"So, what're you doing here?" Charlotte asked in between mouthfuls of hamburg steak.
"Freeloading." I wiped sauce off the corner of her lip.
"You're admitting it so easily?!"
Sir Kane also said the same thing, but meaner, during a similar conversation at the start of our stay.
"I'm an honest guy."
"That's not how you p.r.o.nounce shameless." She snorted, causing a fit of coughs as food particles entered wrongly.
I pa.s.sed her a drink--lemonade--which she downed as quickly as she could without entirely losing her dignity as a Princess.
"Thank you." A look of relief. Another bite.
I started cutting the meat into smaller bits while she chewed.
""Glowing suspiciously*"
Vera's eyebrow twitched for just a fraction of a second, Baz was doodling something and Minerva hovered anxiously by the Princess's side ready for any command.
I spotted Vera whisper into Dolly's ear just then. She nodded energetically in response.
"Day." Dolly suddenly spoke. "Don't you think you're being too unfair? Even a lolicon such as yourself can't be acting so forward with a human sow--Ah...Lady...like this just because she's slightly cute. Treating the Princess of our Nation like a mere child unable to even cut her own food is also grounds for the sentence of death. Probably. Just so you know."
"Who's a lolicon, huh?"
More whispering.
"...Is Young M-Day, not a Lolicon?"
"Your Father's a lolicon."
"...He's your's too. Like father like son, as they say."
I hit Vera on the head.
"Ku." She winced. "Young Master, why?!" The little girl gave me an aggrieved look. Her face didn't budge but her eyes, her eyes swam with indignation.
"You're not Jeff Dunham, understand?"
Another hit.
So her conversation with Sir Kane went like this:
"You wish to learn the sword? Very well. Damien will teach you."
"What? Why can't you do it?"
"Are you so eager for death, girl?" The man asked in return.
And so began our father-daughter bonding time!
I've since come to the conclusion that my daughter is the cutest in the world, aside from Dolly.
Look at how her cheeks puff up when she's mad.
"Choo-choo, here comes the train~"
"I'm not a child." She folded her hands. "Hold up, bring that back! I didn't say to take it away...alright, fine, but just this once!"
Anyway, she was adorable.
Notice the way she clung close to my heels during our morning walk, an absolute doll.
"Just one more mile, I know you can do it!"
"This... is only.... for the banana pudding... understand?"
Seeing her make up these little excuses...what a tsundere~
And just check out how her eyes sparkle whenever we play together.
"No, no, my dove, not like that. You have to aim for the stomach! "
"I'll bite you. I'll seriously bite you, understand?"
And she would! Right on the forearm! Haha.
She'd even fall to her knees and beg me to carry her. So precious.
"I'll allow you to be my transport this one time." This one time occuring every day. "So hurry up about it. W-What are you doing, not like that! On the back, the back I said! Nevermind, unhand me right now you scoundrel! Honestly, nothing but a filthy playboy..."
About a month or so pa.s.sed by without me even noticing.
I caught them holding a meeting one day.
"Bring in the prisoner!"
Dolly had put on a white wig for the occa.s.sion, no idea where she'd found it.
"How do you plead?"
Charlotte was dragged in by her arms. Vera held one and Baz struggled with the other.
Her feet dragged across the floor.
The girl looked around the room blankly, not at all understanding what was going on. Finally, after gathering her wits, she said,"Your Honor...I plead not guilty!"
"What? Why?!"
"Order in the court."
"Hold on, just what am I even being tried for?!"
Evie, also wearing a white wig for some reason, spoke up as well. "Blasphemy."
Minerva, looking very uncomfortable with the entire situation, read from a letter pa.s.sed to her by Dolly.
"Um....Adultery? Wait, why--"
Vera gave a sharp cough. "That's enough, thank you."
"...Okay...? " Her ears drooped. Poor girl.
"Really now, enough of this lunacy. " Charlotte's face was set in a rage. "What do you mean, theft?"
Dolly: "Brother-stealing."
"What do you mean, blasphemy?"
Evie: "Defamation of an Angelic being."
"What do you mean, adultery?!"
Vera: "Nevermind that. I call Holy Sword Millennianna to the stand."
It had a name?!
All of a sudden the Holy Sword flew from Vera's back and onto the chair a step lower from Dolly's own.
I suppose they'd somehow gotten permission from Sir Kane to turn the throneroom into a courtroom. No, DID they get permission?
Minerva read from her letter.
"Erm, let's see..." A twitch of a fine, fur-covered ear. "Please give your tes...test.i.tonomy? Huh? Ah, thank you...Ahem. Testimony. Yes."
"*...Glows tearfully.*"
Dolly, Evie and Baz--who let him be a judge?--sighed and shook their heads.
Baz actually had the nerve to blow his nose, even!
"You've been through so much." He sniffled.
"*Glows sadly in mournful agreement.*"
Dolly's cheerfulness was long gone, replaced with a melancholic smile. "Thank you, Mrs. Holy Sword. That was powerful stuff. It must have been difficult."
