On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Chapter 117 This time's grades, couldn't it be cheating?

Speaking of this, Ling Jiang couldn't help showing an excited look on his face, "Chuanzi, don't mention it, the brother and sister's idea is really good. I walked outside for a day today and saw at least ten stalls of all kinds. I really saw a lot of ways..."

This night, the two brothers chatted in the house for half the night.

Today is Tuesday, and it is also the day when the results of the UEC are released.

Because she knew in advance that she did not enter the top ten, Yunmo had no expectations for the results of the unified examination. She just prepared money and put it in her schoolbag early in the morning, and was ready to cash out the bet when the results came out.

It may be the reason why the long vacation will start tomorrow, everyone in the classroom is extremely excited, chatting together in twos and threes to discuss something.

Yunmo did not participate, because she had already made arrangements for the holiday, that is, to accompany Ling Jiang to Urumqi to buy goods.

Today Zeng Fang came later than usual, and as soon as she entered the classroom, she ran towards her like a bird.

"Momo! Ahhh, you are so good! Why are you so good?"

Yunmo was confused by Zeng Fang's enthusiasm, did she do another big thing that she didn't even know about?

"Cut, it's just luck!" A familiar mocking voice came from behind.

Zeng Fang turned her head and said: "Shan Zhenzhen, you rarely can't eat grapes there and say that grapes are sour. Have you never heard that luck is also a manifestation of strength? Even if it's **** luck, it's because of Momo's strength." stepped on!"

Shan Zhenzhen said with a flat mouth that refused to admit defeat, "Isn't it just 100 yuan, who can afford to lose!"

"Then you should show it, what's the use of talking!"

From the choking sounds of the two, Yunmo heard something, but she didn't understand it. Shan Zhenzhen said clearly that she didn't make it to the top ten in the city, so she couldn't make it to the top ten again in one night, right?

Yunmo's question was quickly answered.

It turned out that when the school was recalculating the candidates' scores yesterday, they found that Yunmo's English test paper had missed 5 points.

With a difference of 5 points, Yunmo jumped from the 12th place in the city to the 8th place in the city. This matter was reported in the class last night.

The reason why Yunmo herself didn't know about it was mainly because she was poor and had no phone at home. Yao Xianhe didn't come to inform her because she was afraid of delaying her rest.

Knowing that she is No. 8 in Qianshi, Yunmo was stunned at first, and then felt that the stone hanging in her heart fell to the ground, and she felt at ease.

Except for a few students who were depressed because they lost the bet, most people in the class looked at Yunmo with admiration and admiration, as if she was a hero.

No, in the eyes of everyone, the current Yunmo is a hero!

Nanming has been established for less than three years. Compared with the established schools such as No. 3 Middle School and No. 6 Middle School, Nanming is a younger brother, and its rankings have always been at the bottom.

Even the teacher usually talks about encouraging students to say this: We don't want the third middle school and the sixth middle school to be on par, but we don't want to lag behind too much.

The teachers and students of Nanming are so humble and self-aware.

But now, the sudden emergence of Yunmo clearly gave all Nanming teachers and students hope and dawn.

They can not only compete with No. 3 and No. 6 No. 6 No. 1 High School, but even surpass them!

"Yunmo, come out for a while."

When the morning self-study was about to start, Yao Xianhe appeared at the door of the classroom and called her in a pleasant manner.

The students in the class have a rare unanimity in their hearts: there are times when a thousand-year-old rigid man is gentle.

Outside the classroom, Yao Xianhe looked at her with a smile, "Yunmo, do you know the results of the unified examination?"

Yunmo nodded, "I heard what everyone said."

"You know? I was so happy that I didn't sleep all night last night."

Are you so happy?

Yao Xianhe continued to sigh with emotion, "I'm afraid that when I wake up after sleeping, I find it's just a dream, and I'm just happy."

You are so old, are you so restless?

"I dare not go to your house to inform you, for fear that you will not be able to fall asleep like me, and it will affect today's class."

You are thinking too much.

"Yunmo, you have achieved such a good result in the unified examination, what do you think? This is a private conversation between the two of us, you can speak freely."

Yunmo carefully organized the language, "First of all, I would like to thank the school teachers for their teaching and cultivation. I can achieve such good results, half of the credit is theirs. Secondly, I will continue to work hard, keep moving forward, and strive for better results in the future. It's better to come."

"well said!"

Yao Xianhe's loud voice made Yunmo tremble in fright, and she almost had a heart attack, probably a heart attack.

"Yunmo, you are so amazing. I never dreamed that you could be so upbeat. The school leaders are going to let you give a speech. During the holidays, you should prepare well and write a speech of about 2,000 words The content is mainly your usual learning experience and tips, as well as your encouragement to everyone, and at the end, add the paragraph you just said, how is it, is there any problem?"

"no problem."

"Okay, by the way, the school was going to commend you for your meritorious service in reporting criminals last time. In addition, this time you took the 8th place in the city's exam. The school leaders discussed it and planned to move the commendation meeting to next week. Awards and recognition go hand in hand.


Yunmo actually thought that it would be fine to just give her the prize, but she also knew that this was unrealistic.

When Yunmo returned to the classroom, Zeng Fang immediately pulled her and asked in a low voice, "Momo, what did Teacher Yao tell you?"

Although Zeng Fang's voice is not high, it still stood out in the quiet self-study class, and the surrounding students also pricked up their ears.

Yun Moyi said simply, "Teacher Yao asked me to give a speech at the flag-raising meeting next week."

"I knew it, then did Teacher Yao say that the school has any incentives for you this time?"

Yun Mo was a little dazed, "Didn't the top ten mean rewarding cash and notebooks?"

"Oh, that's an award from the Education Bureau, and the school has its own incentives. I heard that in last year's unified examination, No. 3 Middle School rewarded the city's first place with a bicycle.

Although you didn't get the first place in the test, you are still good enough to be the eighth place. Not to mention a car, a Walkman will be fine, right? "

"I'd rather be rewarded with 50 bucks than a Walkman."

After the morning self-study class ended, someone roared and posted the grade list, and the people in the class immediately flocked to the school bulletin board.

Yunmo was also dragged by Zeng Fang to the bulletin board to see the ranking list.

When Yunmo arrived, the front of the bulletin board was already crowded, but Yunmo still saw her name at a glance.

Her name hangs high on the first row of the list, and the block letters are particularly eye-catching.

"Ahh! Momo, you are number one in the school and number eight in the city. You are so competitive."

At first, everyone was looking at the rankings and didn't notice who the people behind and around were, but Zeng Fang's shout immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"It turns out that she is Yunmo, so amazing."

"It's so enviable to be so beautiful and have such good grades."

"I heard that she used to be in No. 6 Middle School, and she was expelled from No. 6 Middle School because of cheating. Couldn't her grades this time also come from cheating?"

Among the countless praises, there were one or two discordant voices.

Good night~

Ten thousand changes tomorrow~

Ask for votes~

(end of this chapter)