On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 144

Chapter 144

Chapter 144 Yunmo's unified examination results and ranking were cancelled.

"Ling Chuan, are you looking for Captain Wan just to ask him for help, or do you want to lure him into the gang?"

"My idea is that if the company is successfully established, 10% of the shares will be distributed to Captain Wan. He does not need to invest money or participate in the operation. He will get money according to the shareholding ratio every month."

After hearing this, Yun Mo shook her head, "From your point of view, it's okay to do things first and then get money. But from Captain Wan's point of view, I didn't see anything, and I don't have any relationship with you. Why should he do his best to help you?"

Seeing Ling Chuan seriously thinking about her words, Yun Mo reminded again: "How about this, you can go to Uncle Zhi tomorrow and discuss the terms of your partnership to start a company first.

For example, how much money are you going to spend on this business, how much each person will invest, how much shares will be held, who will be the top leader and who will be the second leader after the company is established, and which aspects of management and business each will be responsible for. All of these must first come out with a charter . "

"it is good."

"You and Uncle Zhi have negotiated in private and signed the agreement, and then you will go to Captain Wan to discuss agency rights as the founders of the company.

Ling Chuan, starting a company is not the same as running a small business, the layout has to be enlarged. If you want to invite someone with the status of Captain Wan to do things for you, you must be very sincere, and only if the interests are large enough can you drive Captain Wan to do your best for you. "

Ling Chuan nodded seriously, "Momo, I understand what you mean."

After breakfast, Ling Jiang drove his daughter to the gate of the kindergarten as usual, and then went to the commercial street to do business.

He visited a lot of places yesterday, and found that the commercial street was the best. The 15 trinkets he sold yesterday were all sold in the commercial street.

It's just that the commercial street is strictly controlled, and vendors are not allowed to set up stalls anywhere, so as not to affect the city appearance.

Ling Jiang followed the example of other street vendors, using sticks to support the shelves on the back seat of bicycles, hanging all kinds of trinkets on the small hooks of the shelves, and using bicycles to push them along the street for sale.

Once a raw and second acquaintance, Ling Jiang, who has tasted the sweetness of making money, is much more relaxed than yesterday. Whenever someone's eyes fall on his shelf, he enthusiastically invites the other person to take a closer look.

"Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, headbands, everything is available, the styles are trendy and the prices are affordable, what you buy is what you get, girl, come and take a look, it's free."

A group of female college students passed by, and they were immediately attracted by the various beautiful accessories on the shelves.

"How do you sell this earring, boss?"

"This eight hairs."

"Eight cents? Can it be cheaper?"

"It's cheaper to buy as many as you want, three pairs for two yuan, and three gift bags for free."

After Ling Jiang took out the printed paper bag with a ribbon bow, the eyes of the female college students lit up.

"This paper bag is so beautiful, do you want to give it away when you buy earrings?"

"Yes, as long as you buy something, you will get a paper bag. If you buy more, you will get more."

Three pairs of earrings are only two yuan, and they come with such a beautiful paper bag, everyone thinks it's a good deal.

"Then I will choose three pairs of earrings. I will keep one pair for myself and give the remaining two pairs to my sister."

"I want to buy a comb, boss, take out the comb and have a look."

"Good good good."

Several female college students searched around Ling Jiang's bicycle for a long time before leaving. Ling Jiang took out a small notebook and kept accounts one by one. At the end of the count, they sold 8 items.

It just opened, and half of yesterday's sales were sold. Ling Jiang suddenly felt his blood was boiling, and his whole body was filled with inexhaustible energy.

Yunmo felt a subtle atmosphere as soon as she stepped into the classroom. In fact, when she was walking in the school, she could feel the faint eyes around her, but she didn't take it seriously.

Ever since she got the eighth place in the city's unified examination, the eyes of the school have never stopped paying attention to her.


Seeing her coming, Zeng Fang just wanted to speak, but Shan Zhenzhen, who was sitting in the back row of the two, yelled at Yunmo, "Yunmo, pay back the money!"

Yunmo looked back at the other party inexplicably, "When did I owe you money?"

Shan Zhenzhen sneered, "Your score in the unified examination was obtained by cheating. Now the Education Bureau has canceled your score and ranking. You are not in the top ten in the city. You took our bet before, of course you have to return it!"

Her UEC scores and rankings were cancelled?

Yunmo frowned, and before she had time to ask, Yao Xianhe's voice came from the door of the classroom, "Yunmo, come out."

Seeing Yao Xianhe's serious face, Yunmo's heart sank slightly.

"Momo, I believe in you, it is impossible for you to cheat."

The moment Yun Mo got up, Zeng Fang suddenly said loudly.

Although she still doesn't know what's going on, Yunmo's heart is warmed by her friend's encouragement and trust. She smiled at him and shook her head, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

After Yunmo and Yao Xianhe left, there was an uproar in the classroom.

"No way, Yunmo really cheated?"

"The announcements are posted, and her grades and rankings are invalid. If it is not cheating, why did the school post such an announcement?"

"But I didn't see that it was written in the announcement that Yunmo's grades were canceled because of cheating."

Shan Zhenzhen snorted coldly: "What do you know, there is no cheating in the announcement, it's just to save a little face for the school."

"Oh, I really thought she Yunmo was really a genius. I didn't expect that she was cheating. I admired her before and wanted to learn from her. Now that I think about it, I should continue to be my scumbag. You can't learn other people's extraordinary cheating methods."

Listening to all kinds of unpleasant voices around, Zeng Fang felt like a raging fire was burning in her heart.

"Say Momo cheated, do you have evidence? Shut up if you don't have evidence, don't you want to follow in the footsteps of Dan Zhenzhen and get a warning and a demerit check?"

Zeng Fang's words had a certain deterrent effect, and the voices in the classroom were indeed much less, but there were still people whispering.

Being taken out as a typical Shan Zhenzhen turned pale and red with anger, "Zeng Fang, it's your job to protect Yunmo, why did you mention my name?"

Others fear that the Shan family is rich and powerful, but Zeng Fang is not afraid, "You can talk about Momo behind your back, why can't I talk about you? You are a state official and you don't allow people to light lamps?"

"I said what happened to Yunmo hindering you? Are you her follower?"

"You take care of me, I'm happy to take care of Momo's affairs, I'll say whoever talks about her!"

Zeng Fang and Shan Zhenzhen were arguing in the classroom, but in the office, Yao Xianhe handed her the notice issued by the Education Bureau with a look of embarrassment.

"Yunmo, someone reported to the Education Bureau that you cheated in the unified examination. The Education Bureau set up a special investigation team to review your test papers and investigate your past grades in No. 6 Middle School, and finally confirmed your The results are doubtful, so your unified examination results and rankings have been cancelled."

(end of this chapter)