Those were his first words upon entering the cla.s.sroom.
Let it be known that the speaker, Henry Cahill, has been working as an instructor at Haytham Academy's high school division for over twenty years now. a.s.signed to cla.s.s 7 housed within block C... known as the place all the most troublesome and unruly students were dumped.
Haytham is a very large Academy governed jointly by several nations. Prestigious to the extreme and yet open to both n.o.ble and Commoner alike so long as you pa.s.sed the test. The test was difficult, but still there were many children who could meet the requirements and this meant the size of the Academy had to meet these numbers.
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With a middle school, high school and university division all nearly at the level of a settlement, Haytham's high school division alone has several grand buildings including three separate buildings specifically used for cla.s.srooms. Buildings known as blocks A, B, and C. Over twenty students to a cla.s.s, each building holding over twenty cla.s.srooms. That's over 400 students per building and over a thousand two hundred altogether not including staff. Enormous.
Now, block C. In block C you had everything from gambling to drug dealing. Entirely due to the overseer of block C having both full authority and being open to bribery. While this was a major problem that would have originally been dealt with swiftly, the only thing Haytham cared about were results. So long as the block continued to show these results--if barely--they didn't much mind what state the place or the students were in.
Just looking at the abysmal hallways was enough for you to understand the Academy's stance. It was laughable. A few days ago the area was pristine, as it was every year….then the students went and ducked it up again. As they did every year.
Henry had long since given up caring.
Sadly the overseer of block C who was employed ten years prior is a woman of powerful and corrupt means. So she couldn't simply be replaced so easily even if the Headmaster wanted. The high school division recently got a new, one Lord Gladstone, who was a former general in the Martial Empire. Perhaps he would change things, Henry had thought at first. But he was also a results-oriented man, he soon learned, and he wasn't the type to deeply investigate matters that were of no serious concern. So long as the students excelled, what would he care for how?
Due to those factors block C had always been--and may always be, Henry feared--a haven for scoundrels and rogues.
Because that's what they were. Henry knew better than anyone.
They didn't listen to the teachers and often played around with them as well. In fact many of the former instructors had long quit after having fallen to all sorts of hards.h.i.+ps. Whether it was s.e.xual hara.s.sment, a thumbtack to the seat, or a full-blown beating when they tried to impose order.
Henry was the only one who stayed and that's because he literally had no other options. A misspent youth disqualified him in the eyes of other inst.i.tutions. The overseer here was the only one who accepted him and he thinks she only did it on a whim. For almost eight years he's been going it alone. Suffering constant woes.
How can one personally manage over twenty Over 400 children? It was impossible even if they WEREN'T little demon children.
h.e.l.l, none of the other had even a subst.i.tute to watch them. Instead they were in a state of perpetual "self-study" and either skipped or treated the area as their personal playground.
These students were animal! Just...savages! They cared not for any authority besides their own.
This is exactly why Henry was so flabbergasted when he walked into cla.s.s.
Because usually at the start of a new year he would be met with a bucket of water--if he was lucky, it was only water--as a tradition of sorts.
But apparently someone else had been splashed instead.
And that person?
….He was soaking wet. Sitting on Henry's table, with the entire cla.s.s lined around the room.
All of whom were nude from the waist down. Not even the girls were spared.
Worst part? They were beaten blue and b.l.o.o.d.y. Well, the boys were. Many of them were sobbing quietly. If they got too loud there was a floating sword that hit them with it's hilt telling them, "Papa said to shut up! So quiet down, you!"
And they were in a line because they were waiting for their spankings. Performed by the young boy who was soaked from head to toe.
He was expressionless but there was a thick bloodl.u.s.t that clogged the throat hanging over him like a shroud. His face held no feelings besides a chilling indifference but he was abnormally attractive and almost transcendent in bearing.
Henry immediately recognized him. Damien Claybrook, the problem child of problem children! He'd heard of his tyrannical nature. How he did whatever he wanted with seemingly no care for consequence.
