On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 153

Chapter 153

Chapter 153 To ruin a child's life, just be full of prejudice against her.

Yu Hai came back to his senses, smiled and stretched out his hand to Ling Chuan, "Hello, Mr. Ling, my name is Yu, and you belong to Miss Yun..."

Ling Chuan turned his head and glanced at Yunmo, with a look of inquiry in his black eyes.

Yun Mo took the initiative to explain: "Editor Yu, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet us. I am Yun Mo, and Ling Chuan is my husband."

Hearing this, Yu Hai was surprised for a moment, but he quickly recovered, and smiled and beckoned the two to sit on the sofa.

After emphatically asking Yunmo about the details of the unified examination and confirming the authenticity of her results, Yu Hai immediately stated that she would publish her experience in the education section.

"Miss Yun, I want to know what is your main appeal?"

"Restore my unified examination results and rankings, and get back my due honor and reputation."

"Okay, but I have to explain some things to you first. After the matter is published, it will definitely attract the attention of all parties. At that time, people from the school and the Education Bureau may look for you. You can't contact anyone without notifying us. One party has reached a private agreement, can you abide by this point?"

"Well, no problem."

"Okay, then I will let Xiaowen take full responsibility for reporting and following up on your affairs. If you have any questions or difficulties, you can come to me."

As he spoke, Yu Hai took a business card from the desk and handed it to her.

Yun Mo took the business card, thanked her, and then said suddenly: "Editor Yu, can I have a few words with you alone?"

Yu Hai chuckled, "Of course."

Although Ling Chuan was full of curiosity and doubts about his wife's actions, he didn't ask any further questions, "Momo, I'll wait for you outside."


Following Ling Chuan's initiative to leave, Wen Qingsheng also consciously followed.

After the office door was closed, Yu Hai took the initiative to ask Yun Mo, "I don't know what Miss Yun wants to talk about?"

Yunmo looked at the other party quietly, "I want to know, what is your purpose? Or, who are you helping."

Yu Hai was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes showed surprise, "Miss Yun, did you make a mistake, I am obviously helping you..."

Facing the clear apricot eyes of the girl above, Yu Hai didn't go any further, but put on a serious look, "Miss Yun, this isn't bad for you, is it?"

Yun Mozhi and Zhi, "I don't mind being used, and I even like a mutually beneficial cooperation model, but I don't want to be a knife in someone else's hand."

Yu Hai adjusted his glasses, with a playful look on his face, "Miss Yun, knowing too much is not good for you."

"But it's better than knowing nothing."

Seeing her persistence and toughness, Yu Hai pondered for a moment before opening his mouth and said: "Miss Yun, do you know that interpersonal relationships have been complicated problems from ancient times to the present, and where there are people, there will be conflicts and disputes. Family, school, and even It is this society, nowhere can escape.

I can only say so much. I believe Miss Yun is a smart person and should be able to understand. "

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Yu, for your clarification."

After Yunmo left, Yu Hai picked up the phone on his desk, dialed a number, and briefly reported the matter.

The other side seemed very satisfied, and confessed a few words, and Yu Hai repeatedly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Hai picked up the nameplate of the editor-in-chief on the desk, flicked his fingers, and there was an ambitious smile in his eyes behind the lenses.

After leaving Yu Hai's office, Yun Mo did not leave, but assisted Wen Qingsheng in writing the press release.

Wen Qingsheng's business ability is quite strong, and he wrote a press release in less than half an hour.

You must know that there was no computer at this time, and novices like Wen Qingsheng were not equipped with typewriters, and all manuscripts were written by hand.

Yunmo read it twice, and pointed out several problems in details, and Wen Qingsheng immediately revised it.

After finishing the press release, Wen Qingsheng told her excitedly: "Miss Yun, your story will be published in the education section of our Youth Daily. You can buy the newspaper tomorrow and read it."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, reporter Wen."

"These are all within the scope of my duties. By the way, Miss Yun, what are your plans for the future?"

Yunmo thought for a while, "After the newspaper comes out, let's see the reaction from the Education Bureau."

"Alright, then let's keep in touch."

"it is good."

It was already past 12 o'clock after coming out of the newspaper office. Yunmo never wronged herself, and directly dragged Ling Chuan into a restaurant with a good environment.

Entering the restaurant, Yunmo asked Ling Chuan to order, while she went to the bathroom.

Ling Chuan has now figured out his wife's preferences, and the two dishes and one soup are the tastes that his daughter-in-law likes.

When Yunmo came back from the toilet, she was immediately satisfied when she saw the man's order.

"Momo, can the method of publishing in the newspaper really help you recover justice and justice?"

Yun Mo squinted her eyes and took a sip of hot tea, "I wasn't too sure at first, but now, I think I'm 100% sure."


"At first, I thought that someone in the Education Bureau was targeting Nanming by suppressing me, but after talking with Editor-in-Chief Yu today, I found out that I guessed wrong. The cancellation of my grades and rankings may be just some people's acts of favoritism. .

After finishing speaking, Yun Mo smiled at the man, "Ling Chuan, why do you think Editor-in-Chief Yu spared no effort to help me?"

Ling Chuan thought about it seriously, "Someone wants to take advantage of you and target the person who bullies you?"

Yun Mo snapped her fingers, "Not bad, not too stupid!"

Ling Chuan, who was praised by his wife, had slightly pink ears.

In the evening, the Fu family gathered at a table for dinner.

The Fu family is a scholarly family, a century-old family, three generations of grandparents live under the same big roof, and the family sits on a large round table when eating, which looks very lively.

The Fu family has many children and grandchildren, but Fu Ruman is the only one who is in high school. In addition, it is the critical period of the third year of high school, and the whole family pays special attention to her.

Fu Weisheng thought about what his niece said last night, and asked casually, "Ruman, didn't anything happen at school today?"

Fu Ruman knew what he was referring to and shook his head.

Fu Weisheng smiled reassuringly, "That's good, the midterm exam is coming soon, work hard, don't slack off."


After eating and resting for a while, Fu Ruman went back to his room to study.

But today I don't know what's going on, and I can't concentrate. I feel a little uneasy in my heart, and I always feel like something is about to happen.

The next day, Yunmo got up early on purpose, took Dabai Erbai and went out for a walk, stopped by the newsstand and bought a copy of the Youth Daily, and turned to the education page that published what happened to her.

Wen Qingsheng used her scores and rankings in the unified examination, which had no chance of being cancelled, to raise a topic that everyone paid attention to and thought deeply about. As an educator, should there be prejudice and discrimination against poor students?

In addition to the depth of the content, the title is also very gimmick.

To ruin a child's life, just be full of prejudice against her.

After reading it, Yunmo was very satisfied and highly recognized Wen Qingsheng's work ability.

(end of this chapter)