhang Wei and Ding Junming were classmates in junior high school, and interjected curiously, "How do I remember, your dad got married once in your third year of junior high?"

Ding Junming explained calmly: "I left last year, and this year someone introduced him to a new partner, a doctor."

Ding Junming's father was the director of a state-owned factory. The director of a state-owned factory in this era is the most sought-after job and a permanent job. He is easy and decent and pays well. In the words of later generations, he is a proper diamond king.

Men can't escape the law that if they have money, they will spend their hearts. Ding Junming's parents divorced when he was just in junior high school. In the third year of junior high school, his father married a second time.

Knowing that Ding Junming liked to mention his stepmother, everyone didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Ding Junming took the initiative to say, "My stepmother works in the outpatient room of the People's Hospital. If you have any headaches in the future, you can report my name. She will treat everyone preferentially."

I thank you, this preferential treatment should be forgotten.

After parking the bicycle at the gate of No. 3 Middle School, Ling Chuan tilted the bicycle towards the ground so that his wife could get off the ground smoothly.

After she stood firmly, Ling Chuan supported the bicycle, turned his head and whispered to her: "Momo, you go in for the Anxin exam, and I'll wait for you outside."

Yun Mo said casually, "Let's go in together, there isn't even a place to sit outside, do you want to stand for a long time?"

Ling Chuan subconsciously looked towards the campus, where many students stood.

Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of those students are the future pillars of the country and the pride of heaven. He is just a poor man with no culture. He has self-knowledge and knows that there is a big gap between himself and his wife. Criticism.

"It's okay, I'll go for a stroll around the neighborhood by bike, and find out if there is a port suitable for trading. Momo, come on."

Yunmo stared at him for a moment, "If you don't go, what if someone bullies me then?"

Ling Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that there is such a possibility.

While he was in a daze, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Momo, Ling Chuan, you are already here!"

Zeng Fang greeted the two from a long distance, and ran over excitedly.

"Fangfang." Yunmo greeted her happily.

Seeing Zeng Fang, Ling Chuan heaved a sigh of relief, but felt a little lost for no reason.

With Zeng Fang by his side, the daughter-in-law should not need his company.

Yun Mo walked towards the gate of the No. 3 Middle School with Zeng Fang on her arm, and when she turned her head and saw Ling Chuan staring at the two of them in a daze, she couldn't help urging: "Let's go, what are you doing in a daze."

Ling Chuan was overjoyed and quickly followed the two of them.

But after walking two steps, he saw his wife frowning at him. He suddenly became nervous again, and finally heard his wife say: "Car! You don't want your bicycle anymore?"

Ling Chuan came to a sudden, and turned back awkwardly to push the car.

Zeng Fang was amused by Ling Chuan's haste, "Momo, your Ling Chuan is so fun, why do I feel that he is more nervous than you, a person who took the exam?"

The corners of Yunmo's mouth twitched, "Who knows about him."

As soon as the three of them entered the campus, students from No. 3 Middle School cast their gazes one after another.

"Yunmo is here."

"Who is the man behind her? He doesn't look like a student."

"Maybe it's the flower guardian brought by others."

Someone made a joke, which caused a burst of laughter.

"What's so funny, I'm not afraid to laugh my teeth out!"

Zeng Fang complained loudly on purpose, and those who were laughing stopped.

Xie Xia didn't know Yun Mo, so she went directly to Yun Mo and Zeng Fang, "Which of you is Yun Mo?"

Maybe intimidated by Xie Xia's high-cold aura that only belonged to Xueba, Zeng Fang quickly pointed to Yunmo, "She is."

Xie Xia immediately looked at Yunmo, straight to the point, "I'm Xie Xia, your companion and opponent for this exam."

Yunmo nodded politely, "Hi, I'm Yunmo, please give me your advice."

(end of this chapter)