"The cupcakes are ready," Damien announced cheerfully .
A sweet aroma pervaded the room . He set the tray down on the small stove and carefully extracted the baked goods .
In his room sat Dolly, four of her friends, Minnie, Avery, and Vera .
He put on the thin coating of frosting and sat the prepared cupcakes onto a plate before bringing them to the long coffee table where the little girls, Avery and Minnie sat down .
"Enjoy . "
"Day's cupcakes . . . it's been forever!" Dolly had foregone manners in the comfortable presence of her brother and summarily began wolfing down the treats with great gusto, fearing they'd quickly disappear once the others got a taste .
Speaking of the girl, after hearing about what Dolly did from Vee Damien had immediately set out on putting her straight by spanking her viciously and confiscating her h.o.a.rd . Unfortunately, he only found five stashes and he was sure she must've had others she'd never admit to . Still, the pained look on her face each time he took a stash for himself was quite satisfying .
"Day . . . you can't… . our future together depends on those funds, ah!" Her cries were music to the ears .
Milly, for her part, was heavily scolded and threatened with being sent off to an armory for someone else to deal with .
"Papa, no!" It cried sweetly, miserably . "Milly was bad . . . . she was wrong . . . hic . . . don't abandon Milly . . . hic…"
Baz, apparently he also allowed the clone to be used . And clone or not, that was a betrayal! Well, he only got mad because he told Avery about it really . So he had his ahoge tugged on till a hair came off . He d.a.m.n near died . . . or so he said .
"My sprout…" The boy started wearing a helmet with tears in his eyes .
As for Vee, as soon as she saw him back then she went, "So you've finally returned, have you?" Like she knew he'd been gone for a while . Which she did .
"Young Master, how long have I had the unfortunate displeasure of knowing you? You'd never let yourself be taken advantage of like that . " She'd said . He felt the girl was too smart . Even Dolly and Milly failed to realize it was just a clone, but Vee was able to guess just from the thing's behavior being a bit off .
It was too scary and lovable . It's little details like that which make Vee the best girl . If only she was a bit older and bustier and they hadn't grown up together . . . and if she wore make-up and put dark-colored streaks in her hair . . .
He would have spanked her for letting his clone--a perfect copy of his own body--be played with and groped by who knows how many lolies too, but she was the only one who'd read his unfinished ma.n.u.scripts so he took caution when dealing with her this time .
Anyway, everything had been settled on that front and the kid had learned their lessons . So he forgave them .
But why is Dolly and her little friends here?
"Cla.s.s is so boring, let's visit Day!" She had declared, apparently, leaving the room in the middle of History .
She'd remembered she still owed her friends a meeting and brought them along . They'd ordered a carriage and set off at once . Though the teacher had looked as red as an apple after seeing several more serious students just up and leave along with the cla.s.s troublemaker .
Day, ever the sucker for cute lolies, readied food for them as soon as they'd run into him . Which took a while as none of them knew his cla.s.sroom or dorm number .
Still, they eventually met with him . Or rather Minnie, who informed him of their appearance . He ended his closed-door cultivation and welcomed them heartily .
Such cute little kids! They seemed nice, these four . He saw how adorable and earnest-looking they were, so quiet and reserved, and liked them on sight . They were great friends for Dolly, he concluded, and the thought made him wanna spoil them a bit for their troubles . So, he pulled out all the stops .
All his and Dolly's favorite snacks were made, a small party in their living room .
"It's so good!" A gla.s.ses-wearing girl with dark hair gushed, hands on her face in savor .
"So moist and flavorful!" Another little tyke, one with ginger hair and freckles, was holding herself back as she bit into the tiny cake .
"And what is this thick white liquid? It looks so weird and gooey, but it's delicious!" A brown-eyed girl, cute as a b.u.t.ton, commented with enthusiasm . As she drank a thin banana pudding the substance escaped and ran down the side of her mouth .
It was slightly lewd and Damien unconsciously wiped the stuff from her face with a cloth . Dolly was also a messy eater so he was used to it, but kicked himself after the fact . f.u.c.k, brotherly instincts are hard to subdue . He can't be doing that kind of s.h.i.+t to impressionable youngsters like these, not with Damien's face! They'd misunderstand .
Or maybe they'd be scared? This cold, harsh expression that never changed could do that . Though from the redness of the kid's ears just now, he doubted it . Damien's playboy talents were poisoning him now that he was growing older . He'd have to be more mindful in the future . It was fine with busty older girls, but he can't go around planting flags with lolies too .
