I announced after gathering my band of merry men in our headquarters. We were in a chamber within that stone formation standing in the center of our new kingdom-to-be.
Ca.s.s, Lucy, Jacob, Bubbles, Alex and even Yesmina were in attendance.
"You planning to build a kingdom here after all?" Ca.s.s asked after I brought my clone over and explained his reason for existence.
"Yeah. But starting an organization like that isn't an easy feat. We get by because I've made the land here fertile and gathered a devoted following. That alone won't cut it so we'll have to start setting laws and--" I was about to go into a very long list of things I wanted doing for the foundation of the great MIlf Kingdom--where Milfs and future Milfs of all kinds shall be welcome--when Bubbles cut me off.
"But they're already done with all that, you know?" She reminded. "You don't get what's been going on, have you?"
Lucy nodded along. "It's amazing, really. Even Father hadn't accomplished so much in the amount of time they had. The daughter of a former bandit group leader, the one chosen to be your...secretary?....shrine maiden…?....these past months has apparently done a stand-up job of meeting with merchants and forming friendly relations. The bandits are now a mercenary force that offers protection from the beasts roaming the land. They have a lot of experience in dealing with them and know many routes around their normal hunting grounds. She's also started mining operations. I hear f.u.ks are going to be ma.s.s produced soon. She's even consulted me on what laws and regulations need to be established just the other day."
Now that he mentioned it, the representatives to the Clans did say something about that whole thing with bandits occupying prime trade route.
Ca.s.s reported in next."The beastkin we freed from slavers or who have come of their own will are grateful for a place of acceptance. They've been watching you practice in the mornings and began copying your form. They're pretty decent now. I was planning on bringing some on the next raid to gain experience. So the military force is coming along smoothly. The Aeil who migrated here are also joining. Both groups are natural warriors, it seems. After some proper training, they'll make excellent soldiers. I've provided a list of those I feel can be nurtured into knights. Ones who stood above the others in terms of loyalty and skill. Look over them later, they'll be our officers and elite forces someday."
Bubbles took the spotlight once more. "Since the Clans have promised their fealty if we hooked up, if Your Grace wishes I won't mind holding a ceremony. It'll be in name only, of course." She said, antic.i.p.ating my reaction. " If you do that then you'll have legitimate support from the existing powers that be. And with the Mandate of Heaven in your possession they'll easily accept you as Chief of Chiefs, truly solidifying your rule."
Oh yeah. Well s.h.i.+t, i forgot I had that thing. I try to forget, actually. It really is a pain on the a.s.s. I seriously need something for that. Pillows only barely make it bearable. I had half a mind to throw it away until she reminded me of the superst.i.tion the natives had for it.
" I don't care for running a nation myself, but if that's what you wish to do then I'll help any way I can. I just want to restore the lifeforce of the area as thanks for Grandfather taking care of me and Becks in the past. Oh and I did get into contact with her. She already said she'll be coming to help break that s.h.i.+eld keeping the life energy sealed within your Lord Uncle's domain. Since he was already mad when we left, maybe you can have your Queen Mother intervene after we break it? Pretty please?"
I had a feeling she only wanted the marriage in name for the sake of having the protection being my "wife" might provide. She was against it only since the representatives wanted her to do it and she got mad they had the gall to ask her. But seems she's calmed down and realized "marrying" me would be a wise move if she wants to escape any troubles from my uncle after breaking his barrier.
I'm sure Mother would see through the charade in an instant but given her goal, she wouldn't care. Plus it'd give her a good excuse to really step in if good old uncle Llyr wanted to have the little fish for dinner.
I'm only kinda worried about the original setting for the game.
She's supposed to find some other dude to marry.
Of course, that's probably not gonna happen anymore even if we don't have a fake marriage.
From what she'd said I guessed that she always knew something was off about the center of the Dry Lands. In the game I'm a.s.suming she eventually went to check it out, realized the reason for why the land was dying faster and got into a fight with Llyr after trying to break the barrier.
At that point, she probably got injured, lost her memories, ended outside the Dry Lands and found her future husband there. Then she regained her memories and came back.
I'm also thinking that Llyr, by then, was finished with whatever he was doing and broke the barrier himself, releasing the life energy and creating the thing I read about the Dry Lands entering into a period of restoration and revitalization. It wasn't Bubbles who saved the land like I thoughts, but that the cause of the problem left and gave back what he'd collected. He would have then gone to continue his research elsewhere.
Of course, maybe Bubbles and her sister DID beat Llyr after banding together later on, but I doubted it after seeing how strong the guy was. Dude took a Kamehameha to the face and only got a few singed eyebrows.
The only reason I got away was due to a Life Bomb. I slipped out while he dealt with the mutated plantlife.
But I digress.
Those events would have likely taken place a few years from now. But won't anymore since I've sped things up and changed the direction of her history just by being here.
I decided not to be too concerned though. What's done is done, yeah?
"You can have my clone after all. The marriage thing is a nice idea that saves me a lot of trouble. If you're fine with it, hold the ceremony with him."
