On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 107

Chapter 107

Chapter 107 I want to hug them to sleep on my bed

When Yunmo came out of the police station after completing the transcript, it was already dark. Yao Xianhe worried that it would be unsafe for her to walk alone at night, so he offered to send her home.

Yunmo didn't refuse, and raised her hand to hail a taxi.

Yao Xianhe hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't make a sound to stop him.

In the taxi, Yao Xianhe held back his bleeding heart, and praised Yunmo severely, praising her for being enlightened and brave enough to expose crooked ways.

Yunmo and Yao Xianhe had just left the police station when Ling Chuan found them.

Zeng Fang remembered that when she got on the bus, there were several classmates on the platform. She called and asked one by one, and finally asked from a male classmate that Yunmo and Yao Xianhe had gone to the police station.

At the police station, after learning that his daughter-in-law had left with the homeroom teacher, Ling Chuan hurried home again without stopping.

After the taxi stopped at the gate of the courtyard, Yunmo took out 20 yuan and handed it to the driver, "Master, please take my teacher home."

"No, no, no, I, as the teacher, send my students home, how can I let the students pay for the bus fare. Yunmo, hurry up and take back the money."

"Teacher Yao, you have worked hard today, goodbye."

Yunmo directly put the money on the passenger seat, turned her head and waved to Yao Xianhe with a smile, then got out of the car and ran to the gate of her own house without looking back.


Yao Xianhe did more than Yunmo imagined, and chased him out of the car, insisting on returning the 20 yuan to Yunmo.

Yunmo had no choice but to invite him into the house, "Mr. Yao, you are here, let's go after dinner."

"Quack quack!"

Yao Xianhe was about to refuse, when two big white geese appeared out of nowhere, stretching their necks and shouting at him.

"Yunmo, hurry up, stop them!"

Yunmo couldn't stop laughing as she looked at Yao Xianhe, who flexibly moved around and hid from XZ to avoid Dabai and Erbai.

Who would have thought that Yao Xianhe, who is upright and upright, would be afraid of big geese.

Under Yunmo's yelling, Dabai and Erbai stopped attacking, their black eyes looked straight at Yao Xianhe, and they raised their necks and screamed "quack".

Dabai: Who are you? What are you doing at my house?

Erbai: You ask him Gaha, but he can't understand goose language.

Seeing Yao Xianhe staring at Dabai and Erbai vigilantly, Yun Mo explained with a smile: "Teacher Yao, don't be afraid, they don't bite."

At this time, Yao Xianhe finally noticed the silver nameplates hanging on the necks of the two big geese, and was very surprised, "Is this goose your pet?"

"Well, the one on the left is called Dabai."


Hearing the hostess introducing himself, Dabai called out in response to the situation.

"What about the other one?"

"The other one is called Erbai."


Ang, I am Erbai.

Yao Xianhe: "..."

Hey, the two things are fine.

"Teacher Yao, come in and sit down first, I'll go and pay the taxi driver."

"Do not"


Yao Xianhe was about to refuse, when a tall figure suddenly appeared behind him, hugging his student in his arms.

Yao Xianhe was taken aback, and shouted loudly, "You man, what are you doing with your hands and feet, let me go!"

Yunmo was also stunned by Ling Chuan's actions. She didn't pat the man on the back blushing until she heard Yao Xianhe scold him.

"Ling Chuan, let me go."

Ling Chuan let go of her, looked her up and down, his black eyes were full of worry, "Momo, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Yun Mo stabilized her beating heart, pointed to Yao Xianhe behind Ling Chuan, "This is Teacher Yao, and also my head teacher."

Ling Chuan hurriedly turned around and bowed to the other party, "Mr. Yao, thank you for sending my Momo back."

Yao Xianhe looked at him suspiciously, "Are you... Yunmo's elder brother?"

Ling Chuan pursed his lips, but did not introduce his identity to the other party.