Finally, a smaller, more shy tween by the name of Lily quietly munched on a slice of pizza . She seemed happy . Pizza had that effect on people .
"It's great . " Was all she said, daintily wiping her face of red sauce .
"Master…" Minnie sighed . "You shouldn't trouble yourself . I can cook too . " She said while unconsciously devouring Cinnabon delights left and right .
He looked at her . "So what? I wanna stuff you full of my cooking every day . You're still too thin!"
She nearly choked . That sentence was really quite ambiguous, wasn't it? No, she shouldn't be thinking like that . . . Master is pure and wholesome!
Damien considered her, knowing her thoughts . "That was a proposal, you know?"
Everyone stopped eating .
"M-Master… . " Minnie felt her head boil . "That kind of joke is a bit…"
"What joke? Girl, I've been wanting to put you in a wedding dress since forever already . "
"Your tummy is already mine . That's always the first step . " He stated, poking her in the belly playfully .
The four girls watched with envy .
"Just eat my food and become unable to live without my cooking . " He went on amorously . He took her into his arms and held her soft, limp frame . He whispered into her ear," Then we can move on to the bedroom and make you unable to live without my--"
"DAY WON'T BE LEWDED!!" Dolly stood abruptly, chocolate on her lips, waving off the images she was sure had popped into her friends' heads . She glared at them, sensing their unquenchable l.u.s.t!
The four said nothing, lost in their own delusions .
Damien went on, ignoring them all . "Then we can move to the bedroom and . . . "
The four blinked . He was actually saying it now?!
Dolly's mouth was agape . "Day's been corrupted… . !" She sniffled . Her arms extended towards her brother . "Day . . . I'm sorry, it's my fault . . . I had my eyes set to the future and ignored the present . " Her two thin arms wrapped around him . "I'll never let it happen again!"
The boy's face was blank . He should hit her again, right?
"This stuff really is amazingly delicious though…" Avery happily dug in, choosing not to pay them any mind, unable to resist the smells . She had two of everything, then more . "Can I have the recipes?"
"You cook?" Damien zeroed in on the guy with sudden interest . A fellow foodie?!
"I dabble . " Avery wrung his hands modestly .
Tammy cut in . "Don't be shy . You make tasty stuff too! Father is always praising your culinary skills whenever you drop by, you know?"
Damien looked at them . "You know each other?"
Avery nodded . "She's a relative . Her father and mine are half-brothers"
"Lord Avery is my uncle . I think you should know him, right?" Tammy supplied .
Damien tilted his head . "Lord Avery… . that sounds familiar, now that I think of it…" He rubbed his chin .
Vera, sipping a cup of tea silently up until now, finally spoke up .
"He's the man who's wife you almost ran away with . "
Silence .
Avery's eyes went wide . "IT WAS YOU!"
She finally remembered! She knew this was a troublesome guy a lot of people disliked, but she didn't connect him to that scoundrel from several years back who'd caused the breaking up of her parents!
She slammed the table . "YOU'RE that b.a.s.t.a.r.d father and mother were arguing about back then!"
Damien took a fist and hit his palm, clearly recalling the event . "Garter-belt milf!" He said in surprise . "She's your mother? Well d.a.m.n, what a small world . How's she doing these days?"
"Divorced!" Avery grit out, hot coals in her chest .
"Good for her!" He clapped . "She was one stressed-out woman, so much tension just bottled up . Lord Kidney Deficiency didn't help at all either, that no-good f.u.c.k head . Poor woman . Glad she took my advice in the end, though… . ah . " He coughed, realizing what he was saying . His fatty friend was NOT looking very kind towards him right about now .
Everyone except Dolly, Baz and Vera was watching them with uncertainty .
Avery's nostrils flared . She was so mad she couldn't even see straight . This person is the reason why her father turned to drinking and whoring . It's this guy's fault her mother left and rarely visits anymore, taking her little brother away from them .
He's the reason people gossiped about her father, calling him pathetic for his wife "choosing a kid over him . "
Damien Claybrook, that was his name… . ! That's why she felt him familiar! Especially that face!
Avery almost teared up with frustration thinking about the results of his interference with their family . Of the things his actions led to . Like her father, for example, who contracted a disease from one of the women he'd brought over to help him forget about his ex-wife, almost dying .
Remembering how sad and weak he looked in his bed, so defeated and lost, made her hate the boy with a pa.s.sion . She thought about him almost every day for months wondering who he was and thinking about how she wanted to hurt him as much as he'd hurt her family .
In the days leading to her mother's departure, their arguments became so bad she was even pretty sure her mother and father had come to blows . She'd once even heard things break and fall all the way from her room, her brother so scared she had to sleep with him and hold his silent, crying head .
