On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 154

Chapter 154

Chapter 154 Controversy

No. 3 Middle School, Class No. 1, Senior No. 3.

Before the morning self-study class, students entered the classroom one after another, but everyone kept quiet in an orderly manner, sat in their seats and did their own things.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence.

"Hey, have you read today's Youth Daily? Nanming Yunmo's incident was all in the newspaper."

Hearing Bai Hang's words, those who bought newspapers took them out to read them one after another, and those who didn't buy them went to the students who had newspapers.

The news on the Youth Daily covers domestic and foreign news, society, education, science and technology, culture, sports, and news of general concern to young people. The style and content are very popular among young students. I bought the last copy and put it in the drawer.

But this does not include Yunyao. When she was in the countryside, she couldn't even eat enough to eat. She didn't have spare money to cultivate her hobbies of reading newspapers.

Hearing that Yunmo was in the newspaper, she immediately went to Zhong Xiaoya who had the newspaper.

When she saw the report about Yunmo in the newspaper, she was full of disdain, and even a little excited.

In her opinion, Yunmo is just a scumbag with nothing but beauty and no brains. The more troublesome things get, the more Yunmo will make a fool of herself in the end and will be criticized by everyone.

Zhong Xiaoya and Yun Yao had the same idea, and they believed that Yun Mo was a poor student, and complained dissatisfiedly: "I'm afraid this reporter has some brain problems. He wants to write a report, so he can't find anyone, but Yun Mo." People, don't you know that there are problems with your grades and don't deal with them, isn't that unfair to those of us who study hard?

Some people hold different opinions, "What is the basis for determining that there are problems with other people's grades? So far, there is no evidence to prove that they cheated."

"Yes, at least give people a chance to retake the exam. Whether it is true or not, you will know once you take the exam."

Seeing that Zhong Xiaoya was rendered speechless, Yun Yao couldn't help but chime in, "The Education Bureau dared to cancel Xiao Mo's grades, it must have been investigated, otherwise why didn't they cancel other people's grades and rankings?"

"that is!"

This time, Fu Ruman didn't feel relaxed because of Yun Yao and Zhong Xiaoya's words. Looking at the news in the newspaper, she couldn't help thinking, maybe Yun Mo's grades are true, maybe Yun Mo didn't cheat Woolen cloth.

Anxiety and guilt are like boulders, weighing heavily on Fu Ruman.

Because of this report by the Youth Daily, Yunmo once again became the subject of heated discussions among students in various schools.

In order to help her friends promote and create momentum, Zeng Min bought 300 copies of the Youth Daily and distributed them at the school gate early in the morning. While sending them back, she reminded others to read reports about Yunmo.

The news that Yunmo appeared on Youth Daily soon reached Yun Shixian's ears.

After reading the newspaper, Yun Shixian sneered, "I underestimated her, she went to the newspaper office to make a fuss for it was not enough."

Secretary Tong truthfully reported what she knew, "Youth Daily is planning to do a follow-up report, and it seems that it will be carried on behalf of Ms. Yunmo and the Education Bureau."

Yun Shixian has been in a high position for many years, and how can he be short-sighted when he manages the company to today's standard.

After thinking about it a little bit, he roughly understood what was going on, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that his adopted daughter had stepped on **** luck.

The matter has already involved disputes within the Education Bureau, so he can't intervene even more.

Education Bureau, conference room.

After the daily regular meeting was over, the deputy director who presided over the meeting was about to announce the adjournment, when Ren Leping from the Organization Department suddenly spoke out.

"Deputy Bureau Liu, I saw a piece of news in the newspaper today, which I find interesting."

"What news?"

Ren Leping distributed several copies of the Youth Daily in his hand, "On the fourth page of the education section, you can take a look first, the title is very interesting, it is called 'To ruin a child's life, just be full of prejudice against her', Everyone read it, and discuss it after reading it.

Fu Weisheng also got the newspaper, and after seeing the content on it, his expression changed suddenly.

Ren Leping had a panoramic view of Fu Weisheng's reaction, and an imperceptible smile appeared on his face.

Recent personnel changes in the Education Bureau, he had no chance of winning against Fu Weisheng, but a god-sent opportunity, Fu Weisheng actually behaved disorderly at such a critical juncture.

Fu Weisheng was solely responsible for this unified examination, and he was the one who made the decision to cancel Yunmo's results and rankings.

Now that things are getting serious, he, the person in charge, will naturally come up with an explanation.

Fu Weisheng was not a poor man to be able to sit in this position. He threw away the newspaper and unhurriedly explained the black history he had investigated and learned about Yunmo's past one by one.

"This student, from junior high school to high school, failed in all subjects is commonplace. How about a poor student who couldn't even get a total score of 400 in the last semester, and directly scored a high score of 635 in just one summer vacation? ?

Besides, she has a criminal record before, and was expelled from No. 6 Middle School for cheating. This semester, Nanming entered through the back door through connections. I think that just canceling her grades and rankings is already saving her face. "

After listening to Fu Weisheng's words, everyone preconceived had no good impression of this "poor student" named Yunmo.

Deputy Bureau Liu even put on an attitude, "I will personally communicate with the editor-in-chief of the newspaper office, so let's do this today, and the meeting will be adjourned."

"Wait a moment."

Ren Leping once again called out to everyone who was about to get up and leave, "Deputy Director Liu, I have actually done some research on Yunmo's matter in private. , I feel that Leader Fu's handling is biased and fair."

Ren Leping directly made it difficult for him, and Fu Weisheng immediately became rude.

"Leader Ren said that I mishandled it. Do you dare to be responsible for what you said?"

"I also want to ask Leader Fu, do you dare to take responsibility for canceling the students' unified examination results and rankings at will?"

Fu Wei was so angry that he slapped the table, "The cancellation of her grades and rankings was a unanimous decision after we received the report, investigated and discussed with departments."

Ren Leping smiled slightly, "You are the person in charge of the unified examination and the top leader of the department. If something goes wrong, you, the leader, must bear the blame."

"What's wrong? What's wrong? What's in the newspapers is nonsense! It's nothing but grandstanding buffoons, I don't think there's anything wrong with my decision!"

"Leader Fu's words are too self-willed."

Seeing that the two were arguing violently, Deputy Director Liu had no choice but to mediate.

"Okay, let's not say a word to each other. Why are you arguing? We are all educated people. Don't learn from the shrew who scolds the street."

(end of this chapter)