My Sister The Villainess - 50 How To Fund An Empire

50 How To Fund An Empire

To build an Empire, what did one need? Resources! And to acquire resources, what did one need? Money! Therefore to first create an Empire, the first step is to be filthy rich!

Next what you need is power and influence, to ama.s.s forces and cut a swath through all opposition so you can crown yourself their ruler. But first things first.

Dolly was currently asleep, by the way. Sitting around the table were different versions of herself.


"Theft!" One fired out.

"Gambling!" Fired another.


"Bake sale?"

The head Dolly glared at the speaker with rage.

She was immediately thrown out the window.

Another, more hesitant Dolly raised a pet.i.te little hand. She was the youngest Dolly, the most innocent Dolly who wore the bunny onesie Day had made for her. She looked uber cute.

".....Why not all three?"

She became employee of the month.

But Dolly forgot most of it when she woke up.


The sun was bright. The air was cool. It was two days since her brother apparently enrolled into the high school division.

She was sitting in cla.s.s with Vee by her side. Soundly sleeping. Expression going from serious to angry to thoughtful in a matter of seconds. Vera had no idea what she could be dreaming about.

"Did you hear?" Serina struggled to keep her voice level. "Damien's coming to school close by! Uwah, how exciting!" She writhed about happily, twisting with her hands on her cheeks.

"Really?" Janette nearly shouted.

"Should we go say hi?" Lily suggested shyly, fiddling with her hands.

"We can't just walk up to him and say h.e.l.lo, he doesn't even know us! Probably. I-I wonder if he still remembers me…"

"Eh, I wanna see him…" Tammy whined pathetically.

"Me too. He's amazing! Guess what he did to those scoundrels over at block C."

"Huh, what'd he do?" Janette inquired with interest.

"He beat them up!" Serina waved a fist, completely unladylike. But that was the norm when talking about Damien. They got a bit too enthusiastic. "I heard from my cousin who works as the secretary for the student council that he rounded them up and gave them a good whack on the rear. He even submitted a paper to form a club meant for enforcing public morals. As expected of our Damien, he has such a pa.s.sion for justice! He'll clean up that no-good place for sure!"

Serina was normally the most calm and collected of the group, yet when the talk turned to Damien she was the most vocal of fan members.

Vera was staring at them. A sardonic laugh escaped her lips. "Look at those idiots." She muttered low. "Our Damien. What bulls.h.i.+t. DIsgusting groupies." She shook her head in derision.

She disliked running into these "fans" of his. They got lost in their own delusions, painting the Young Master in a light not his own. Vera didn't understand why they persisted in these fantasies about him. And it was annoying watching them gush over a person who didn't exist at all except for their own fool heads.

She looked at her young Mistress at her side. She felt this girl especially had certain….unrealistic opinions about her brother.

Vera had trouble comprehending the whole thing. Why did everyone prefer some made-up version? Isn't the Young Master great just as he is? It was truly baffling.

Rather than some weird person who was all about kindness and justice for everyone, like how those girls thought of him, Vera felt the Young Master who gave preference to just his own loved ones is much better.

You didn't know where you stood with the first type of person since they treated everyone nicely. But with the Young Master you always knew when he thought you were special. And he made you feel like you were.

She thought back when he'd thrown her up in the air and hugged her not that long ago. She reached for her head unconsciously.

He ruffled her hair, something he rarely did with her. His hand was strong. Safe.

"Vee, I could kiss you!"

The memory lingered.

….She felt her ears burn and had to lay her head on the desk.

She wanted to bite him. b.a.s.t.a.r.d.


Dolly was walking down the hall. From several feet away, hiding behind a corner peeking out, were a set of four faces she'd find familiar.

Janette, Lily, Serina and Tammy. The hawk-like eyes of these four fresh and ripe maidens were dead-set onto the smaller girl's back. Full of determination.

"You go."

"No, you."

"Hey, why don't you? It was your idea."

"I-I can't ask something so embarra.s.sing and shameless!"

But lacking courage.

"Hey, what're you looking at?" Dolly suddenly appeared behind them.

"Ah!" They screamed in unison. Tumbling to the ground one on top of the other.

"H-Hi there!" Serina was the first to recover. She coughed and tried to maintain a semblance of dignity. "We were just…."

"Admiring the architecture!" Tammy covered.

"Yes! It's very...solid…" Lily covertly rubbed her b.u.m.

"Oh. Really?" Dolly tapped on the ground with her foot. "It is. You're right." Thank the G.o.ds she's an airhead!

"Anyway, now that you're here," Serina forged on resolutely, "About your brother…is it possible….I mean, could you...if it's okay, and you totally don't have to...but would you mind… know. Please?"