Mother had a few bruises the next day, while father's head and arm were bandaged . That's when she left . That was also the last time she'd seen her brother .
Her hatred for this guy got to the point that she had to force herself to forget about his very name just so she could stay sane and move on . She picked up cooking, then began stress eating and soon found she had two chins .
But that didn't matter . All that mattered now is that in front of her is the one who ruined her family! Her mother and brother were gone . Her father nearly died . As for her, she couldn't even look herself in a mirror anymore without feeling disgust and self-loathing .
Now he's all but saying it was her father's fault? That her mother let their family drift apart because of a little stress? No, people didn't give up years of marriage just because of a few stiff shoulders… . they didn't hurt their loved ones and split up their families for an aching back or unfulfilled s.e.x life like he implied .
Everything . . . was his fault! However he did it, he'd led their mother astray . Tricked her somehow, with lies, promises, rea.s.surances…
And she thought he was an alright, if weird, guy? A friend, someone worthy of help and concern? She couldn't believe it . She felt sickened with herself for being so stupid .
This guy just stood there looking all innocent and careless when talking about how happy he was over their family's disaster . Objectifying her mother, demeaning her father… .
So nonchalant, so indifferent . She hated it . Her hands tightened till her nails cut into flesh . But what could she do to him? She'd seen what he was capable of .
Nothing . She could do nothing . Her throat burned . The room felt stuffy and small . She had to leave . Had to get away .
"You okay there bud?" Damien reached for the guy's forehead .
His arm was smacked away . "Don't touch me!" He hissed at him . The fatty rose unsteadily to his feet and walked out of the room .
Vera took another sip of tea . "That was certainly unexpected . "
Serina glared at Tammy . "Why'd you have to say that!"
The ginger turned up her nose at the question . "Why not? I think it was for the best Uncle and Aunty broke up anyway . "
"That . . . may be true, but…"
Vera sent a question . "And what makes you say that? Did they have troubles before the Young Master?"
Tammy paused, then squirmed uneasily . "Well, there were rumors I heard from father and a few others… . things like how Uncle would yell at his wife often in private, or how he didn't allow her to have any money herself, or even allow her to wear jewelry and pretty herself up outside of parties and their own home . Nothing too bad, but still . "
Damien folded his hands . "Oh, I heard about that alright . The woman was being emotionally abused almost every other day . Apparently, he was always calling her stupid, useless, only good for her looks . . . that kind of stuff . Do you know how f.u.c.ked up a person can get being told those things every day for years? Self-esteem would be pretty hard to come by . And as for money, that's also bad, kid . It doesn't seem like much on the surface, yeah, but think about it . You can't get very far without money, can you? Unless you sold yourself . " He shook his head . "He essentially trapped her . Always kept guards to watch her, too . It really p.i.s.sed me off so I slowly convinced her to leave him . " He rubbed his chin . "I remember getting a letter one day from her asking me to be there with her when she finally ended things . Mother always kept track of letters sent to me ever since Chef Milf, though . She'd read it and learned about everything so we went to pick her up . I caught him hitting her and so we and mother started beating him up . I even broke one of his arms . "
Damien chuckled at the memory . "Felt good . Anyway, I never saw her after that . " He huffed . "I almost sealed the deal in an Inn we rested at on our way to dropping her off at a relative's, too . But something hit my head and I pa.s.sed out before anything happened . Ah, it still makes me mad just thinking about it!"
The rest of the girls stared at me in shock . "H-How bold!"
"As expected, what a good guy!"
"Even going that far for someone…"
"U-Um, what were you doing before you pa.s.sed out?"
"Lily, you're too much!" Serina berated her friend, cheeks red, not even wanting to think about it . He seemed to be quite prodigious even when he was that young . Some of the rumors were true, then? The best ones, even . . . the DDD would like this confirmation .
Tammy sighed . "So Uncle really was that sort of person . And he seemed so nice, too . " She could only shake her head sadly . "I'm glad Aunty got away, though . But, cousin Avery has the wrong idea about you now . Shouldn't you go say something? Explain?"
Damien shrugged, unconcerned . "To his eyes, I probably ruined his family . Do you really think he'd believe me? Only his mother would be able to convince him . It's fine, though . Friends are friends even if one of them hates you for trying to seduce their mothers . "
h.e.l.l, Stiffler was still friends with Finch even after the guy had s.e.x with his mom . If he can get past that, Avery can get past Damien's mere ATTEMPT to sleep with his mom .