For who?!
Also, it's a "Mrs"???
Just what the h.e.l.l...
She wiped an imaginary tear from her eye. "To watch another being loved and pampered while ignored yourself, denied what should be yours...I feel your pain, Milly."
"Young Master is such sc.u.m." Baz cried.
Vera nodded. "Indeed a man with a disloyal heart. Always led astray so easily...a philandering b.a.s.t.a.r.d through and through. "
...Did she have something against me or what?
"I had no idea the Princess was such a vixen either. She seemed like a good girl." Baz went on. "Phil was right, never bet against the Young Master. Oh well. I should've known. After all the Young Master's influence on young girls have always been...Mm?" His ahoge jumped. It jumped, I'm sure of it! "Ah! U-Um, no, nothing, nevermind." He started to sweat.
Darn, did he sense my bloodl.u.s.t? His ahoge warned him of the danger, I'm sure. That's the only explanation. He had good intuition, this guy.
And just what were they betting on...? I felt both of them needed a good beating.
"Huh?" Dolly looked at him. "What're you talking about, you two? Hasn't Day always been the one exploited by bad women in the past?"
Evie supported her. "Master is virtuous and kind. Of course he'd be taken advantage of by girls with insidious intentions."
Minerva stepped in. "Actually, I don't think Master is so gulli--?"
"Hush, you. You're one of them." Dolly stated, quite calmly.
"Brother is very fond of you."
"T-That's not true at all..." She blushed.
I took that as a good sign.
My steady courts.h.i.+p these past few weeks were paying off!
"Just so you know, I'm the sister, okay? And Vee always says, 'Young Master is a secret lolicon so even if he says otherwise he'd never REALLY be taken over by big b.r.e.a.s.t.s no matter how soft they are. His tastes will probably change in a few years though, maybe.' So don't get too conceited! He only wants you for your ears! And I can probably grow ears even fluffier than yours anyway. Somehow. Right, Vee?"
The little girl turned to her friend for support, eyes s.h.i.+ning brightly.
Vera looked away. "...Horns...or something..."
"Okay, I'm done. This is ridiculous." Charlotte scoffed. "Let me go right this instant!'
"Order in the court!" Dolly yelled once again. "One more word and I'll hold you in contempt!"
"Hmph." A sneer. "Do your worst! I, this Princess, am not even afraid of your brother! Much less a silly little goose like-" Bonk. "Ku!"
Dolly's gavel hit her right between the eyes, knocking her out.
My baby!
I was torn. What did you do when your sister and daughter got into a fight? No, I'll pretend I saw nothing. Let them sort it out amongst themselves. Yeah, that's good.
"Well then. I think that's all need be said."
"What about the other charges?" Minnie asked, as if the others really cared about them.
"Oh, right." Dolly shrugged. " It's fine. The sentence is exile, effective immediately. Case closed." She looked at her wrist where an image of a watch had been drawn. "Drat. Look at the time. Vee, let's hurry and find Day or I''ll be late for my mid-morning cuddle!"
Since when--?
"Since when was that a thing?"
"Please, Vee. I'm a judge now. What I say goes."
And the Princess was left forgotten.
After Minnie carried her to bed I snuck in some brownies as an apology.
"So." Sir Kane asked as he cleaned my blood from his sword. "How's the girl doing?"
"Lottie? Oh she's okay." Better than I thought, in fact. "She's getting stronger now that she's eating. Not fit for combat yet though. Still a long time to go before she's even decent."
Her foundation was just horrible. But she wasn't pale and thin anymore.
She grew cuter by the day! Like Evie and Minnie, she, too, was a little beauty who would blossom with care.
The man nodded, as if he expected that. "Those with Angelic bloodlines normally have weaker bodies. They excel at the use of inner power instead." He gave me a glance. "Actually I should teach you how to use Aura as well, now that you have control of your physical strength. Though I can only teach you the basics. Would you like to try?"
"Sign me up dude. Can't believe you been holding out on me. That's messed up, I could've been firing Lunar Fangs for real by now! Let's start!"
"How do you know about the Fenrir Clans Lunar Fang technique? No...nevermind." He waved it off. "Take your stance."
I held out Big D and steadied myself.
"Put it away. You'll be learning a method of visualization that will later help you achieve awareness of Aura. It will also serve as the basis for all other styles of combat. Trying to use a weapon alongside it, especially since it's not one you've be taught to use, will complicate matters considerably."
"It's a giant club, what's there to teach?"
"Just do as I say."
"Fine, whatever." I set Big D on the ground with a thump. The Holy Sword twirled in the air and flew towards me after being presented with the opportunity. I was too lazy so I didn't bother sending it back this time. The thing summoned itself a white and blue sheath before attaching itself to my side.
"Clear your mind." Sir Kane commanded.
"Got it. Mind cleared."
"Extend your senses outwards. Feel the world around you."
"World being felt up."
