There was a heavy weight at his chest, like someone standing over him .
His eyes flew open .
A figure illuminated only by the silvery rays of the moon and stars stared down at him . That familiar, achingly-beautiful face and full, ripe body left him stunned .
But before he could even utter a word, she was yelling .
"Young Master, what did you do?!"
He swallowed his previously prepared words, not believing his ears .
"Vee?" He exclaimed . "What the h.e.l.l happened to you!? You look like your mother!"
It was true . The Vera above him was no the kid he knew, but a woman with all the curves and heart-stopping attractiveness of a top model . . . no, much higher than that! A gorgeousness simply above what words could give justice to .
Advertis.e.m.e.ntHis eyes locked onto a pair of peerless b.r.e.a.s.t.s, admiring the deep valley . Her pajamas were just too small, unable to contain such a bountiful harvest . Several b.u.t.tons had come undone, the last few barely holding the fabric together . A losing battle if ever there was one .
She noticed his gaze just as the last of the b.u.t.tons fell . The pajamas split down the middle . Two mesmerizing mounds crashed into his face .
Vera scrambled back . She held an arm across her chest . Her face was as unchanging as always but her cheeks and ears were dyed a deep pink hue .
She very calmly hopped off of his bed . And promptly fell .
"Ow…" The girl . . . woman . . . groaned .
Damien offered her a hand and asked once again, "What happened? Growth spurt?" This was just amazing .
She felt like biting him . Growth spurt? She wasn't supposed to get even close to this sort of appearance for several hundred more years, at least!
"Aren't you the cause of all this?!" She accused . But in actuality, she was ecstatic . "What did you do to me, huh? You b.a.s.t.a.r.d . Degenerate . Flea s.h.i.+t . What kind of weird experiments did you get up to this time?! I can't even walk straight . . . and I feel so heavy… . I'm so tall now I get dizzy just standing up, even! Explain right this instant!" She complained while in truth feeling giddy inside .
Her entire body was bursting with incredible life force . It made everything feel cool and hot at the same time . An astounding amount of power just kept pouring into her seemingly without end! .
"The heck? Why do you think I had anything to do with this? I'm innocent . " Damien folded his arms .
He was stared at hard . "Innocent and the Young Master can't be spoken of in the same sentence unless it's to mean you're corrupting the innocent . " She p.r.o.nounced .
It felt like a slap . "Why you guys always gotta exaggerate like that?"
"Oh shut up, trying to act pure and kind doesn't suit you at all . " Vera poked his shoulder . He really frustrates one, this guy . "And if it wasn't you, who else would it be? It's obviously you . " The little girl . . . the young woman groaned painfully, cradling her head . "Oh, I'm such an idiot!" She sighed . "Now look what happened!"
The girl almost laughed . Though she wasn't used to this body at all and had fallen more than once before she came here, she wasn't mad at all .
Vera didn't know what he'd done, but she knew whatever it was had been good for her . To be honest? She thought he'd just put her in a pot and forget about her…
Although, okay, she maybe sort of, just a little bit, hoped he'd actually take care of her…
But he probably just used her in some strange experiments or something! Otherwise, why would she be like this? It was simply too strange . Well, she didn't think he'd do something bad to a gift she'd given to him though . And of course, he hadn't . In fact, whatever he'd done was extremely beneficial!
Vera originally thought it was bad, getting worked up and doing something so crazy . She'll admit, she got just a teeny bit jealous recently . It happened when she accidentally caught the Young Master and that Chelsea woman playing around with each other . It made her feel the slightest pangs of remorse .
Although she really did want the Young Master to be happy and have the family life he always talked about, she didn't expect how strange it made her feel when watching him with another woman like that .
It's like, seeing how relaxed and carefree he was during that week made her very warm and fuzzy inside . Watching him enjoy himself, have fun, always made her want to hum a tune . Yet every time he indulged that woman, someone who hadn't spent nearly as much time with him as she did or know him as well as she did . . . who only came up with that marriage idea just for the sake of getting his mother's protection . . . it elicited a very sour feeling .
She couldn't stand it . She saw that woman and started hating her . For the thousandth time, Vera thought about how much she really resented being stuck in this child's body . Resented it even more than having this cold, unlovable face . At the very least if she had an older body she wouldn't be treated like some kid .
That's why she ended up giving herself to him . She thought that even though her second body was too young and unable to turn his head, if nothing else maybe he'd give her true body a bit of attention and care .
Then, later, she hid under her covers in embarra.s.sment all day thinking how corny that was . But she didn't regret giving herself to him . Although her inner negativity DID make her think he'd forget about her, she logically knew that wasn't the kind of person the Young Master is .
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And so deep down she felt safe putting herself in his hands . Her mother would chastise her greatly if she found out, though . Suffice it to say, her physical form in the early stages of her growth is incredibly weak and fragile .
It really is a little much to give it to someone, anyone, just because of a little jealousy…
Still . She wanted him to have it . Vera knew she wasn't a very honest person . The words she wanted to say might never come out . The feelings she had might never get a chance to be fully explained .
But giving herself to him in this way, well, if nothing else she herself knew what it meant . He didn't need to understand himself . Neither did Mother or Baz .
Besides, just look at her now! Even though she isn't a warm person, even though she's not the kind of woman he wants, if it's this kind of body maybe he'd at least see her as more than just a child .
Her heart burned with a newfound pa.s.sion . That's right . If it's her right now, she could try! She couldn't definitely try! More than anyone, she'd make him happy . She knew she could .
But, it would be hard . She was lacking so many things . She couldn't even express herself to him properly . She was a coward who would spout abuse even at the one she liked, a terrible person . Could anyone really love someone as caustic and mean as her?
… . . Perhaps . . . not…
Vera's thoughts were cut off abruptly by a sudden hug .
"So that plant really is your true body!" Damien's eyes misted up . " Dammit, kid, how adorable are you going to be? I'm almost in tears, okay? Stop being so G.o.dd.a.m.n cute! You're literally giving me your heart here . No one else is gonna beat that . f.u.c.k . This ain't fair, it's cheating . How am I gonna turn you down now, huh? That's it, I'm done . " He sighed heavily . "Come on, let's go buy you a wedding dress . "