He was afraid that his daughter-in-law would not like to mention himself in front of the teacher, and he was even more afraid that because of his existence, his daughter-in-law would lose face in school.

After all, he is just a poor man with no money, power or culture.

"Teacher Yao, he is my husband, Ling Chuan, and he will be Ling Ling, the Chuan who is tolerant of all rivers."

Just as Ling Chuan was hesitating about how to deal with the situation, he heard the gentle voice of his daughter-in-law behind him introducing herself to the teacher in front of him.

Will be the top of the mountain, open to all rivers.

He never thought that his name would sound so good when introduced.

Ling Chuan felt like a rabbit in his heart. He was both nervous and happy, and even more afraid that his wife's teacher would look down on him.

Contrary to Ling Chuan's expectation, after learning about his relationship with Yunmo, Yao Xianhe did not show disgust or contempt, but was a little surprised.

"Yunmo, you just turned 18 this year, are you married?"

"Well, it was completed in the first two months."

"Oh, let me tell you."

"Teacher Yao, come in and take a seat first, I'll pay the fare."

This reminded Yao Xianhe, he quickly waved his hands, "No, no, the family is still waiting, okay, since your husband is back, then I will go."

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to put the 20 yuan in Lingchuan's hand.

Yunmo had no choice but to send the other party away.

After the taxi drove away, Yunmo turned around and said to Ling Chuan who was still standing in a daze, "Go home first."


As soon as he got home, Ling Chuan couldn't wait to ask about Yun Mo's entry into the police station.

Yunmo didn't answer, but rubbed her stomach, "Is dinner ready? I'm hungry."

Ling Chuan hurriedly said: "It's in the pot, I'll take it out."


"Quack quack!"

Master, I'm hungry!

Yunmo was very hungry, and Dabai Erbai was also very hungry.

Usually Yunmo feeds them before dinner, but two hours have passed since the usual meal today, so it's no wonder they aren't hungry.

The food is warmed on the stove, ready to eat.

Ling Chuan was serving rice, seeing Yunmo walking in, thought she was starving, and hurriedly handed over the rice he was holding.

"Momo, you go out to eat first, and I will serve the food right away."

Yunmo waved her hand, "You take it, I'll cut some vegetable leaves and feed them to Dabai and Erbai."

Ling Chuan paused for a while before continuing.

After feeding Dabai and Erbai, Yunmo hurriedly washed her hands and sat down at the dining table, impatiently picking up the bowl.

After eating the delicious rice porridge, all the viscera were comforted, Yunmo sighed comfortably, and picked up the chopsticks to pick up vegetables to eat.

Seeing her eating deliciously, Ling Chuan's eyes were filled with imperceptible tenderness.

When the meal was almost done, Yunmo was about to talk about going to the police station in the afternoon, but Ling Chuan spoke before her.

"Momo, do you want to keep them in the future?"

Yunmo was stunned by the question, "Who?"

Ling Chuan looked at the two big white geese who had already eaten and drank leisurely in the sandpit.

Yunmo suddenly said, "Ah, of course, why are you asking this?"

Do nothing but ask.

Although Ling Chuan didn't show any emotion on his face, Yun Mo felt his hostility towards the two guys keenly.

This dog man, wouldn't he want to kill her goose for meat?

Thinking, she became serious, "Ling Chuan, stop thinking about them."

"I do not have."

Yunmo felt that she had to warn the man, "I tell you, if you dare to do something to them, I will do something to you."

Seeing the man staring at her intently, Yunmo pretended to be fierce, "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah, I heard that."

Yunmo just breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the man ask her, "Momo, is what you just said true?"

Yunmo thought that the man wanted to challenge her authority, so she slapped the table angrily, "If you don't believe me, try it!"

Ling Chuan lowered his eyes and thought for a while, "In that case, I want to carry them to my bed to sleep at night."

Yunmo: ! !

Good night~

Today is also the hardworking old seven~8000+

(end of this chapter)