"Personally, I don't mind him hating me . Lots of people do . As for him thinking I tore his family apart, it isn't my business to tell . I mean I'm sure Garter-belt Milf had opportunities in these past few years to tell him what really went down, but she didn't . So neither will I . "
In the end, it just didn't bother him .
"I see . Well said! Okay, then . "
"Don't worry about it . Eat up . " Damien wanted to pat her head, she was so cute . But no! He held it in . He was starting to feel addicted to patting the heads of adorable lolies . It was harder to control than his penchant for drugs .
Like, a horde of lolies scared him . Sure . But a few lolies here and there? They healed the heart!
Should he adopt these little ones, too? He was already considering what kinda onesies they'd look good in .
Minerva was cheerful . The conversation was a little weird, but it boiled down to Master helping someone . He really did good at taking care of people, didn't he? He'd be a great father, she'd bet… . wait! Why was she thinking something like that? She shouldn't be thinking like that, right? P-Probably . . .
The little get-together lasted for another hour . Serina, Lily, Tammy and Janette were on cloud nine the entire time . Their faces were relaxed and blissful, sipping tea with smiles plastered all over their faces .
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This is the best day ever! They ate the best food, were being told the funniest of stories and got to enjoy the presence of their idol .
He's so nice and cool! So doting and warm! They wanted to laze around all day while receiving head pats and having their backs rubbed .
Why did they think those things? Because they saw the older woman with a hood over her head fall asleep on the carpeted floor and ending up being pampered by Damien, who saw a chance and took it . He brushed her hair and did her a few braids . This woman's hood then twitched and was taken off, revealing two furry ears which Damien began to gently finger .
She was a cat-person! Did he like cats? Even mutated beastkin? Maybe he had a weird fetish . They remembered his words from before and felt that a reasonable a.s.sumption . How disgusting . How . . . unfair! Just because she was born with cat-ears, she got to lay around on his lap and be caringly fussed over?!
They wanted to cry . There's no heavenly justice in this world after all . The G.o.ds are too biased! They lost all faith and devoted themselves to magic-science from then on .
They'd give themselves furry ears too someday, they swore to themselves .
Their nostrils flared, souls burning with a new pa.s.sion . For the sake of being pampered by their beloved idol, they'd definitely become splendid cat-girls themselves!
They imagined a perfect world full of warm suns.h.i.+ne, delicious baked goods and many head pats every day . And at night . . . heh . . . ehehehe . . .
Damien saw off the four kids who were chuckling like old men and licking their lips . They seemed a bit weird . Maybe he shouldn't adopt them .
Dolly yawned and waved good-bye, promising to return tomorrow too .
He looked down at Minnie . So innocent . So vulnerable .
. . . Heh… . ehehehe… .
It was the next morning and Avery still hadn't come back . He was starting to get worried for the guy . Girl . Fatty .
He did some investigating and found out the fatty had moved in with another friend . But, her stuff was in her room so she'd have to come back for them .
Damien, however, didn't feel the need to make the fatty go through that trouble . Actually, he also had a better idea . Which was to move out himself!
So he made a note, telling Avery of his plan to find a place in the city . Since he didn't have many things it was easy to pack up and get out fast . He stuck the note to the door for the fatty to see when he eventually came back and started house-hunting .
Using Dolly's stash he wandered busy streets with Minnie along with a realtor, checking out several sizeable houses that were out of the way with a big yard .
Finally, after several hours, they found a perfect spot that suited his tastes . He paid and waited a couple of days for minor repairs and renovations that had been nearly completed before his arrival to get fully done . Then, it was his!
Damien invited his parents along with Baz, Dolly, Vee and Evie for a housewarming party . But Mother and Evie went on some sort of trip for advanced training, and Vee said she was sick or something . Though that cough was totally fake .
So it ended up being Dolly, Baz, Father and Dolly's friends again .
"So, son, I heard you got kicked out again?" Father grinned .
. . . Okay, so MAYBE the day after the last get-together he was called outside by a loud shout and chewed out by the old man, then told that while he can remain a student he wasn't allowed on the campus except during school hours anymore .
And he didn't even really get why? He could've made a fuss about it but he was planning to leave anyway so it wasn't a big deal . All he knew is that Princ.i.p.al Gladstone seemed a tad pale when shouting at him .
Being reminded about his unfair treatment was annoying so he set off a small explosion in his dad's hair, which prompted a fight that ended when they almost put a hole in a wall .
The event ended and everyone was seen off with a wave . Now? Damien was walking down the stairs while stretching his arms .
