On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Chapter 135 Yunmo's Business Experience

"Thank you, Sister Shi! Then can I mix batches? 3 points and 5 points each get 40 pairs, and 8 points get 20 pairs."

Sister Shi quickly curled her lips, "That won't work. If there are 100 copies, you can only batch one batch. If others come, they will only batch batches of 1,000 copies."

Yunmo took the other party's arm and acted like a baby, "Sister Shi, you just make an exception this time, your earrings are so beautiful, I want to get some of each kind, even if they can't be sold out when I go back, I can wear them myself or give them as gifts. Friends are fine too."

In the end, the proprietress still couldn't stand Yunmo's soft and hard arguments, and agreed to give her a mixed batch of 100 pairs.

"That is to make an exception for you. Others have never mixed batches without 100 copies."

"Thank you Sister Shi, you are kind-hearted and kind, and you will definitely make a fortune."

The proprietress was coaxed into a smile, "Okay, then I will lend you a good word."

After choosing the style and quantity, when checking out, Yunmo pointed to Ling Jiang behind her and introduced to Sister Shi, "Sister Shi, this is my elder brother, surnamed Ling, I may not be able to come here often by myself in the future, my elder brother will help me Come here to get the goods, he doesn't know much about women's preferences, can you help him out then, can you give him palm eyes?"

Sister Shi readily agreed.

Those who work in their line of business like long-term business, and Yunmo will come to pick up goods in the future, of course she welcomes them with both hands.

Before leaving, Yunmo took a bag of crispy peanuts from her bag and gave it to the other party, "Sister Shi, this is a specialty snack in our Jiang city. It's not worth much. It's just a relief when you're bored. Don't dislike it." .

A bag of peanuts is not worth much, but because of her thoughtfulness, Sister Shi happily accepted it, and gave her and Zeng Fang two pairs of earrings backhand.

Everyone comes and goes, and the friendship is just like this.

After coming out of Sister Shi's stall, Yunmo went to the stalls of silk scarves, hairpins, rings, necklaces, headbands, and combs respectively, and followed suit by relying on sweet words to make friends with the boss and build a good relationship with the lowest wholesale price. And the quantity to get the goods.

The brothers of the Ling family and the brothers and sisters of the Zeng family followed behind Yunmo, admiring Yunmo's abilities and methods in their hearts.

In the end, Yunmo received a total of 1,200 kinds of trinkets for less than 100 yuan.

After buying the goods, Yunmo led Ling Jiang to buy the tools needed to set up the stall, such as small paper bags for jewelry.

There are cheap and expensive paper bags. The cheap ones are ordinary white paper or kraft paper, ranging from one penny to three cents. The more expensive paper bags are printed with exquisite patterns. Even the handles are not ordinary nylon or string, but Colorful ribbons, of course, are much more expensive than ordinary paper bags.

Ling Jiangtu saves the line, thinking that buying ordinary plain paper bags is enough, but Yunmo insists on buying expensive ones.

"Brother, there are three most important things in doing business. One is quality, the other is service, and the third is packaging. If you take one of these three things, your business can go on. If you take two or even all three of them, you must Can make a fortune."

As she said that, Yunmo took out the garnet earrings that Sister Shi gave her before, and put them in an ordinary white paper bag, "If I sell this pair of earrings for 1.5 yuan, do you think it is expensive? Will you buy it? ?

The four of them shook their heads one after another.

Yunmo smiled, turned around and picked up another palm-sized pink paper bag with a pattern of butterfly love flowers printed on it. With a flexible twist of her fingers, the ribbon in her hand was tied into a beautiful bow.

"Momo, can this bag and this be tied like this? It's so pretty." Zeng Fang was amazed.

Yunmo put the garnet earrings into a pink paper bag tied with a bowknot ribbon, and asked everyone, "What about this? Will you buy it?"

Zeng Fang nodded immediately, "I will!"

Zeng Xiuyuan said: "I should also buy it. Although the quality of the earrings is average, but with such a packaging, it feels that it has been upgraded to a higher level and can be sold."

Yunmo looked at Ling Chuan, "What about you? Would you buy it?"

Ling Chuan nodded.

"What's the reason?"

"If you think it looks good, I'll buy it."

Yunmo gave him a hot look, then turned to ask Ling Jiang.

Ling Jiang hesitated, "Sister and brother, although it looks good like this, but things are like that, I always feel like I'm fooling people?"

"Brother, you have to change your concept. What you sell are small jewelry, not food and vegetables, and it is not fixed according to the price.

Women buy jewelry with the intention of liking and being happy. In fact, after buying this pair of earrings, they may not like them after wearing them a few times, or they may not be able to find them.

Moreover, one or two pieces of women's clothes, shoes and jewelry are not enough. The more the better, the more the better.

They bought it this month, and they will buy it next month, year after year, month after month. You have to find a way to find out what they like and keep them in your booth. When they want to buy jewelry, the first thing they think of is to come to you. "

Ling Jiang rubbed his head in embarrassment, "Brothers and sisters, to tell you the truth, I don't really understand these things, but I listen to you. If you say this is good, then buy this one. You read more than us, and you understand it well." You know better than me, and you're right.

Yun Mo was funny, "Brother, don't worry, as long as you do what I say, it will be hard for you not to make money."


After buying paper bags, Yunmo went to buy two strings of star lights that can be connected to batteries.

"Brother, at night, you put the batteries on these two strings of star lights and put them on the stalls. By then, you will be the brightest stalls in the entire night market. Even if you don't buy anything from you, when you pass by Will look twice."

Ling Jiang couldn't close his mouth with joy, "Hey, brother and sister, you still have a lot of ideas, I can't even think of them."

Until the sun was about to set, several people returned to the hotel to rest after a full load.

In order to save money, the five shared two rooms, Yunmo and Zeng Fang lived in a double room, Lingchuan Lingjiang and Zeng Xiuyuan lived in a triple room.

After a night's train ride and another day of shopping, even the three big men felt a bit overwhelmed, let alone the two weak women, Yun Mo and Zeng Fang.

Zeng Fang was okay, but there were a few blisters on the soles of her feet. Not only were the soles of Yunmo's feet covered with blisters, but both calves were swollen, and she lay motionless on the bed and groaned.

"Fangfang, can you do me a favor, I will remember your great kindness for the rest of my life, and I will repay you with a grass ring in the next life."

Zeng Fang was amused and laughed, "Oh, what are you talking about, why are we being so polite?"

Yunmo turned her head, her big apricot eyes blinked pitifully at the other party, "Can you pour water for my feet? I don't want to move anymore."

Zeng Fang was silent for two seconds, then sat up from the bed with difficulty, "Then I'll find a footbath first."

"Fangfang, you are so kind."

"You know how good I am?"

"I've known for a long time that Fangfang is the best girl in the world, bar none."

"Okay, stop giving me a high hat, just wait."


Hearing the sound of closing the door, Yunmo closed her eyes comfortably.

(end of this chapter)