Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl? - Chapter 1235: System Errors

Chapter 1235: System Errors

Chapter 1235: System Errors

Making their way to s.h.i.+ro's room, s.h.i.+ro changed into some pyjamas while stretching her body. After the whole ordeal, she was exhausted mentally. She wanted to just rest her mind with a good night's rest.

Meanwhile, Lyrica did the same but she couldn't help but occasionally glance back at s.h.i.+ro.

"Hm?" Noticing Lyrica's glances, s.h.i.+ro tilted her head. Was there something else she wanted to say?

"Ah nothing." Lyrica shook her head.

She couldn't admit that she was just taking glances at s.h.i.+ro.

Shrugging her shoulders, s.h.i.+ro sat on her bed while bringing up a few holographic projections. Now that she had reunited with Lyrica, she could relax for a short while. And during this time, she wanted to find out what's going on with the system. After all, she couldn't open it at all.

Messing around with the projection, she simulated the system interface so that she has something to work with.

Feeling bed s.h.i.+ft, s.h.i.+ro glanced to her side and noticed that Lyrica had changed into a baggy s.h.i.+rt and just her underwear for her pyjamas.

"If you stare so much it's embarra.s.sing." Lyrica scratched her cheek since this was what she usually wore to sleep.

"Ah sorry. Say Lyrica, have you been able to open your system interface?" s.h.i.+ro asked as she looked back at the screen.

"Hm? No I haven't. It was a bit weird since I couldn't open it anymore once I got to this world. But I've gotten used to it now. The main thing is training and remembering my main skills."

Getting into bed as well, Lyrica saw that s.h.i.+ro seemed to be making a system of sorts.

"Are you trying to bring the system into this world?" She asked curiously while hesitating on how close she wanted to sit to s.h.i.+ro on the bed.

"Not quite. After reaching balance between my two energies I wanted to see how the system would react to this since it should be quite the strange situation. After all, my past self told me that they never managed to gain balance between the two. But now that I've reached this state, the system being quiet is too abnormal."

Flicking her finger, circuits appeared and embedded themselves into the screen as codes appeared in s.h.i.+ro's vision.

She was going to see if she could breach the codes and find out where the system was located. If she can do that, she can see the hidden logs of what is happening.

"Speaking of which, how did you even come across the gateway to the Watchman's locker?" s.h.i.+ro asked curiously. She couldn't have just gotten that information by coincidence, someone must've told her.

"Oh it was s.h.i.+ro. C and Juri. Juri couldn't follow me to this world but she told me that a gateway could be found on this world. While s.h.i.+ro. C told me that due to the state of this world, a lot of the pathways are fragile. I figured that if Juri mentioned the gateway to the Watchers locker, and s.h.i.+ro. C said it;s fragile, I would find it eventually."

Hearing this, s.h.i.+ro thought to herself for a moment as she remembered who Juri was. Juri was the realm ruler of the beyond.

When they met briefly, they had an agreement. Juri would ignore whatever Lyrica did in her realm and in return, s.h.i.+ro would do her best to help her in the future as long as it didn't go against what she believed in.

"I'm surprised that she would know something like this." s.h.i.+ro muttered.

"Well the beyond is the connection to every realm. Think of it as something akin to the root of all things. It;s also why I managed to achieve the powers of samsara."

Nodding her head, s.h.i.+ro focused back on the screen in front of her. Narrowing her eyes, she traced Error's own code back to the system. After all, the closest connection s.h.i.+ro had to the system was Error himself.

'Lets see I don't need the full information regarding the system. Just the recent activity, the reason why it can't be seen and why the administrators aren't answering at all.' s.h.i.+ro thought to herself while extracting certain pieces of code.

Watching s.h.i.+ro work with a serious face, Lyrica couldn't help but stare with a soft smile on her face. She loved watching s.h.i.+ro with a serious look. It was the look she was most familiar with after all.

"Anything I can do to help?" Lyrica asked as s.h.i.+ro thought about it for a moment before shaking her head.

"Not just yet. I will be checking your code in a bit since you're also an anomaly in this world. Somewhere along the line the system must've logged some actions within your code as well."

