His name is Damien Claybrook. Does that sound familiar, perhaps? It did to me too, though I couldn't recall it back then.
It'd be no surprise to have heard of him either, he's quite infamous. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say over half of the younger generation of n.o.bles feared and hated the youth in equal measure.
There were many stories of his misadventures and roguish deeds, each more terrifying and unbelievable than the last.
Meanwhile the other side were either in awe of his eccentric charisma, how he lived as he pleased and gave no mind to rank or station.
Or they were in love with his face, said to be blindingly attractive. The latter faction dominated by young Ladies who gushed and gossiped over him every chance they got.
And it was true he was unnaturally handsome despite still being young and not yet fully mature. Master was really the most handsome boy I'd ever met, indeed. It was almost hard to look at him, even, because whenever he went outside a pillar of light would somehow follow him wherever he went and give him this sort of sparkly background.
I don't think he's aware of it himself, though.
Also despite his face being somewhat indifferent most of the time that only gave him a uniquely cold, s.a.d.i.s.tic appeal I knew was very popular among his female peers. The amount of times I'd heard the daughter of a past Master say she wanted to be scolded by him was embarra.s.singly high.
So the bit about him being an attractive boy was true.
But the parts about him being a Devil, or ancient demon king reincarnate? Those couldn't be further from the truth!
He was so different from the other Masters we've had up till now. He did not hit us when we made mistakes, nor did he yell. And he certainly did not ignore us, as if we didn't exist.
He was no Devil at all. He was actually the most humane person I knew.
I noticed his difference from the first time we met.
That day was cold and grey. Harsh, bitter, and entirely unforgiving. Like most of our days up to that point.
Lord Barnabus was in an especially foul mood back then.
He'd wished to marry his son to one of the prominent n.o.ble families' young daughter but had been rejected mercilessly without even getting past the door. Apparently she'd already been promised to another.
I didn't know which House it was he wanted but supposedly he'd been trying to curry favor with the Family Head for several years. Being turned away at the door without the slightest of courtesy made him black with rage.
He was a cruel man, Lord Barnabus. So I knew what he wanted. I didn't realize it at the time, but at the back of my mind I understood.
From the moment he handed Evie the bottle, from how his hands trembled, eager for violence and ready to lash out.
All he wanted was an excuse, a way to vent his anger.
Sure enough, he found one.
That's when Master stepped in. Like a force of nature, like the wrath of the G.o.ds. He ended the disaster imposingly, without fear, whispering unspeakable threats into their ears.
Then he looked towards us. But not like others. No, in others there was disgust, disdain and...other things...
In his eyes there was only concern.
He saw us as people and treated us as such.
Even Evie's charm had no effect. This was another indication of his strangeness. Being immune to that which when unveiled drove men to madness?
....What sort of being was he, I wondered?
Evie knew instantly: An Angel!
I didn't think Angels existed for people like us. No, for me.
Yet everything about him reinforced the idea.
He was good to us! He was caring towards us! He was strong and righteous and glowed beautifully with Divine Light!
We were a mere mutant and Demon with no place nor purpose and only each other to hold on to. Yet he appeared and treated us with a decency the world said we did not deserve!
He came and saved us from one final misfortune, giving us new lives!
And someday he would do the same for others as well.
Master was our Angel, but he was not ours alone. No, he was a special being. He would cleanse the world of it's filth, smiting the truly wicked while leading mere wayward souls back onto the path of righteousness.
With the Holy Sword in hand, Saint-Hero Damien, ArchAngel of Heaven, would bring forth a golden era free of ignorance!
And we, Evie and I, were to aid him in whatever way possible!....Or so I thought, but it seems I'm meant to be the Angel's Bride?!
At least that's what he claimed...or hoped...I think...
That may have been a dream on my part, which was mortifying.
Bad Minnie, bad! Are you really having such dreams about the world's Saviour?! Are you really having impure thoughts towards an Angelic being free of sin and temptation?!
...I watched Master from the second story window.
Master's been changing more and more lately. Before he already very pretty, but thin. Likely due to him still being so young. Now, however, there were signs of muscle developing.
They seemed to have become just slightly deeper and more defined than the used to be.
It was a slow transition, but a noticable one.
I found myself greatly distressed.
Just trying to imagine how Master might look in the future made me dizzy. I had to hit my head against a wall each time, clearing the impure thoughts from my head.
Master's a child still, even if he is an Angel. That made any weird thoughts even more despicable! He's just 14 years old! I'm already 18 myself...19...I wasn't actually certain myself, but I was at least 4-5 years older than him!
...Although once he's older a difference like that would be nothing...and he'd probably be way taller than me in just two more years...
Plus the way his body was developing meant by that time he'd even more sensual and--wait, wait, wait!
What the h.e.l.l was I just thinking?!
Minnie, you're horrible! Complete and utter filth!
...Although I'm pretty sure he's been trying to court me these past few weeks...He's nice, understanding, and seems genuinely interested in both me and Evie. Given that, the flirting(?) and his future prospects--N0!
I slapped myself.
How disgusting can you be, Min? You're no better than those pervy old men who used to eye up Evie all the time.
This is why.
I finally understood.
This is the reason your life has been so hard, hasn't it, me? Because deep down you're nothing but a pervy old lady with a sinner's heart!
I didn't deserve to be with either Master or Evie!
Is this why Lady Dahlia and Miss Vera dislike me so much? Because they can sense my corrupt soul and do not wish to pollute Master with my vulgarity?
And of course it must be my shameful, delusional mind that believes Master could desire some sort of romantic relations.h.i.+p with me. Of course Master, a Holy Being, a Hero-Saint chosen by the Divine Blade Millenianna, someone who keeps the company of Kings and Princesses, could never have a mere mutant like myself as a mate.
Although Master is magnanimous and kind it should be a given that he'd never think of someone like me as a romantic interest, much less try to court me.
In the end it's my sickness that's caused me to misinterpret kindness for affection.
I must remember to keep this in mind in the future and resist these strange temptations.
I sighed, turning away from the window.
Now then. I should get ready for my modeling session with Master.
He spends so much time creating all those outfits, it'd be ungrateful of me to not pay him back. Even if it is only helping him keep his drawing skills sharp.
"Every artist needs his muse, Minnie." He'd said.
I know I must be a poor muse, though. Still, he's shown such enthusiasm in spite of that. I could only do my best in posing for him.
And the fact his gaze makes my skin feel all warm and tingly, well, I'm sure that's not a factor at all.
Besides, something like that's completely normal anyway, right?