Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl? - Chapter 1236: Shiro. C

Chapter 1236: Shiro. C

Chapter 1236: s.h.i.+ro. C

Hearing Lyrica's question, s.h.i.+ro could feel her blood rus.h.i.+ng to her head.

"Just a kiss." She whispered. She didn't want to go too far since there was still the case of rescuing Isilia.

Turning her body so that she was now laying on her back, s.h.i.+ro looked at Lyrica who had a blush on her face.

Her eyes focused on s.h.i.+ro's lips.

This wasn't a playful kiss anymore, not the kind that s.h.i.+ro would treat like a joke.

Brus.h.i.+ng her hair behind her ear, Lyrica leaned down and kissed s.h.i.+ro on the lips.

The short moment felt like an eternity as s.h.i.+ro kissed her back. Out of all her years alive, this was the first time she engaged in a proper kiss with someone. It was a strange feeling, but it felt nice for her.

As their lips parted, s.h.i.+ro could see lights reflecting off the faint strands of saliva as Lyrica panted slightly. Her face flushed, clearly wanting more but holding herself back.

Slightly softly, s.h.i.+ro sat up and kissed Lyrica again while pus.h.i.+ng her down against the bed.

"We can do more later" s.h.i.+ro whispered while giving the tip of her ear a light bite.

Feeling as though electricity was shooting through her body, Lyrica couldn't help but let out a small moan.

Looking up, Lyrica could see s.h.i.+ro with a somewhat teasing expression while licking her lips.

"There's no rush, I'm not going anywhere." s.h.i.+ro rea.s.sured before kissing Lyrica again.

With s.h.i.+ro's tongue invading her mouth for a third time, Lyrica felt her mind go dizzy.

"Now let's get some sleep, we have a long day ahead of us. I don't want you to be tired in the morning."

Pulling the blanket over Lyrica, s.h.i.+ro laid down and closed her eyes.


Waking up in the morning, s.h.i.+ro was greeted with the internal sight of Nimue smirking at her while laying on her side.

{You can do more later huh? No rush huh?} She grinned.

'Don't you know privacy?' s.h.i.+ro retorted while trying to hide her blush.

{Fufufu~ It's a bit hard when all of your internal thoughts were so pa.s.sionate. AHAHAHA} Nimue laughed, causing s.h.i.+ro to roll her eyes.

{Don't worry though, I only heard some parts. I didn't look since I don't want to be a third wheel.} She rea.s.sured.

Focusing her attention back on reality, s.h.i.+ro sat up and stretched her body. Seeing that Lyrica was still sleeping, s.h.i.+ro decided to not wake her up just yet and got changed into her usual clothes.


"Morning, did you have a nice rest?" s.h.i.+ro asked while glancing back at Lyrica.

"Mnm." Nodding her head, Lyrica still felt half asleep.

After all, s.h.i.+ro had mentioned that they could do more later, and her mind couldn't help but wonder about what they could do.

Making some light breakfast, the two sat around a table while glancing out at the city. The view hasn't changed much since last night as there was no 'real sky' so the experience was a little off putting.

'I suppose once you get used to it you will notice the small differences.' s.h.i.+ro thought to herself while looking at Lyrica who seemed to have something on her mind.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked curiously while sipping her cup of juice.

"Oh nothing much. Just thinking if I should ask Aarim about her old store when we get back."

Hearing this, s.h.i.+ro choked on her drink as Aarim's old store had something to do with adult toys. Realising that she was thinking about this due to what she said last night, s.h.i.+ro couldn't help but blush.

"Ahem. We can ask once things are dealt with."

Cleaning up everything, they made sure Lyrica didn't need to do anything else in the city before letting her party members know where they were going to meet.

The meeting point was the entrance of the elevator to the surface and their destination was s.h.i.+ro. C.

Upon arriving at the elevator, s.h.i.+ro could see Lyrica's party already prepared and ready to go. Both Asher and Vuldrin were talking quietly while Cadmi was braiding Nitha's hair.

"OH!" Noticing s.h.i.+ro and Lyrica's arrival, Nitha jumped up and had a smirk on her face. There was a question she wanted to ask and she was going to shout it out.

Suddenly feeling as though something was about to go wrong, Asher turned towards Nitha and dashed. After years of spending time together, he knew when Nitha was going to ask something stupid.

