On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Chapter 145 Questioning and ridicule from the outside world

Looking at the notice with the big flower seal of the Education Bureau printed in her hand, Yun Mo only felt it was absurd and ridiculous.

There is no evidence, just because someone reported it, because she did so well in the exam, so it is believed that her grades are problematic?

"Teacher Yao, I didn't cheat."

"Yunmo, I believe in you, and the school also believes in you, but this is a direct notice from the Education Bureau, and the school can't do anything about it. After all, this unified examination is organized by the Education Bureau, and the rules are also customized by them."

Yunmo took a deep breath, "If there is no evidence, my grades and rankings will be canceled for no reason. I don't accept it. If the Education Bureau insists on going its own way, then I can only petition the provincial department, or even the Ministry of Education, until I get back a certificate for myself. Until it's fair."

Seeing Yunmo's tough attitude, Yao Xianhe was also greatly touched.

"Yunmo, there are actually other ways to prove your strength, it depends on whether you have confidence in yourself."

Actually, if Yao Xianhe didn't say anything, Yunmo herself could think of a solution.

Since the outside world suspects that her grades are fraudulent, she only needs to take the exam again in front of those people, and the truth will be clear.

But she was still angry, but the Education Bureau made the decision to revoke her grades without even asking her a question.

Or, the Education Bureau is not only targeting her, but Nanming behind her?

After all, in this unified examination, Nanming has suddenly emerged and broke into the top ten in the city, making those established schools feel the pressure and threat.

"Teacher Yao, if I retake the exam, will my score be included in the ranking of the unified exam?"

Yao Xianhe showed hesitation on his face, "Probably not, the test papers are different, it's not easy to make a comparison."

So, they didn't care whether she was cheating at all, but wanted to kick her out of the top ten in the city.

She is not a competitive person, but the more those people want to drive her away, the more she will have to occupy the seat.

"Teacher Yao, if I retake the exam in front of the investigation team and prove my strength, will my unified exam results and ranking be restored?"

Looking at the girl's beautiful and confident face, Yao Xianhe felt extremely ashamed.

"Yunmo, I won't hide it from you. Our school has only been established for two years, and we haven't made achievements and achievements yet. We don't have much right to speak in front of the leaders of the Education Bureau..."

So, even if she proves her strength with the re-examination, she can't get back the 8th place in the city.

Back to the classroom, unsurprisingly, she was greeted with countless questioning and mocking eyes.

Yunmo calmly returned to her seat, took out her textbook and reviewed it silently.

It's not that I don't care, but it's useless to care about it. Instead of wasting this time, it's better to read more books.


Yun Mo turned her head and met her friend's concerned and worried eyes, feeling a little better.

"What did Teacher Yao tell you?"

My UAT scores and rankings have been cancelled.

As soon as the words fell, Shan Zhenzhen's bitter mocking voice came from behind, "Yunmo, you liar, pay back the money! I said before that you were cheating, but everyone still didn't believe it. Even the school favored you. Now the Education Bureau Your grades have been cancelled, now you have nothing to say, right?"

Yunmo turned her head and gave the other party a cold look, "We'll talk about our business after class."

"Hmph, I think you have a guilty conscience! After so many exams, you are the first to have your grades and rankings cancelled, making the whole school a joke. What face do you have to stay in school?"

Yunmo was already in a bad mood, but Shan Zhenzhen refused to let her go, which made her feel very angry.

But she resisted not having an attack, but turned her head to remind the disciplinary committee sitting diagonally opposite, "There are people making noise in the self-study class, don't you care?"

The Disciplinary Committee rolled her eyes at her, "I can't control it, and I didn't let you cheat. If you did such a thing yourself, you are not allowed to tell others?"

"That's right, you cheated by yourself, but it made everyone lose face, how embarrassing it is!"

As the saying goes, if you can't bear it, you don't need to bear it anymore.

Yunmo stood up and looked around at the classmates in the classroom, "I didn't want to affect everyone's self-study class, but it seems that everyone doesn't care about wasting this little time, so let me just say a few words."

"I was indeed canceled by the Education Bureau, but the Education Bureau did not come up with a convincing statement or evidence that could prove that I cheated.

Everyone is no longer a primary school student, and has their own judgment and thinking. This time, the unified examination is strictly in accordance with the difficulty and mode of the college entrance examination. There are a total of seven subjects, and two invigilators from other schools sit in charge.

If I do cheat, will the proctor see it? Can't see it once, can't you see it every time? You won't say that I even bought the invigilator, right? "

Thinking of the rigor of the unified examination, voices of doubt gradually subsided.

"Since you didn't cheat, why did the Education Bureau cancel your grades?"

Looking at Shan Zhenzhen who would not give up without trampling her to death, Yunmo sneered, "This is also where I am confused, why don't Miss Shan go to the Education Bureau for me to ask?"

"Hmph, Yunmo, just pretend, I'll see how long you can pretend!"

Although in the morning self-study class, Yunmo defended herself in front of the person in charge, but it didn't have any effect. After class, everyone still hid in every corner and discussed in full swing.

Not only people in Yunmo's class were discussing, but also people from other classes and even other grades were also discussing.

Before Yunmo walked in the school, everyone looked at her with admiration, admiration, and amazement.

But now, wherever she goes, she will be pointed at. Everyone looks at her with contempt, ridicule, and disgust. She even spreads out when she passes by, as if she is a plague virus.

However, Zeng Fang stayed with her from beginning to end, reassuring her not to look at the outside world.

"Momo, don't pay attention to their irresponsible remarks, let's work hard together, get better grades in the midterm exam, and make them blind!"

My friend's words were like a ray of sunshine shining into her hazy heart, and a faint smile appeared on Yunmo's face.

"You have such a thick skin, you can still laugh at this time."

"Otherwise, if you don't have a thick skin, you won't be able to cheat on the unified examination."

Listening to the discussions around, Yunmo put away the smile on her face, and pulled Zeng Fang, who was filled with righteous indignation, to leave the place of right and wrong.

The news that Yunmo's results and rankings in the unified examination were cancelled, soon spread to other schools.

The happiest person is Yun Yao.

No matter where she goes, hearing everyone discussing Yunmo's cheating in the unified examination in full swing, her mood is as refreshing as drinking ice sprite in the dog days.

During dinner, Yun Shixian went out to socialize as usual and did not come home.

Yun Yao looked at Yun Huan who was sitting across from her, and took the initiative to talk about Yun Mo's grades, "Xiao Huan, Yun Mo's exam results have been cancelled, you know?"

Yun Huan rolled her eyes at her unceremoniously, "It's none of my business."

A trace of coldness flashed across Yun Yao's eyes.

She didn't forget that before the holiday, Yun Huan took Yun Mo's ranking in the national examination and threatened to extort her 100 yuan!

Good night~

There are recommendations on the 4th and 5th, and the editor requests to add more updates every day, so there are only three updates today, so I need to save some manuscripts

(end of this chapter)