Browsing through the multiple lines of code, s.h.i.+ro found the hint she needed.

The last known interaction with the system in this world roughly coincided with the s.h.i.+ft in balance. When the tug of war tipped in destruction's favour, the system suffered an error and was no longer able to maintain function within this world.

'Which means the moment I woke up as the First born of Destruction, the system halted in this world. Strange' s.h.i.+ro thought with a frown.

The further she dug into the code, the more she could feel her power being drained. Her new core rumbled to life, causing her mana to surge. Finding the lines of code that she wanted, s.h.i.+ro snapped her finger and projected everything around the room.

Widening her eyes, she was shocked at the sheer number of errors that could be seen.

Missing administrators, breach in censors, abnormal, interference of the functions and so on. Aside from the basic uses of the system, everything had suffered an error.

"What the" Lyrica blinked her eyes. She knew something must've happened to the system but she didn't expect it to be this bad.

s.h.i.+ro furrowed her brows and stood up. Flicking past the countless errors, she zoned in on the main ones that happened during the moment of this world's calamity.

"Destruction element surging Balance cannot be maintained Distress call to administrators failed Zero answers Breach of security parameters Purging records" s.h.i.+ro muttered while skimming through all of the records that were available to her.

Looking through more of the errors, she pieced together the main issues.

First, every single administrator was now missing. There was no one to troubleshoot any of the abnormalities that would arise. No one to give orders to maintain balance.

Second, there was a third party that had somehow broken into where the administrators were. They purged most of the records and it couldn't be recovered.

Third, the third party had also halted the function of the system within the world of creation.

As for whether or not they plan to halt the function in the world of destruction, s.h.i.+ro didn't know since all of the records stopped here.

Thinking about it for a moment, s.h.i.+ro tried to activate the system remotely so that she could somewhat see her status. However, when the screen appeared in front of her, it was a jumbled mess of errors.

"Hmm You mentioned that the beyond is similar to the root of everything right?" s.h.i.+ro asked as Lyrica nodded.

"Then would finding a pathway to where the administrators are be possible through the use of the Beyond?"

"I'm not sure. You'll need to ask Juri about that. However, a portal hasn't opened in this world in a while and I'm not sure when the next portal will be opened." Lyrica shook her head.

Scratching her hair out of frustration, s.h.i.+ro sighed and laid on the bed.

"We should make our trip here short. Tomorrow I'll fully track down where s.h.i.+ro. C is, find out what's in the deadly zone and deal with it if possible. That way I can scan this world entirely for the pathway to the Watchman's Locker and help your parents.

"Oh I also need to explain to her that I'm dating you now" s.h.i.+ro muttered after understanding what she must do after meeting Isilia again.

"Well if it makes you feel better, mum did know about my feelings for you." Lyrica scratched her cheek, causing s.h.i.+ro to raise an eyebrow.

"I mean if she knows then it might make things easier. Either way I'll think about it when we free her from the locker." s.h.i.+ro shrugged.

Flicking her finger, the lights in the room started to dim and s.h.i.+ro closed her eyes.

"Say s.h.i.+ro" Lyrica whispered as s.h.i.+ro opened one eye.


"C-can I hug you?" Lyrica asked shyly, causing s.h.i.+ro to blush and meekly nod her head.

Shuffling closer to the centre of the bed, s.h.i.+ro could feel Lyrica hug her from behind as her arms wrapped around her. She could feel Lyrica's heart thumping loudly out of nervousness.

s.h.i.+ro didn't know why but her body suddenly felt more sensitive than ever, especially Lyrica's soft breaths on the back of her neck.

Naturally, s.h.i.+ro wasn't the only one. Lyrica also felt hypersensitive at the moment as there was a million and one things going through her head. There was so much she wanted to do right now.

The temptation to let her hands wander grew with each pa.s.sing second as she could feel s.h.i.+ro's body heating up.

"Can I?" Lyrica asked in a low whisper.

Even in the darkness, Lyrica could see s.h.i.+ro's ears going bright red.