Minnie was already up and preparing breakfast . There were now ribbons intertwined in her new braids . It was gone already but a few days ago her cheeks were also a bit swollen from Damien pinching and squeezing them while she slept, which she had no idea about .
Damien was thinking this was the peak of life, just a man and his cute cat-eared waifu, when he heard a knock at the door .
He tightened his robe to hide his PJs and answered . Who did he find? Vera
"Fancy meeting you here . What's up?"
The girl was silent .
"Alright . Cool . Nice talk . Come on in, we're about to eat . " He gestured for her to enter, which was ignored .
She only continued to stand there, completely still . He noticed something behind her back .
"What's that?" He pointed .
Finally, she spoke, "Oh, this? A housewarming present, I suppose . I did miss the party yesterday, after all . "
What she pulled out was . . . a completely ordinary-looking willow tree . A really small one, just a sapling really, with its roots sticking out from underneath as it lacked a pot .
"Uh . . . thanks?"
The little girl chucked it at him carelessly . "She's pretty low maintenance, all you have to do is put her in a pot . You don't even have to water her . Convenient little thing, no?"
"Right . " Hold on, 'her"? He looked between the green-haired little beauty and the tree with complex feelings suddenly boiling up . "Say . . . this isn't you, is it?"
Vera sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose . "Please, Young Master, I know you have somehow come to the absurd conclusion that I hold romantic affections for you, which I don't, but even if I did do you seriously believe I'd leave my true physical body in your hands just like that?"
Well . She did make a point . That'd be a bit of a stretch to believe .
She went on . "If you don't want her just chuck her out the window or something . "
Damien hugged the tree and held it away from her . "What?! No way, I ain't throwin' it out like that . " He regarded the immature willow tree with appreciation . "Besides, ain't she a cutie?" He ran a finger over one of the bright green leaves . "Yup . This is my little tree now . You can't have it back even if you begged . Where'd you get it, anyway?"
She gestured indifferently . "Just some random tree I picked up along the road . No need to get sentimental . "
He didn't think any willow trees grew in the area, though? And she could just teleport here, why would she be taking a road? He didn't call her out on it .
"Isn't this the first real present you've ever given me? I'll be sentimental if I want to . You can't stop me . "
The girl held a hand to her mouth, yawning . "Yes, yes, do as you wish . Anyway, that's all I came here for . Good day, Young Master . "
And she left .
He closed the door and walked away, then heard another knock . It was Vee again .
"But, you know, since it IS a gift from me and all you really should take care of it . Understand? You ABSOLUTELY have to take good care of it, okay? It's not much now, but in a few years it'll surely grow big and beautiful, alright?" She cleared her throat . " Not that I care what you really do with it . Just throw it away if you don't want her . "
And once again, she was gone .
It was later at night . Damien had put the cute little tree into a pot and had fallen asleep while hugging her .
He had a strange dream . It was one where he was in a large, endless expanse of white hauntingly similar to that s.p.a.ce he'd fought that flamed-haired beauty so many times in .
In his hands was the tree Vera had given him .
Looking around, he found something strange . It looked like each step he too brought a small patch of emerald green gra.s.s and rich dark soil to life .
"Heh . Cool . " He walked around a little more and eventually a large circle of earth, flowers and gra.s.s popped into existence . In this blank, empty canvas he'd sown the seeds of life . He could see the soil expanding on it's own now, slowly stretching across the world of white and bringing it color .
He considered the tree in his hands . Then looked at the soil under his feet .
"Gee, I wonder what I should do now . " He snorted, the answer obvious .
He dug out a small hole and got to work planting a tree . The thing grew more than twenty feet in a matter of seconds . It d.a.m.n near impaled him!
"Son of a b.i.t.c.h!" He cursed, a bit of blood at his chin . He then watched with amazement as the little tree began to flourish . Twenty feet . . . thirty . . . fifty… . it just kept growing! By now it's trunk had already grown thick and powerful, it's branches stretching outwards as if to encompa.s.s the world . The little tree gained fruits and vines, countless leaves springing forth and bursting with a faint, mysteriously enchanting green . Every single branch seemed immeasurably strong, like they could weather any storm and swat to death any beast .
The lush, verdant willow tree thrust into the air proudly . It was vigorous and healthy, a matchlessly formidable existence . Every leaf resplendent, every fruit giving out sweet fragrances that left your heart calm and peaceful .
Damien stood there motionlessly . It was because there was a feeling of comfort and warmth flowing into him . The sensation was impossibly gentle and caring, almost like a hug . His eyelids became heavy .
For what may have been the first time in what seemed like forever, his entire being felt stable and whole .