"LYRICA! DID YOU FU-!!!!" Before she could finish her question, Asher had covered her mouth.

Hearing part of the question, both Lyrica and s.h.i.+ro froze up for a moment.

"Sorry about that, you know how Nitha can be." Asher apologised with a forced smile.

"Anyways the preparations are done. We're free to leave the city without any worries. Hopefully." Cadmi smiled as Lyrica nodded her head.

Making their way to the surface, s.h.i.+ro stretched her body before ma.s.saging her neck.

"Alright, let me find out where s.h.i.+ro. C is."

Hearing this, Asher and the rest of the party looked at Lyrica in confusion.

"Ah right, I forgot to mention this to you. Yeah s.h.i.+ro is going to be finding her counterpart in this world since they are essentially the key to the survival of this world. You might want to brace yourself."

Before the party could ask more, s.h.i.+ro flared her mana as countless magic arrays appeared around her.

The sudden explosion of mana caused Nitha to enter an attacking stance out of habit as sweat dripped down her face.

"Don't worry about that, you'll get used to it once you're around s.h.i.+ro long enough. Honestly this is still rather tame." Lyrica chuckled.

Meanwhile, Vuldrin understood that s.h.i.+ro was in a realm much higher than even G.o.ds. Even if his mother was here, she would be weaker than s.h.i.+ro.

He almost couldn't believe that this was the same girl he nearly killed with a sneeze.

Snapping her fingers, a holographic image of the world appeared once more in front of her. Remembering s.h.i.+ro. C's code from the last time she met, s.h.i.+ro narrowed her eyes and activated her skill.

The satellites that had been dormant in the s.p.a.ce above rumbled to life as they sent out a pulse of energy. Immediately, all of the code in the world became visible to s.h.i.+ro. But there was no need to go through every single line since that'll take too long.

'I'm going to borrow the remnants of the system.' s.h.i.+ro narrowed her eyes as circuits appeared on her arm.


Ripping open a tear in s.p.a.ce in front of her, s.h.i.+ro plunged her right hand in as circuits shot out.

Suddenly, the party got a notification that only lasted for a single moment before disappearing. Unless you were high enough level, you wouldn't notice it. But for them, it was clear.

[System Rebooting]

Seeing this, they understood a fraction of s.h.i.+ro's power. The fact that she could reawaken the system even for a moment spoke volumes of her capabilities.

'Error, help me filter out the world's code using the system as a guide. Lockdown s.h.i.+ro. C's code and tell me the location of her true body.'

Without a second word, countless strings of code flickered across her view as it tracked every single moment that s.h.i.+ro. C had appeared. As long as it wasn't erased, every single action she had taken was clear for s.h.i.+ro to see.

And soon, Error located her current location.

Reading the code, s.h.i.+ro couldn't help but frown since s.h.i.+ro. C's current physical condition was quite concerning.

Waving her hand, s.h.i.+ro dismissed all of the magic arrays around her and turned to the party.

"I've found her. Let's not delay things anymore since her condition is not good." s.h.i.+ro frowned.

"Not good?" Lyrica raised an eyebrow.

"Even though I've reached a balance state and this world has stopped destroying itself, it doesn't change the fact that s.h.i.+ro. C had taken a lot of damage due to my existence. Her mana corruption has reached a state where just moving around is already a miracle." s.h.i.+ro shook her head.

Thinking back to how s.h.i.+ro. C could still cast timestop in her state caused s.h.i.+ro to understand that she got lucky. If she had been a step slower, it would be her world that would be in this state. Where people can barely survive and a slight exposure to the opposite energy caused corruption within their body.

Shaking her head, she turned to her right and swiped her hand down.


Splitting open the s.p.a.ce, s.h.i.+ro created a portal to where s.h.i.+ro. C was.

"Let's go." s.h.i.+ro smiled as Lyrica nodded her head.

Making their way through the portal, s.h.i.+ro could see that they were in an underground temple of some sort.

In front of them, a familiar figure was sitting on some stone steps that were leading up to several coffins adorned with fanciful decorations.

"Welcome. I was expecting to see you yesterday, but this is fine as well." s.h.i.+ro. C smiled as she could no longer see out of her right eye while her left eye was on the verge of breaking. Porcelain cracks spread across her face and body with entire limbs now missing.

"I suppose I should adorn you with the tale of why we shouldn't exist."