SECR: (in comp.) con'secrate (-ion); des'ecrate (-ion); ex'ecrate (-ion); ex'ecrable; sacerdo'tal (Lat. n. _sacer'dos, sacerdo'tis_, priest), _pertaining to the priesthood_.
178. SA'LUS, salu'tis, _health_; Sal'vus, _safe_.
SALUT: sal'utary, _promoting health_; salu'tatory, _giving salutation_; salute' (-ion).
SALV: sal'vage, _reward for saving goods_; sal'vo, _a volley_; salva'tion.
Safe (through Old Fr. _salf_ or _sauf_); safe'ty; save; sav'ior salu'brious (Lat. adj. _salu'bris_, health-giving); salu'brity.
179. SCAN'DERE: scan'do (_in comp._ scen'do), scan'dum (_in comp._ scen'sum), _to climb_.
SCEND: ascend' (-ant, -ency); descend' (-ant); condescend' (-ing); transcend' (-ent); transcendental.
SCENS: ascen'sion; ascent'; condescen'sion.
180. SCRIB'ERE: scri'bo, scrip'tum, _to write_.
SCRIB: ascribe', _to impute to_; circ.u.mscribe', _to draw a line around, to limit_; describe'; inscribe'; prescribe', _to order or appoint_; pro-scribe' (literally, to write forth), _to interdict_; subscribe'; superscribe'; transcribe'.
SCRIPT: script, _type in imitation of handwriting_; script'ure; ascrip'tion; con'script, _one taken by lot and enrolled for military service_; conscrip'tion; descrip'tion; inscrip'tion; man'uscript (see _ma.n.u.s_); post'script; prescrip'tion; proscription; subscription; superscrip'tion; tran'script.
Scribe (Fr. n. _scribe_); scrib'ble; escritoire'.
181. SECA'RE: se'co, sec'tum, _to cut_.
SEC: se'cant (Lat. pres. p. _se'cans_, _secan'tis_), _a line that cuts another_.
SECT: sect (literally, a body of persons separated from others by peculiar doctrines); secta'rian (-ism); sec'tion (-al); bisect' (Lat. _bis_, two); dissect' (-ion); in'sect (literally, an animal whose body is apparently cut in the middle); insectiv'orous (Lat. v. _vora're_, to feed); intersect'
(-ion); venesec'tion (Lat. n. _vena_, a vein).
Seg'ment (Lat. n. _segmen'tum_), _a part cut off_.
182. SEDE'RE: se'deo (_in comp._ se'do), ses'sum, _to sit_.
SED: sed'entary (Lat. adj. _sedenta'rius_, accustomed to sit); sed'iment (Lat. n. _sedimen'tum_, a settling or sinking down); sedimen'tary; sed'ulous (Lat. adj. _sed'ulus_, sitting close to an employment); supersede'.
SID: a.s.sid'uous; a.s.sidu'ity; insid'ious (literally, sitting in wait against); preside' (literally, to sit before or over); pres'ident; presidence; reside' (-ence); res'idue; resid'uary; subside'; subsidiary.
SESS: ses'sion (-al); a.s.sess' (literally, to sit by or near a person or thing); a.s.sess'ment; a.s.sess'or; possess' (Lat. v. _possid'ere, posses'sum_, to sit upon: hence, to occupy in person, to have or hold); posses'sion; possess'or; posses'sive; prepossess', _to take possession of beforehand, to prejudice_.
183. SENTI'RE: sen'tio, sen'sum, _to feel, to think_.
SENT: scent (Old English _sent_), _odor_; sen'tence (Lat. n. _senten'tia_); senten'tious (Lat. adj. _sententio'sus_, full of thought); sentiment (Fr.
n. _sentiment_); sentimen'tal; a.s.sent', _to agree to_; consent' (literally, to think or feel together), _to acquiesce, to permit_; dissent' (-er); dissen'tient; presen'timent; resent' (literally, to feel back), _to take ill_; resent'ment.
SENS: sense (-less, -ation, -ible, -itive); insen'sate; non'sense; sen'sual (Lat. adj. _sensua'lis_); sen'sualist; sen'suous.
