On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Chapter 136 Momo, can you teach me how to do business too?

As soon as Zeng Fang went out, she knocked on the room next door where Zeng Xiuyuan lived, but it was Ling Chuan who opened the door.

Zeng Fang originally wanted to ask her elder brother to help find a footbath to fetch water. After seeing Ling Chuan, she suddenly had another idea in her heart.

"Knock knock."

Hearing the knock on the door, Yunmo reluctantly got up from the bed, limped to open the door, and when she saw that the person outside the door was Ling Chuan, she immediately became a little dazed.

"What's up?"

"Zeng Fang and her eldest brother went out to buy food, and I'll call you footwashing water."

Yunmo noticed that the man was still holding a water basin in his hand, and hurriedly let the door open, "Oh, you can put it in."

Ling Chuan walked into the room, looked around, then turned to ask her, "Momo, which bed do you sleep in?"

"right side."

Hearing this, Ling Chuan bent down and put the basin in his hand at the end of the bed on the right.

Placing the water basin, Ling Chuan did not leave, his dark eyes fell on his daughter-in-law's bare feet,

The feet were originally thin and white, but now they are occupied by large and small blisters, which makes me feel distressed.

The man's gaze seemed warm, and Yunmo curled up her toes subconsciously, "Is there anything else?"

"Momo, soak your feet first, I'll find a needle and help you pick out the blisters on your feet."

It hurts when I hear it, Yunmo shook her head like a rattle, "I won't pick it, just let it be like this, it will disappear in a few days."

"If you pick it, it will get better sooner, and it won't hurt much, I promise."

Yunmo hesitated for a while, but reluctantly agreed.

After Ling Chuan left, Yunmo poured some spiritual spring water into the basin, and then put her feet into the basin.

The hot water soaked the insteps, and the worn and blistered areas were slightly tingling, but soon followed by the comfort and healing wrapped in warmth, and I couldn't help but relax.

Ling Chuan didn't come back until the water in the basin was almost cold. He was carrying a plastic bag in his hand, which contained items such as iodine and cotton swabs. Obviously, he had just bought them outside.

"Is it ready to soak?"


Yunmo lifted her feet from the basin, and the water drops trickled down her fair instep into the basin.

Ling Chuan squatted down, reached out and grabbed her feet.

Yunmo was taken aback, and subconsciously kicked her feet, "What are you doing?"

"Wipe the water off your feet for you."

As she spoke, she put her still wet feet directly on her knees, and lifted the hem of her clothes to wipe the water stains on her feet.

The man's palms were rough and hot, clasping her hands tightly, making her feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Ling Chuan, you don't have to do this..."


Ling Chuan raised his head, there was seriousness in his dark eyes, and there were also some emotions that she couldn't understand.

"I will remember everything you have done for Big Brother for the rest of my life. I have no skills, so I can only use my own clumsy methods to treat you well, so that you don't have to work so hard."

Yunmo actually didn't feel that she had done anything, it was all a matter of convenience, but when the man said it so solemnly, she suddenly felt relieved and satisfied.

So far, she's helping the right people.

Looking at the man's downcast serious eyebrows, Yunmo couldn't help joking, "You wipe my feet with clothes, don't you think it's dirty?"

"It's okay, my clothes have to be washed at night anyway." After speaking, Ling Chuan paused, "Besides, your feet are not dirty at all."

Flirting but not knowing, he must be talking about a man like him.

It's not the same as what Yunmo thought. When the blisters are broken, it really doesn't hurt, but when iodophor is applied, it hurts a bit, but it can be tolerated.

After picking out the blisters, Ling Chuan suddenly pinched her calf, the sudden soreness and pain made Yunmo cry out in pain, and kicked the point towards the man's face.

"It hurts! Why are you pinching me?"

Ling Chuan raised his black eyes, with imperceptible tenderness on his face, "Momo, I'll get some hot water to compress your legs, otherwise it will hurt even more tomorrow."

Of course Yunmo knows this, but she has ointment for sore muscles in her space, and she planned to wipe it off quietly when she was going to sleep.

But looking at the man's concerned eyes, the words of refusal swirled around in his mouth and were swallowed again.

She looked at the man angrily, "Aren't you tired after shopping all day?"

"Well, I'm not tired, just wait for me."

Ling Chuan quickly brought back hot water, probably to achieve the effect of hot compresses. This time the water was much hotter than when he soaked his feet just now. It was steaming hot, and Ling Chuan's hands were hot red as soon as he put it in.

Yunmo's heart tightened when she saw it, and she hurriedly said: "Don't do it for now, wait for the water to cool down."

"It's okay, it's not hot."

While speaking, Ling Chuan had already twisted the towel.

"Hiss, it's so hot!"

When the towel wrapped her calf, the burning sensation on the skin made Yunmo pull her leg back subconsciously.

Ling Chuan pressed her feet, "Don't move, just burn them a little to relieve the pain."

Yunmo stared at him, "How do you know?"

Seeing that she had adapted to the heat of the towel, Ling Chuan slowly kneaded her calf muscles with his hands while talking to her.

When we first arrived at the construction site, my eldest brother and I carried bricks for others. After one day, our shoulders were red and swollen, and we couldn't continue working within a few days.

Later, I met a kind uncle who taught us to use a towel to warm our shoulders at night. After applying them, the shoulders did not hurt so much the next day. "

Hearing the man talk about the hard times in the past, Yunmo was inexplicably sad.

"Momo." During the silence, Ling Chuan suddenly raised his head, "Can you also teach me how to do business?"

Facing the man's expectant gaze, Yunmo subconsciously asked, "Then what have you decided to do?"

"I have discussed with Uncle Zhi during this period of time. We all agree that the prospects of the electronics industry are relatively good, and it is also a future trend, but we haven't figured out what to do."

"Momo, what do you think is a better business for me?"

After the business of reselling electronic watches failed, Yunmo seriously thought about the reason.

She didn't know if this happened in the original plot, but the last failure was somewhat related to her.

Without her great investment, Brother Lingchuan would not be able to make much money, and naturally they would not have Li Li's showing off and talking too much.

It's like the butterfly effect, because her intervention has led to a series of chain reactions behind.

So, if it is not necessary, she doesn't want to interfere with Ling Chuan's business anymore, but she is worried that it will be self-defeating again.

But looking at the man's eyes full of trust and warmth, Yunmo couldn't help but think that perhaps from the moment she transmigrated into the book, the plot line had already been disrupted.

Taking a step back, if Ling Chuan's life trajectory is really changed because of her, then she can use her own ability to reverse it.

Thinking of this, Yunmo no longer has any worries.

"Ling Chuan, if there is one thing, it is not much bigger than a matchbox, it can allow people to contact you anytime and anywhere, and it can also leave you a message like a telegram, but the price is much cheaper than installing a landline. Will you buy it?"

(end of this chapter)