"What? With a clone? No way. It's in name only, why are you being such a pansy? Ahem. Your Grace."
"...Eh. Fine, whatever." It didn't really mean anything. It really was convenient in a lot of ways for both of us and we were friends. It's like pretending to be a couple for a couples' discount.
And I'll be a King soon anyway, why CAN'T I have a second wife, eh? The second being the real one in this case.
Yesmina, however, was lost. "Marriage? What? There were talks of marriage?! But you can't get married!" She slammed the table hard enough to make the thick wood crack. "I don't want to be a homewrecker!"
"That implies a kid like you can seduce me, which you can't. And what's with the selective hearing? It's just for show, don't get so worked up. We ain't REALLY getting married." I placated, thinking the girl really needed to take a chill pill.
"So you say, but my bust has been growing splendidly as of late."
"Still a few years to go before you're even on my radar, kid." I fired back, openly s.h.i.+fting my gaze to her chest to verify her claims. T'was true. They have indeed ripened somewhat.
Yet no matter how much bigger they get, my mind will still always be haunted by Mary's peerless bosom. Of that, I had no doubt.
h.e.l.l, I'll admit it now. If Vee ever grew up like her mother I'd be forced to reconsider my current brotherly feelings for the girl. a.s.suming I wasn't already seriously taken by that point. Oh who am I kiddin'? If someone had Mary's figure I wouldn't be able to resist at all.
Don't blame me for that either. Everyone has their breaking points and I am BUT a simple man.
"Besides," She went on. " Our Little G.o.ddess is much too pure for a beast like you."
Bubbles coughed and looked away.
" I'm the only one suitable to tame you. So just accept my gentle love and care already, dammit!" Another palm strike, widening the cracks. Everyone moved away from her.
I shook my head. "You sure you like me? Because if that's what you call gentle, count me out. Not that I'd fall for any tricks a child like you can put into play."
"If you're done acting nice, so am I." Yesmina laughed vigorously.
Bubbles raised a hand. "Alright, alright, that's enough. He's right. It's a matter of convenience for both of us. He wants to make things easier on himself, I don't want to end up Dragon food. So, you know, don't mind it too much. It's not like I mind allowing him a mistress or two either, you know?" She grinned.
"G.o.ddess!" Yesmina shouted, stunned.
"...And, um, about that purity thing...thanks, but...ahem. I'm actually older than you. I'm not quite that innocent." The blue-haired girl scratched her cheek with a laugh.
"Yeah." I was offered my support generously. " Remember what I said about the spanking. Girl's got some heavy tastes." I reminded. "In fact, the insatiable little fish has even been bugging me for more ma.s.sages late--
"Moving on!" Bubbles quickly steered the conversation away from sensitive topics. "You've got all you need to establish a Kingdom anytime you wish."
I nodded in understanding.
To form your own nation wasn't a very complex matter, but it was a difficult one. First, you needed your own territory. You can either find one not yet claimed by other forces, buy the territory, or conquer it.
The Dry Lands fell under the unclaimed category in truth. While the Aeil did claim some areas they only controlled the areas surrounding their camps. They had neither the desire, the resources or manpower to look the majority of the land surrounding them. It belonged to the creatures, not them. Plus aside from the Great Clans that had a permanent position the rest moved periodically. Due to the beasts and other reasons.
So the rule of thumb is if you could manage the problems of settling down, that area was yours. Most Aeil could only find large oases to help with that, but I could make them.
The second thing you needed was a consistent population. You needed people who followed you and obeyed your orders. Farmers, knights, n.o.bles.
Third, you had to have a way to provide food and water for your people. Something for the farmers to, well, farm. Soldiers to protect them, knights to act as elite officers and guards, and n.o.bles to command in your name your various territories.
Fourth, you had to establish friendly relations with the other nations. That wasn't a problem though. The Aeil would come under my rule after I "wed" their "Little G.o.ddess."
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After that, I would have to focus on strengthening my militia and send some men to the borders so people don't be getting any ideas. The last thing you needed for a Kingdom was to have the force necessary to dissuade any would-be invaders.
Having all these things were essential to laying a foundation for a nation. It's easy to talk about but hard to execute. Especially food and water bit.
In fact that's also why no one except the Great Clans has ever set any permanent footholds in the Dry Lands. They had no consistent water supplies and consequently could not grow crops. Unlike Aeil, foreign powers could not keep up with constant traveling and attacks from beasts they didn't know the hunting grounds of.
They also didn't have the right bodies the withstand the intense heat, not to mention any large force would in the past be met with the Aeil coming to repel them.
Since they didn't have sustainable water supplies, couldn't settle down to grow crops, and were under attack from the native warriors, bandits and monsters….it became a pipe dream to carve out a land in such a harsh place no matter how strong the allure of gold and silver hidden in it's mountains.
