My Sister The Villainess - 46 You've Done It Again Pt. 1

46 You've Done It Again Pt. 1


Baz and I dropped Lucy off at his castle and left for home. I was feeling a bit good at coming back after so long. Being able to relax in my room a while. Continue my writing. Sleeping in my own bed.

It felt like years since I'd been back. No more scorching sun! No more little Aeil girls trying to grope me when I walked around in disguise wanting a snack! Since yeah what the Chief dude said actually came true. Apart from camping, I visited the City of Ko and my HQ several times between looking for clues about the cults and whatnot.

So the loli magnet, Damien, really did attract a fair number of young Aeil who couldn't resist the pull of my Aura.

"MY HOUSE!" I nearly fainted. "What the f.u.c.k happened to my house?!"

Let me paint you a picture. Imagine it. A large, fancy, mansion of marble and pearl. A place that screamed money and power. A vibrant multi-colored Eden, snow-capped mountains off in the distance. Topped with the bluest of skies.

This was the place I'd grown up in.

I could vividly recall running through the archaic halls of each room while tracking down a troublemaking Vera trying to escape her punishment. Could still smell the sharp scent of ink and feel the rough paper on my fingertips as I put the scenes of my many, many years of research into written form.

And now everything is ruined! The place is f.u.c.king wrecked! It's like a warzone!

I took in the crumbling walls and spear-like icicles that made the house look like a porcupine. Suddenly the door opened.

"Son!" Mother's face was beaming. "You're back~!" She rained down a flurry of kisses upon my face. "Mommy's been missing you more and more each day!" A back-breaking hug. "So? How'd you like your Uncle, huh? I see you've taken quite a few souvenirs for yourself." She said, referring to my overflowing bags of herbs.

I shoved her away irritably. "Forget that, woman! What the h.e.l.l happened here?!"

She waved her hand carelessly. "It's nothing. An old friend stopped by unexpectedly, that's all."

"What do you mean, that's all?" I shouted. "Look at the place! What'd you say to that friend of yours?!"

"Hey, it wasn't MY fault, okay? I didn't do anything. She just got really upset for some reason while we were talking. I had nothing to do with it. " Mother insisted. " Strange, though. I really have no idea how she even found me, I never told her which realm I was staying in."

"You make the world sound like this is just a sort of vacation home."

"To our kind, it is." She agreed. "But yeah. She got super mad all of a sudden. And as you can see, things got ugly. Eh, some women just have a need to destroy things when they get angry. Completely understandable."

Understandable? Really?

I wanted to hit her. Getting mad is, like, throwing s.h.i.+t. Not attacking someone's poor little home like this! And this d.a.m.n lizard-brain thinks this c.r.a.p is UNDERSTANDABLE?!

While I tried my best to subdue the urge to track down the unreasonable c.u.n.t, Mother continued.

"I and Mary had a hard time keeping her down. The fight lasted a while."

"Was there an actual fight?" I asked, looking her up and down. Still as milfy as ever, no sign of injury as far as I can tell.

She pinched my cheek. "What, are you worried about your cute mommy? How precious!" She hummed happily. "But I'm fine." A shrug. "She still kept it within certain limits. And that woman didn't wanna kill me either. Which, to be honest, is a bit odd since she normally lets her thirst for blood s.h.i.+ne through. Must've mellowed a bit in the time we haven't met." A laugh. "Actually you should be more worried about your father."

"Is he hurt?" I can't imagine that guy getting beat up.

"Yeah but that's his fault. While Mary and I were busy taking care of the woman's tantrum, he had the nerve to take a seat and say, "Nice, a cat-fight" while munching on popcorn. So we beat him up later."

Huh. Well, I'd have been enjoying the show too. Still, that guy. He didn't have many concerns, did he? Guess he didn't feel the need to help. I imagine Mother and Mary are pretty d.a.m.n strong even though I've never seen them fight.

"It's cool though. Everything's alright."

"What were you doing when she flipped out?"

"Nothing." She replied, a little too quickly. "Nothing at all. Anyway you came here to learn, didn't you? Come on, let's get that core formed already!"

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"Hold on, I just got here. Wait, how did you know I--?"

"Come along, don't dawdle!" She grabbed my arm and dragged me outside. "Oh, and by the way, your room got destroyed."

My ma.n.u.scripts!


Before I was able to even take a midday nap as I planned, Mother brought me several miles away to one of the nearby hills.

"Months of work. Gone. Just...gone. That f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h. I'll kill her. I swear I'll kill her. Where is she? Huh? Where're you hiding her, dammit?!" I was d.a.m.n near foaming at the mouth.

"I've killed literally hundreds of thousands in my time, but that bloodl.u.s.t is scaring even me!" Mother let out a low whistle. "Really makes the skin crawl. Do you really care that much about a few pieces of paper?"

"I'll hang her to the ceiling by her nipples, cut her veins and let her bleed out as her heartbeat pumps the blood from her body."

"Ooh, kinky. She doesn't even have a heartbeat, though, so maybe not the best idea."

"I'll design a machine to tumble her down a flight of stairs so she dies by carpet burn and broken bones."


""I'll stuff her with that'll explode her from the inside. Then I'll cook her pulverized remains into a chili, send it to her family, and let them s.h.i.+t her out hours later."

"Jesus Christ, son." She sounded disturbed. "They were just a few pieces of--!"

"A lizard-brain like you could never understand my suffering! Sc.u.m like her deserves to have all her teeth fall out except one just so she can experience toothaches!"

"So petty!"

Such a conversation took place while on our way to the hill.

"Okay, son." Mother began after we arrived at a small clearing. " So you wanna know how to form your second core, do you? It's not actually some difficult process. All you have to do is contemplate the profound truths of the world and--"

"Let me stop you right there." I held up a hand. "Uncle dearest said the same and it's not any less stupid when you say it. Let's a.s.sume you're talking gibberish and go from there. What the h.e.l.l does that even mean, truths of the world?"

Mother smiled as if I said something funny. "That's just what the best translation for it is. Remember those things I used to whisper to you when you were younger? Those were the truths."

"And they serve what purpose, then?"

"Purpose? All manner of purposes, son. They're symbolic lexiconicy. To know them is to speak to the Divine. To wield them is to understand the Divine. To house them is to become the Divine." A prideful smirk. "I told you, didn't I? Dragons are more akin to G.o.ds and Spirits. We each hold seeds of divinity within ourselves. The truths of creation take root in our bodies and are nourished by us throughout our lives. Although we are incapable of making this seed sprout, we can still use it as a way of taking control of our overflowing power. Without it, we would be unable to contain the endless mana our hearts produce."

"So Thu'um."

"What?" She frowned.

"You know. Thu'um. I don't know about that other stuff, but I know what lexiconicy is. Just word materialization, isn't it? Spells."

"I-It can certainly be used as a replacement for spells, but it's a bit more compli--"

"Oh please, it's not that hard to figure out. No wonder I thought they were dangerous. I could've set one off, right? That's why you never let me actually speak it and never said it very loud." I guessed. "Heh. I mean it's pretty crazy though. Imagine saying Fus Ro Dah and--"

A crack of thunder. Instantly the surrounding area became barren. The trees were uprooted through an unrelenting force and the ground was torn asunder.

I was sent flying and everything got bright. Music started playing in my ears.

"Hey, you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?"

Holy f.u.c.k. Todd Howard, you've done it again.