184. SE'QUI: se'quor, secu'tus, _to follow_.
SEQU: se'quence, _order of succession_; consequent; con'sequence; consequential; ob'sequies, _formal rites_; obse'quious (literally, following in the way of another), _meanly condescending_; sub'sequent (-ly).
SECUT: consec'utive; persecute (-ion, -or); pros'ecute (-ion).
Se'quel (Lat. n. _seque'la_, that which follows); sue (Old Fr. v. _suire_, New Fr. _suivre = se'qui), to follow at law_; suit; suit'able; suit'or; suite (Fr. n. _suite_), _a train or set_; ensue' (Fr. v. _ensuivre_, to follow, to result from); pursue' (Fr. v. _poursuivre_, to follow hard, to chase); pursu'ance; pursu'ant; pursuit'; pur'suivant, _a state messenger_; ex'ecute (Fr. v. _executer_ = Lat. _ex'sequi_); execu'tion; exec'utor; exec'utrix.
185. SERVA'RE: ser'vo, serva'tum, _to save, to keep, to bind_.
SERV: conserve'; observe' (-able, -ance); preserve' (-er); reserve'; unreserved'.
SERVAT: conserv'ative; conserv'atory; observ'ation; observ'atory; preserva'tion; preserv'ative; reserva'tion.
Res'ervoir (Fr. n. _reservoir_ = Lat. _reservato'rium_, a place where anything is kept in store).
The puzzle is _complicated_ and _displays_ much _ingenuity_ on the _part_ of the inventor. A _reply_ may be _explicit_ without showing _duplicity_.
It was urged that the _election_ of _delegates_ be _postponed_. The _portmanteau_ containing _important_ papers was left at the _merchant's office_. An _impostor_ is sure to show _opposition_ to the course of _justice_. Coleridge holds that it is _possible_ to _apprehend_ a truth without _comprehending_ it. The _bankrupt_ was so _arrogant_ that his _creditors_ were not _disposed_ to be lenient with him. Most of the questions _proposed_ by the _rector_ were answered in the _negative_. What is the origin of the word _derivation_? The _region_ is _described_ as healthful. The _ma.n.u.script_ was _transcribed_ and _subscribed_ by the _author_. It is _salutary_ to be _rivals_ in all worthy _ambitions_.
186. SIG'NUM, _a sign_.
SIGN: sign; sig'nal (-ize); sig'net; sig'nify; signif'icant; signif'icance; significa'tion; a.s.sign' (Lat. v. _a.s.signa're_, to designate); a.s.signee'; consign' (Lat. v. _consigna're_, to seal) _to intrust to another_; consign'ment; coun'tersign, _to sign what has already been signed by another_; design', _to plan_; design'er; des'ignate, _to name_, _to point out_; designa'tion; en'sign, _the officer who carries the flag of a regiment_; insig'nia, _badges of office_; resign' (-ation); sig'nature (Lat. n. _signatu'ra_, a sign or stamp).
187. SIM'ILIS, _like_.
SIMIL: sim'ilar (-ity); sim'i-le, _a formal likening or comparison_; simil'itude; verisimil'itude (Lat. adj. _ve'rus_, true); dissim'ilar; a.s.sim'ilate; fac-sim'ile (Lat. _v. fac'ere_, to make), an exact copy; sim'ulate (Lat. v. _simula're_, _simula'tum_, to make like).
Dissimula'tion (Lat. v. _dissimula're_, _dissimula'tum_, to feign); dissem'ble (Fr. v. _dissembler_ = Lat. _dissimula're_); resem'ble (Fr. v.
188. SIS'TERE: sisto, sta'tum, _to cause to stand, to stand_.
SIST: a.s.sist' (-ance, -ant); consist' (-ent, -ency); desist'; exist' (for ex-sist), _to stand out_: hence, _to be, to live_; exist'ence; co-exist'; pre-exist'; insist', _to stand upon, to urge firmly_; persist' (-ent, -ence); resist' (-ance, -ible); subsist (-ence).
189. SOL'VERE: sol'vo, solu'tum, _to loosen_.
SOLV: solve (-able, -ent, -ency); absolve'; dissolve'; resolve'.