But as I said, I didn't have that problem. I could blow up once and Life Bomb the f.u.c.k outta a full three-mile radius. Give or take. So I could pick any place and make the area fully farmable, the only problems being the beasts who would flock to the new life-rich fields of green.
Not only that, but I was deified by the natives and converted all the bandits in my area with sheer force. I also squashed the Society's influence. I had gained a ma.s.sive following of people who took my words as that of G.o.d's. I had, apparently, a budding militia. And I remember now that I'd had farmers brought in a while ago to help with the plantations.
All we needed to do is set up some concrete laws, get the clans to submit to "our" rule and make contact with the nations surrounding the Dry Lands to make friendly relations. Then we're all set to go.
I'd have to deal with the beasts still but under a unified Dry Lands managing them shouldn't be impossible. I even had a few fun ideas on what to do with them.
Had the Clans united and done this before they wouldn't have to tangle with the beasts so much. But they were never as desperate as before and blood feuds between clans happened often. I guess they wouldn't be as strong as they were had they not been under such constant pressure either.
I made dealing with the Aeil look easy, but Damien's basically the second coming Okeanos with both Dragon AND Angel in his blood, so he's too OP to have real trouble with them. Most other people, however, would never be able to take care of them the way I can.
For example, the Humane Society was easier to deal with since they were humans. But when I started going after the Aeil cultists I switched to Aeil warriors to deal with them, led by me, Lucy, Ca.s.s, and Jacob. Except for Ca.s.s and a few of his own men the rest of my followers couldn't take on an Aeil by themselves and I didn't want to throw away lives by subduing the cultist Aeil through sheer number.
The Society and Evil G.o.d cultists were both organizations but they were broken into groups scattered here and there so I dealt with them easy enough.
But I never waged an all-out war with the Aeil, I've only been taking care of small camps of extremists. I wouldn't WANT to go into a war with the Aeil.
Luckily mine was not an invading force. It was a ma.s.s conversion. While the natives were attracted to Water G.o.d Solaire, the hostile forces like the bandits were forcefully absorbed by Bandit King Solaire.
And the beastkin who lived here to escape the persecution of the outside world? They came for the kind Saint-Hero Solaire.
Let's also not forget I had many fans here who accepted the glory of the Furry-Eared ones!
So yeah. I was welcomed with (mostly) open arms. The above factors and the way I was able to create fertile land were the only reasons I was able to quickly and easily grow my forces into it's current level.
Lucy walked over and clapped my shoulder. "With that said, let me be the first foreign Sovereign to recognize your nation." He reached out a hand, which I shook heartily.
"Just don't forget those fancy t.i.tles I was promised," said Ca.s.s.
"I don't know what to say anymore." Alex sighed. "Creating Kingdoms like it's nothing...just what the h.e.l.l is going on?"
"Well." I stood up. "Seems like I don't gotta do anything more than supervise a bit and leave things to my clone." Really at this point, he's just here to keep killing cultists and be my placeholder so MY cultists don't know I'm missing. Ca.s.s and that bandit leader's daughter whom I only vaguely remember can take care of the other finer details for now. " It's nice being a Deity. I feel like I'm playing an idle clicker game. Alright, since I've got that taken care of, I'm off. Bubbles, you can take care of the ceremony details?"
"Come back in a week."
"Nice." I gave her a thumbs up."Okay, gentlemen. Nice meeting. Lucy, you coming back?"
"Yeah." He said. "I told you, I can't think of who exactly ratted on Charlotte so I'm just going to lop off the heads of everyone who knows her real ident.i.ty."
"Aren't some of them family friends?"
"Yeah. So?" He tilted his head questioningly as if he didn't get why I asked.
"Nevermind. And Alex?"
"He still has a month before he can come back. We'll send for him later. I'm pleased with his growth but he's got to harden himself more." He glanced at his son with a strange look in his eye. I could tell he was not quite as satisfied as he said. He nearly lost his s.h.i.+t when he heard what the boy had said back then.
He went into an hour-long lecture about how "Those who wanna hurt my Lottie are all sinners!"
The King was really upset the kid felt any mercy or hesitation in killing the cultists. Which personally, I didn't hold against the boy given his age. But Lucy obviously had his own common sense warped since young and I'm not much better so the kid's s.h.i.+t out of luck. Either he accepts them for the rat b.a.s.t.a.r.ds they are and or he and Wrym-chan get reacquainted!
And since then I haven't heard a peep of complaint. You could see in his eyes the faint chill his Love orgy counterpart had. I liked it. There was strength in those eyes. He'll be a man fit for taking care of Dolly soon enough.
Baz!" I called.
And in popped a green-haired shota munching on a cookie. I feel he hasn't had much screen time lately. That'll change considering he'll be coming to school with me.
"Yup?" He asked.
"Go get Minnie and Evie, we're leaving."
No way am I letting them stay here alone. Or letting them witness the marriage ceremony, even if it is fake.
I'm taking them to school, too.
I was a bit excited about going now that I let the idea sink in.
I mean come on, it wouldn't be an Otome Game without a school setting, now would it?