On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 116

Chapter 116

Chapter 116 Everything is just right, just like fate

Hearing this, the smile on Yunmo's face gradually faded, and her heart sank slightly.

Although she thinks that she did not do badly in the unified examination this time, she is still not absolutely sure whether she can enter the top ten in the city.

After all, she doesn't know the strength of her competitors.

Seeing that Yun Mo stopped talking, Shan Zhenzhen couldn't help laughing loudly, "I don't even look at how much I weigh, but I actually want to be in the top ten in the city, even if you go back to high school for three years now, you still won't be in the top ten .

Zeng Fang didn't want to see her friend suffer, so she turned her head and reasoned with the other party, "Shan Zhenzhen, what are you proud of? Even if Momo didn't make it into the top ten in the city, she must have done better than you, the bottom of the crane!"

"So what if you do better than me in the exam!" Shan Zhenzhen snorted coldly, "Yunmo bet with us at the beginning, if she didn't make the top ten, she would lose 100 yuan to me!"

"And me, mine is 30, I should have bet 100 if I knew earlier."

"I am 50, haha, this money is too easy to earn!"

Listening to everyone's ridicule and ridicule, Zeng Fang was as angry as a puffer fish, but Yunmo, the person concerned, was as calm as an outsider.

It's not that she doesn't care about these voices at all, but her skills are inferior to others, and she really has nothing to say.

The results and rankings of the UEC will not be issued until tomorrow. In this era, there are no computers, and the statistics and rankings are all done manually.

The Education Bureau only counted the top ten scores, and the latter are still counting.

Knowing that she didn't make the top ten, Yunmo was somewhat disappointed, she didn't even have an appetite for lunch, until after school in the afternoon, Zeng Fang mysteriously stuffed a thick envelope into her schoolbag.

"Momo, wait until you get home."

Yunmo teased amusedly, "What, it can't be money, right? I'm afraid I can't afford to lose?"

"You have a good idea, I don't have the money to give you, anyway, you can watch it when you get home."


Back home, Yunmo fed Dabai and Erbai first, then sat under the eaves and ate half a peach, and then went back to the house to take out the envelope in the schoolbag.

When she saw the contents in the envelope, Yunmo was stunned.

are photos taken when I went out to play on Saturday. There is a thick pile of photos of her and Ling Chuan.

The problem is, she has no idea when the photos were taken.

In the photos, she is picking and picking peaches without exception, and Ling Chuan's gaze follows her from beginning to end.

Even though the photos were not taken clearly, the emotion and passion in the man's eyes were not concealed at all.

After reading all the photos, Yunmo's cheeks were hot as if they were about to burn.

She picked out three more normal photos, went to the kitchen, and handed them to Ling Chuan who was making dinner.

"This is a photo taken by Fangfang, please put it away."

Ling Chuan who took the photos was obviously very happy. He looked at the three photos over and over again, as if he couldn't get enough of them, until Yunmo reminded him that the dishes in the pot were about to burn, and he hurriedly put the photos in his pocket.

Looking at the man's careful appearance as if he had found a treasure, the depression in Yunmo's heart suddenly faded away.

Ling Chuan went out after dinner, but Yun Mo didn't care, thinking that he was going out to discuss business with Ling Jiang or Deng Zhi.

Yun Mo thought wrong, Ling Chuan went out not to find someone, but to a photo studio.

He spent money on the three photos that Yunmo gave him, and bought three beautiful photo frames to frame them.

When returning home after buying photo frames, I met Ling Jiang who had just returned at the door.

"Brother, why did you come back so late?"

Ling Jiang smiled, "It's okay anyway, I didn't take the car, and walked back slowly."

Seeing that Ling Chuan was holding three photo frames in his hand, he subconsciously asked, "Why do you buy so many photo frames?"

Ling Chuan took out the photo frame and handed it to the other party, "It's a photo taken when Momo and I went out to play two days ago."

Looking at the handsome couple in the photo, Ling Jiang couldn't close his mouth with a smile, "Not bad, this photo is really good."

Ling Chuan also showed a smile on his face, "I was worried that the photos would get damp after a long time, so I went to have plastic surgery."

"Very good, very good."

Ling Jiang returned the photo frame to his younger brother, feeling very relieved, "Seeing that your relationship with your younger siblings is getting better and better now, and your parents know about it, so you should feel relieved."

Ling Chuan did not speak, but his heart was full of rejoicing and joy.

Fortunately, Yun Shixian chose him back then, and he happened to beg the other party. Everything was just right, as if it was destined. She will become his daughter-in-law, and he, Sansheng is lucky to have such a good wife.

Back home, after serving the food left in the pot to Ling Jiang, Ling Chuan went back to his room with the photo frame.

One photo frame is placed on the head of the bed, and the remaining two, one on the tea table and one on the round table.

Obviously, the furnishings in the room are still the same as usual, except that there are three more photo frames, but it feels quite different.

Her photo is in this room, as if she is in this room, the sweet fragrance of her body seems to be in the air, Ling Chuan is lying on the bed, feeling indescribably satisfied and happy in his heart.

The unified examination has ended, and Yunmo actually doesn't have to work as hard as before, but she learned from Shan Zhenzhen that she did not enter the top ten in the city, which still brought some pressure and frustration to her.

If you can't get into the top ten in the city, let alone want to enter Peking University next year.

Yunmo decided to continue to keep the amount of extra 5 test papers per day. Anyway, she has spiritual spring water, so she drinks a little when she is tired, which can refresh her mind and replenish her physical strength.

As for the walnuts and milk that Ling Chuan prepared for her, Yun Mo directly took it as a midnight snack before going to bed.

Ling Chuan came out after delivering walnuts and milk to his daughter-in-law. Seeing that the light was still on in his elder brother's house, he went to knock on the door.

"Chuanzi, haven't you slept yet?"

"No, Momo is still studying."

Hearing this, Ling Jiang glanced at the main room, with admiration and concern on his face, "It's not easy for younger siblings, they study so late every day, you have to take good care of them, don't let younger siblings get exhausted."

"Well, I will."

Compared to the room where Yunmo and Ling Chuan live, Ling Jiang's room is much simpler.

He moved here suddenly, and Yunmo didn't have time to buy furniture, so she picked some old furniture from the Yun's house before, and arranged it simply so that it could accommodate people.

"Brother, are you still used to living here?"

Ling Jiang smiled embarrassedly, "I won't hide it from you, I'm really not used to it. I've lived for almost 30 years, and I have never lived in such a big house, nor slept on a Simmons bed. I lie on it at night, It feels unreal like in a dream.

Ling Chuan can understand the mood of the eldest brother. He was not used to it when he first moved here, and he felt like he was eating soft food from his wife.

"Brother, you went outside today to observe other people's stalls, how do you feel?"

(end of this chapter)