Beating men, stealing their wives. Beating children, stealing their candies. Gifting bug-infested blankets to poor Barons during winters. Robbing Lords of their prized horses. Recently he'd even made several knights under King Lucius's command crawl on all fours and carry him on their backs. SImply humiliating them to death.
Angering man and G.o.d alike, a devilish youth the likes of which had never been seen in the world before! An existence believed to be the reincarnation of a Demon King! The Purple-Eyed Devil!
Even now he was in the midst of disciplining a bunch of villainous children in a way that would leave them wanting to die.
The man almost fainted.
At Damien's side was a very portly young man with auburn hair, a slim youth with a pitying smile, and a woman with cat-ears--a mutant, here?! How tragic, poor girl will have it rough--who was staring angrily at the students with folded arms.
"Such a punishment is too light for disrespecting Master so foolishly. Be thankful master is kindness personified!"
He nearly spat blood. What'd that boy do to her?! Is this the kid's famous brainwas.h.i.+ng techniques that are revered far and wide? It must be!
"Next!" The wet youth snarled. The boy he'd just gotten done disciplining pulled up his pants and walked away in misery, a.s.s red and quickly turning a faint purple, going to sit on his seat as silent as a lamb. None of the people around him dared utter a peep, neither did they take even a glance at one another either.
Instantly a young girl with an embarra.s.sed face, long painted nails and dyed blond hair came up.
He began bending her over his knee without pause and started the process all over again.
"Laugh at this big bro, did you? Hmph. What, feeling shy? Ashamed? Good! Unruly children like you need to be embarra.s.sed to death before you can learn to behave!" Pa! A crack resounded throughout the room
"Next!" He called yet again.
This was...this was…
"Alright, enough whining! Everyone get up and start cleaning up that G.o.dd.a.m.n hallway. f.u.c.king disgraceful. You expect me to walk through that s.h.i.+t show? Where's the other I'm not done yet, dammit. I'm sure you all deserve a good thras.h.i.+ng!"
Yes, yes they did! Do it, bully them more!
Henry was silently rejoicing. How do you like that, huh, you punks?! Against a true Devil you're all nothing, less than nothing!
"Huh, who're you?" Damien suddenly noticed an aging man with a haggard face quivering in excitement by the doorway.
"Call me Henry, little friend."
Henry is sure the overseer would thoroughly take care of the young Devil soon enough, but for now he'll enjoy the show.
Please, crush their wills to live as soon as you can.
Damien caught the heartfelt desire for retribution in the other man's eyes and felt annoyed. "You a teacher here?"
"For over twenty years, Great One." For the time being, this devilish youth was a hero in his mind. Henry became tearful at remembering all the injustices he's suffered.
But it's okay because this young man would avenge---
"Well then you're next, pal." Damien pulled the guy's ear. "Honestly," He chastised, "What the h.e.l.l kind of school you guys runnin' here? Can't you control a couple pieces of s.h.i.+t like these? Letting them run wild and pull pranks all w.i.l.l.y nilly. If I don't beat you up for your negligence, that'd be too unfair."
"Disciplinary committee?" Gladstone frowned. "What's this?" He stared down at a large pile of paperwork.
A beautiful girl with purple-black hair stood prim and proper in front of him. Flame-like eyes burned with interest as she sat them at his desk just moments ago.
"He wants to establish a new branch in the school's administration designed to "govern and enforce public morals" among students. Strictly speaking, it's a club. But one officially recognized and backed by the Academy itself. It's quite clever."
And it is. Clubs at Haytham are given complete autonomy. This would mean the "Disciplinary Committee" is allowed to have it's own rules and run itself as the club president dictates, but the entire purpose to be a peace keeper force. It's club activities would be to go around and enforce these "public morals" around the entire highschool division. It wasn't limited to just block C.
Normally the clubs wouldn't be able to have a say in how students present themselves.
