New Word-Analysis - Part 32

Part 32

SOLUT: solu'tion; ab'solute (-ion); dis'solute (-ion); res'olute (-ion).

Sol'uble (Lat. adj. _solu'bilis_); solubil'ity.

190. SPEC'ERE _or_ SPIC'ERE: Spe'cio _or_ spi'cio, spec'tum, _to behold_; Spe'cies, _a kind_.

SPIC: aus'pices (literally, omens drawn from the inspection of birds); auspi'cious; conspic'uous (Lat. adj. _conspic'uus_, wholly visible); conspicu'ity; des'picable (Lat. _despicab'ilis_, deserving to be despised); perspic'uous (Lat. adj. _perspic'uus_, that may be seen through); perspicu'ity; suspi'cion; suspi'cious.

SPECT: as'pect; cir'c.u.mspect (-ion); expect' (-ant, -ation); inspect'

(-ion, -or); perspec'tive; pros'pect (-ive); prospec'tus (Lat. n.

_prospec'tus_, a view forward); respect' (literally, to look again: hence, to esteem or regard); respect'able; respect'ful; re'tro-spect (-ive); suspect'.

SPECIES: spe'cies; spe'cial (-ist, -ity, -ize); spe'cie; spec'ify (-ic, -ication); spe'cious, _showy_.

Spec'imen (Lat. n. _spec'imen_, a sample); spec'tacle (Lat. n.

_spectac'ulum_, anything presented to view); specta'tor (Lat. n.

_specta'tor_, a beholder); spec'ter (Lat. n. _spec'trum_, an image); spec'tral; spec'trum (pl. spec'tra), _an image_; spec'troscope (Gr. v.

_skopein_, to view), _an instrument for a.n.a.lysing light_; spec'ulate (Lat.

n. _spec'ula_, a lookout), _to contemplate_, _to traffic for great profit_; specula'tion; spec'ulative.

191. SPIRA'RE: spi'ro, spira'tum, _to breathe_; Spir'itus, _breath, spirit_.

SPIR: spir'acle, _a breathing pore_; aspire' (-ant); conspire' (-acy); expire'; expir'ing; inspire'; perspire'; respire'; transpire'.

SPIRAT: aspira'tion; as'pirate; conspir'ator; inspira'tion; perspira'tion; respira'tion; respir'atory.

SPIRITUS: spir'it; spir'itual (-ity); spir'ituous.

Sprightly (spright, a contraction of spirit); sprite (a contraction of spirit).

192. SPONDE'RE: spon'deo, spon'sum, _to promise_.

SPOND: correspond', _to answer one to another_; correspond'ence; correspond'ent; despond' (literally, to promise away: hence, to give up, to despond); despond'ency; respond'.

SPONS: spon'sor, _a surety_; response' (-ible, -ibility, -ive); irrespon'sible.

Spouse (Old Fr. n. _espous_, _espouse_ = Lat. _spon'sus_, _spon'sa_); espouse' (Old Fr. v. _espouser_ = Lat. _sponsa're_, to betroth, from _spondere_).

193. STA'RE: sto, sta'tum (_in comp._ sti'tum, _to stand; pres. part._ stans, stan'tis, _standing_); SIS'TERE: sis'to, sta'tum, _to cause to stand_; STATU'ERE: stat'uo, statu'tum, _to station, to fix, to place_.

STANT: cir'c.u.mstance (from part. _circ.u.mstans'_, _circ.u.mstan'tis_, through Lat. n. _circ.u.mstan'tia_, Fr. _circonstance_), _the condition of things surrounding or attending an event_; circ.u.mstan'tial; circ.u.mstan'tiate; con'stant; con'stancy; dis'tant (literally, standing asunder: hence, remote, reserved); dis'tance; ex'tant; in'stant; instanta'neous; transubstan'tiate, _to change to another substance_.

STAT: state; sta'tion (-ary, -er, -ery); state'ly; state'ment; states'man; stat'ue (-ary); stat'ure.

St.i.t: supersti'tion (literally, a standing over, as if awe-struck); supersti'tious.

STATUT: stat'ute (-ory).

St.i.tU: con'st.i.tute (literally, to set or station together: hence, to establish, to make); const.i.tu'tion (-al); const.i.tuent; const.i.t'uency; des't.i.tute (literally, put from or away: hence, forsaken, in want of); in'st.i.tute (literally, to place into: hence, to found, to commence); rest.i.tu'tion; sub'st.i.tute (-ion).

Sta'ble; (Lat. adj. _stab'ilis_, standing firmly); stab'lish; estab'lish (-ment); stay, literally, _to keep standing_; ar'mistice (Lat. n. _ar'ma_, arms), _a temporary stand-still of war_; arrest' (Old Fr. _arrester_ = Lat.

_ad_ + _restare_, to stay back, to remain); contrast' (Lat. _contra_ + _sta're_, to stand against); inter'stice; ob'stacle; ob'stinate; sol'stice (Lat. n. _sol_, the sun).

194. STRIN'GERE: strin'go, stric'tum, _to bind; to draw tight_.

STRING: strin'gent; astrin'gent; astrin'gency.

STRICT: strict (-ness, -ure); dis'trict, _a defined portion of a country_; restrict' (-ion).

Strain (Old Fr. _straindre_ = Lat. _strin'gere_); constrain'; dis-train'; restrain'; restraint'.

195. STRU'ERE: stru'o, struc'tum, _to build, to place in order_.

STRUCT: struct'ure; construct' (-ion, -ive); destruct'ible; destruc'tion; instruct' (-ion,-ive,-or); obstruct'(-ion); superstruct'ure.

Con'strue; destroy'; in'strument (Lat. n. _instrumen'tum_); instrumental'ity.

196. SU'MERE: su'mo, sump'tum, _to take_; Sump'tus, _cost, expense_.

SUM: a.s.sume'; consume' (-er); presume'; resume'.

SUMPT: sumpt'uous (Lat. adj. _sumptuo'sus_, expensive); sumpt'uary, _relating to expense_; a.s.sumption; consumption; consump'tive; presump'tion; presump'tive; presump'tuous.

197. TAN'GERE: tan'go, tac'tum, _to touch_.

TANG: tan'gent, _a straight line which touches a circle or curve_; tan'gible.

TACT: tact, _peculiar faculty or skill_; con'tact; intact'.

Attain' (Fr. v. _attaindre_, to reach); attain'able; conta'gion, _communication of disease by contact or touch_; contam'inate, _to defile, to infect_; contig'uous; contin'gent.

TEMPUS. (See page 48.)

198. TEN'DERE: ten'do, ten'sum _or_ ten'tum, _to stretch_.

TEND: tend, _to aim at, take care of_; tend'ency; attend' (-ance, -ant); contend'; distend'; extend'; intend' (literally, to stretch to), _to purpose, to design_; portend' (literally, to stretch forward), _to presage, to betoken_; pretend' (literally, to stretch forth), _to affect, feel_; subtend', _to extend under_; superintend' (-ence, -ent).

TENS: tense (adj.), _stretched_; ten'sion; intense' (-ify); osten'sible (Lat. v. _osten'dere_, to stretch out or spread before one), _apparent_; pretense'.

TENT: tent, literally, _a shelter of stretched canvas_; tentac'ula, _the feelers of certain animals_; atten'tion; atten'tive; conten'tion; conten'tious; extent'; intent' (-ion); ostenta'tion; ostenta'tious; por'tent, _an ill omen_.