Serina subtly placed a gold and silver charm bracelet into the other girl's hand.

Dolly then remembered something from years back. Her eyes s.h.i.+ned. The problem she had been long contemplating finally found it's a solution.

"Let's talk business." She smiled and led the four away.

Meanwhile Vera had an idea of her own.


Dolly has the best brother in creation itself. Smart, kind, loving, really good at making delicious treats. Simply perfect.

Pretty, too.

However she has recently come to realize the burden Day carries with him, the dangers he braves on a regular basis.

Dolly was ashamed. She wanted to cry. Oh, Day! I had no idea!

Tears streamed down her face and she tip-toed.

All these years she had never understood. Had never realized the predators eying him like a slab of meat.

How could she be so foolish? All this time she feared being replaced as his sister when the reality was so much worse.

How could she not have tried to protect him before now? From all these bad, no-good women who only ever thought of lewd things. Those women who took advantage of his good intentions, those little girls who wanted to split us apart…

He's too innocent for this cruel, dog-eat-dog world!

It's up to Dolly to save him!

And to do so, she had to dig deep. She had to be more ruthless and cutthroat than all those no-good b.i.t.c.hes! Even if it meant getting her hands dirty!

Burning with righteous fury, she slowly opened the drawer.

All of a sudden the light switched on.

"Eep!" She jumped in fright.

"Dolly?" It was Day! He caught her!

"Oh. Day. Fancy meeting you here." Oooh, good job, me. That was smooth.

"It's the middle of the night. In my dorm room. What do you mean, fancy meeting me here? How'd you even know where I was? Actually, what're you doing here? What's that thing behind your back?" He squinted his eyes suspiciously, shooting several questions that made her sweat bullets.

"Eh? Nothing. What do you mean?" Dolly smiled shakily.

"Are those my underwear?"


"Why's that a question?" He flicked her head. "Explain!"

Ku...the pain, it hurt! But, Day's angry face is also very pretty. Dolly lamented. How could such beauty exist in the world? Looking so cool even at this hour. Day, as I thought, it's too dangerous for you here!

She reaffirmed her choice to go against the world, clutching his underwear tightly in her little fist.

"Day, it's not what you think. I'm doing this for you!"

"...You're stealing my underwear, though?"

"Yes, that's right!"

"For me...okay, doesn't make any sense but whatever. What for?"


"How is that benefitting me? Do I even get a split? I'm getting a split this time, right?!"

"Uh, no...but it's all for you anyway, so just trust me!" Dolly started stuffing various clothes into her pockets, under her arms, even inside her dress. She was slowly becoming sphere-shaped. She madly gathered all the clothes she could find. Then moved onto the laundry basket.

"Ooh, prime goods! Hurray!" She cheered.

Damien was speechless. Prime goods my a.s.s!

"Who the heck is even going to pay money for my clothes?"

"I can't answer that." Dolly said, very seriously. "Dealer-buyer confidentiality." She considered. "Well, it's not any one person. But someone is paying extra for your sweaty used clothes. Anonymous buyer. "

HIs sweaty clothes….is it Vee? Or another pervert? Or maybe Vee? It's Vee, isn't it?

"Little brat, you can't just--"

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"Oh, and you have 579 dates set up."

"f.u.c.king WHAT?!" His eyes nearly popped out of his skull.

"A lot of people booked you twice." Dolly rummaged deep into his laundry basket, feet now in the air. "Oh...Day, I'm stuck, help!" She kicked in panic. "Ah, nevermind, I'm okay." She stood, basket raised atop her head, slowly pus.h.i.+ng her way out.


"Please, Day? It's for our future happiness!" The puppy-dog eyes made their return!

Why is this whole thing sounding so d.a.m.n familiar?

He felt an eye twitch. He directly kicked her rounded form through the doorway. But she was so large now she couldn't fit.

"Get outta here! Dang brat, always selling out your big bro….never leaving me my cut….cheapskate…."

"Day….ughn" She struggled, dangling in mid-air, held up by both sides between the door frame. "I'm doing this for us….please...understand...The s.h.i.+nies don't matter, okay? By the way, are there any gambling dens here? I need a few debt slaves. "

He kicked her again and sent her flying out. "Go back!" And slammed the door shut. Remembering belatedly the majority of his clothes were stolen. Including his new uniforms.

He quickly reopened the door only to find one piece of paper with the letters I.O.U

She was long gone.

Milly floated to his side. "Papa's family is weird." The Holy Sword stated matter-of-factly.

"Why didn't you tell me she snuck in?"

"....I'm sorry, Papa. Milly gave into temptation."


"Milly booked Papa for next week."