On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 She will eradicate anyone who dares to make her unhappy

Being forced to study is a painful thing. In addition, Jiang Yu stares at her every day and never forgets to talk about her grades, which greatly aggravates Yunyao's psychological pressure.

Insufficient sleep coupled with huge mental pressure, anyone will collapse, Yun Yao is in such a situation, and evil and malice gradually grow in her heart.

It was already very late at night, and the clock was already past 12 o'clock, but the light in Yunyao's room was still on.

She was so sleepy that she could hardly keep her eyes open, and even the test papers were doubled, but she still couldn't sleep, and she didn't dare to sleep. She had to fulfill Jiang Yu's requirements every night before she could sleep.

Yunyao pinched her thigh hard, using the pain to drive away her drowsiness.

Although she could hold back her drowsiness, the big math questions on the test paper were too difficult. No matter how she thought about it, she couldn't find the solution to the questions, and she didn't even know where to start.

"Have you finished?"

The door of the room was pushed open, and Jiang Yu walked up to her with a glass of milk. Seeing that the roll was still blank, her expression sank.

"Xiaoyao, what's the matter with you, you can't solve such a big problem all night, have you learned everything you learned before in the stomach of a dog!"

Annoyance flashed across Yunyao's eyes, and when she raised her head, her face was full of weakness, "Mom, I can do this question, but I just can't remember how to do it, maybe it's because I've been sitting for too long and my mind is dizzy." Feeling dizzy, Mom, you can go downstairs with me for a walk, I'll take a breath of fresh air and come back to do it."

Jiang Yu looked at her daughter carefully, and found that her face was a little haggard, and her lips were pale.

"Okay, I'll take you to the garden for 10 minutes, and come back in 10 minutes to do it."

"Well, thank you, Mom."

The mother and daughter walked out of the room and walked towards the stairs.

At first, the two walked side by side, but as they got closer to the stairs, Yun Yao's footsteps began to slow down, and she gradually fell behind Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu didn't notice this detail. She was preoccupied with making some supplements to help her eldest daughter's brain and improve her academic performance.

When Jiang Yu started to step down the stairs, Yun Yao's eyes flashed viciously. In the next second, she closed her eyes and slammed into Jiang Yu in front of her.


The ear-piercing scream pierced through the quiet night and alarmed everyone in the Yun family.

Waiting for the movement to come to the stairs, their expressions changed drastically.

The mother and daughter were lying on the stairs one after the other, one unconscious and the other bleeding.

The mother and daughter were quickly sent to the hospital.

After the doctor's examination, Yun Yao was only slightly scratched, while Jiang Yu not only had a big hole in her forehead, but also had a fracture in her left leg.

After the doctor treated Jiang Yu's injuries, Yun Yao cried and knelt down in front of the hospital bed to confess to Jiang Yu.

"Mom, it's all my fault. I don't know what happened. When I got to the stairs, I suddenly felt very dizzy. I don't know anything about it after that..."

The male doctor who was examining Yunyao saw that Yunyao was pitiful, so he took the initiative to explain to her, "Mrs. Yun, I don't blame Ms. Yun for this matter. She is anemic due to lack of sleep, so she has dizziness and dizziness. .

After listening to the doctor's words, Jiang Yu couldn't blame her any more, so she could only swallow the bitter fruit as if she was unlucky.

Jiang Yu was left in the hospital for treatment, and Yunyao, the "culprit", went home to rest as a matter of course because she still had to go to school.

Back to her room, the moment she closed the door, a strange smile appeared on Yun Yao's face.

No matter who dares to make her unhappy, she doesn't mind eradicating it with her own hands.

After school that day, Yun Mo had just watched Zeng Fang get on the tram to leave when someone patted her shoulder suddenly.


Yun Mo turned her head and found that it was a strange middle-aged woman with a sneaky and suspicious behavior.

Yunmo backed away without a trace, and asked vigilantly, "What's the matter with you?"

Seeing her retreat, the middle-aged woman took another step closer to her, and said in a low voice, "Answers for next week's unified examination paper, 10 yuan each, do you want it?"

Seeing Yun Mo frowning and not speaking, the middle-aged woman moved closer, "The fidelity is from the Education Bureau. Many people have bought it. If you don't buy it, you will suffer in the exam."

Yun Mo raised her eyebrows, and when she turned her almond eyes, she saw her homeroom teacher passing by the platform on a 28-year-old.

"Teacher Yao!"

Yao Xianhe stopped the car, turned his head in search of the sound, and saw a female student in his class arguing with a middle-aged woman.

He leaned his bicycle on the side of the road and strode towards the platform.

Seeing Yao Xianhe approaching, the middle-aged woman panicked and turned around to run away, but Yunmo grabbed her collar tightly and couldn't help but said anxiously.

"It's fine if you don't buy it, let me go!"

Yunmo was worried that the person would run away, so she also grabbed the other person's clothes with the other hand.

In just a short while, Yao Xianhe had already walked in front of the two of them.

"Yunmo, what are you doing? Who is she?"

Yunmo said loudly: "She is a liar, she wanted to cheat me of money, and said that she would sell my answers to the Unified Examination for 10 yuan each!"

There are still many Nanming students on the platform, and they all looked over when they heard this.

The middle-aged woman suddenly panicked, "No, no, I was joking."

Yao Xianhe is a model teacher, an upright person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes, no matter whether the other party sells the test answer is a lie or true, he will never allow it!

"Whoever has nothing to do is joking with you, go, go with me to the police station and make things clear!"

"Don't, don't, I was wrong..."

Yao Xianhe didn't listen to the middle-aged woman's begging for mercy at all, called two male classmates together, and took her to the police station.

As the person concerned, Yunmo naturally had to go to the police station to take notes.

Ling Chuan made dinner early as usual, and then went to the station to pick up his wife.

Wait and wait, until the sun was setting, the tram passed twice, but he didn't wait for his daughter-in-law to get off, so he couldn't help worrying secretly.

He walked along the tram line towards the school, and when he encountered a tram coming from Nanming Station along the way, he stopped to check carefully to see if his wife was on the bus.

Just like that, he walked all the way to the gate of Nanming School, but he didn't see his wife. Ling Chuan finally panicked.

He first went to the school guard room to inquire whether the junior high school was over, and then turned around and ran to Zeng's house.

"Ling Chuan? Why are you here?"

Seeing Ling Chuan standing outside the door panting, Zeng Fang was very surprised.

Seeing Zeng Fang, Ling Chuan had hope in his eyes, "Is Momo at your house?"

Zeng Fang shook her head blankly, "No, I walked out of the school with Momo after school in the afternoon, and then the tram came, so I got on first, what's the matter, didn't Momo go home?"

Knowing that his daughter-in-law is not at Zeng's house, the tense string in Ling Chuan's head broke with a buzz, and his heart was even more anxious like a fire was burning.

"Zeng Fang, can you help me find Momo, she hasn't come home yet..."

Seeing that Ling Chuan was so anxious that his eyes were red, Zeng Fang quickly agreed and asked her family to help her find it.

(end of this chapter)