But since this one would be sanctioned by the Academy itself it can impose their rules upon the entire student body. This would effect the other clubs as well. Their members would also have to follow whatever rules and regulations the Disciplinary Committee establishes.
Gladstone read through the papers for several minutes in silence.
"...Devious…." His frown deepened the more he read. The whole thing was ironclad. "He'd have the authority of school administration behind him but we wouldn't be able to have a say in what he does ourselves."
She was right. Strictly speaking, it is a club. Only a club. Which meant the Academy would have no right to interfere in their activities.
"It's only been a day." Gladstone's gravelly voice was severe. The stack of paper was daunting. "How did he get all this done? It's entirely hand-written."
"I've read it. He's acquired a solid grasp on school guidelines, it seems."
"The handbook is nearly five hundred pages. I don't even understand it." He rubbed his temples as he recalled all the jargon he couldn't begin to comprehend in the short time he's been here. "When I finished the first section I had to close my eyes and rest for an hour," Gladstone admitted.
Helena shrugged. "I got through half of it, but I had a servant read it to me aloud."
"Worthy of being the devilish youth of the generation." Gladstone begrudgingly praised. It was too amazing, his dedication to causing trouble.
"His Grace is certainly on a level different from us." Helena nodded calmly. Something about her words nagged at him. Did she call the boy, His Grace? No, that was nonsense. He must've misheard.
"The boy's already kicking up dirt." A savage grin. "I like it." The frown returned. "But what I don't like is having my hand forced."
There was no real reason to reject the creation of the club, and on paper it was only a positive change.
He wasn't blind, he knew that girl overseeing block C is as corrupt as they came. He simply didn't care. They achieved pa.s.sing scores in tests continuously, and cheating was impossible. She was also good at hiding her tracks, that woman. At most, it was just the students being unruly by themselves, nothing connected directly to her. So nothing much could even be done to begin with.
Since she kept it under the rug and test scores were decent, every before Gladstone was either blissfully unaware or gracious with turning a blind eye. He was, too. He had no reason to get involved. And it wasn't as if there were any deaths due to her machination, at least as far as he knew.
In any case, it's true that the place being seedy was an open, unsightly secret among the administration.
This is the positive change he'd meant. Yes. On paper, there were no negatives. The Violet-Eyed Devil, however, was in the details, slyly giving him jurisdiction over ALL students, not just those from block C.
...As it was so well-written and offered to rid the school of a long-held problem….
The boy had even lightly threatened to go over Gladstone's head if he were to refuse. The Academy had autonomy itself even as they were funded by various nations. But every from middle school to the university division was part of a group that democratically decided matters which affected the whole.
This Claybrook kid could--and vaguely implied that he would--bring evidence of block C's misconduct to the other Principles. If they sided with him, they'd outvote Gladstone. At that point it wouldn't matter what he said. Perhaps they'd install similar clubs in their own divisions, even.
This was...quite a headache.
His hands were tied. He had to agree to the proposal. That brat didn't give him the choice to refuse.
The boy was here a day and already prepared himself a nice little kingdom to rule. The laws he wanted to enforce were all rather reasonable. It's just, the methods he used to enforce them was up to his own judgment. Another seemingly innocent detail that was, in reality, worrying.
"He's definitely going to b.u.t.t heads with that vulgar woman, though." Gladstone gave his seal of approval with mixed feelings. The creation of such a club was a direct challenge to her authority. The Academy gave overseers their freedom, mostly. Normally it didn't matter as other overseers won't involve themselves with the students themselves too much, but that woman's different. She uses the students to her own ends.
This would be wrenching away that control. A not-so-civil war may be on the horizon, he feared.
"I doubt she'll be much trouble for him, my Lord." Helena scoffed lightly. "Haven't you heard what he did this morning?"
"...Please tell me no one died."
"Oh, it was quite a bit worse." Her lips curved beautifully. "Unfortunately, he wasn't so lenient." And began to tell him of the boy's latest exploit.