"Now hold out your arms and slowly retract those senses."
"Arms out." I felt stupid.
"Now imagine your self encased within a sphere, a barrier between you and the world around you that stops just at the edge of your palms. This is your area of control. Your range of attack and def--"
"Oh shut your face. I've read Kenichi before, dammit. I got this."
The devs were plagiarists, obviously.
I felt a strange bubbly feeling in my chest.
It was warm and fluid, like water. The next second I saw a transparent golden sphere erect itself around me.
Boo-yah! First try, b.i.t.c.hes!
"f.u.c.kin' GOT 'EM." I gloated.
The man was stunned. You could see his mouth twitch. That didn't sound like much but with how unflappable the guy usually was it's a pretty big deal.
"...Indeed a freak."
"You're a freak. Shut up." Always freak this, freak that. Give it a rest. I'm not a freak, alright? I've just, you know, got some perspective on things. " It feels weird." I admitted.
And easy.
It really was oddly warm. As if there were water within me flowing outwards.
No. You know what it felt like?
Yup. p.i.s.sing. More accurately p.i.s.sing out a strange, warm energy from, like, everywhere. My pores tingled.
How could I have not tried this before?! The thought never even entered my head. Honestly, who's messin' with me?
What else could I do?
Wait, could the other Damien do this too? I can't exactly remember him ever fighting.
"Alright, knave. Have at me!" I shouted.
And despite that I was the one to initiate the attack. I felt so much more aware of everything!
Sir Kane was quick to respond, las.h.i.+ng out with a swift blow to my legs. And indeed the Seikuken is believed to have a weaker defence below the belt. But since I've discovered this new energy, how can I not experiment?
It was, as I said, surprisingly easy. All I had to do was concentrate on directing the energy towards my lower half and I could actually feel them becoming stronger.
So while the man struck out I raised a knee and blocked the attack, using the momentum to then perform a counterstrike with my other leg.
Obviously it didn't land, but it's rare I could actually block his attacks at all.
He was faster and stronger by several leagues.
Still, I'm counting this as a small win! I barely even felt the blow this time, after all.
We spent several minutes like that just trading blows. But I didn't really get the point of this move. Like sure it helps you be more aware of your attack and defence range, and allows you to better keep track of your opponent, but beyond that...
It's really just a foundation kind of skill, isn't it? There's no other techniques involved. In short, it was boring.
This wasn't as cool as it looked in HSDK. At all.
Now that I got a feel for the strange energy I felt focusing on manipulating it was much more important. Maybe that's the main takeaway?
But I didn't know how to make this energy do things besides giving me an increase to my physical abilities.
Moving it was easy, but...I dunno.
It's similar to squeezing a water ball. I did have some control but it was slippery as an eel almost seemed to fight against me.
While I was distracted Sir Kane leisurely landed several strikes I knew would bruise later on.
I ignored the pain and considered another option. Maybe pouring out more would do something?
Worth a try, eh?
Sir Kane's body flickered and appeared ten feet away. "Boy, whatever you're thinking of doing, don't."
Too late!
With little but a thought I could feel all the energy surge out viciously.
The result?
The entire f.u.c.king sky went dark. And the s.h.i.+eld rippled. Also a giant G.o.dd.a.m.n pillar broke out and parted the clouds.
And really I'm not sure at all how the h.e.l.l to stop it.
"Um, is that supposed to happen?" I asked, pointing up. Just then the winds picked up.
It was thunderously loud. I couldn't even think straight.
This probably isn't a super saiyan transformation. I didn't feel stronger at all. Actually I was feeling weaker!
Sir Kane shook his head. "Idiot."
"You're releasing ma.s.sive amount of your life force into the sky. And no, that's not supposed to happen."
Life force?! What the h.e.l.l! Why didn't anyone tell me that's what this was?! I would've have d.i.c.ked around if I knew!
"c.r.a.p. c.r.a.p, c.r.a.p, c.r.a.p." This was bad!
I started swiping at the golden pillar surrounding me. "Hey, stop that, you! Get back inside, dammit! I'm serious here!" I still had things to do in this life! I don't mind dyin' but at least let me fondle Minnie's ears one last time!
Now was it just me or were flowers starting to sprout? From the ground, right now?
"Interesting." Sir Kane commented, plucking a pretty blue-gold flower.
"Stop admiring and help me!" I felt my voice break into a rasp.
The sky darkened even more and the winds already threatened to blow me up into the air.
"I'm not even sure what you did, how do you expect me to stop it?"
This b.a.s.t.a.r.d!
My knees buckled.
"This is because of you mother, isn't it?! You're getting your revenge now, right?"
"I've no idea what you're talking about." He shrugged calmly. "Don't worry, you probably won't die from something like this. I suggest you figure out how to stop it though."
"f.u.c.king HOW?!"
"I believe in you." A rare ghost of a smile. No, that was a smirk. It was definitely a smirk!
This guy was no help at all.
Okay. Calm down, me. Think. Use them smarticle particles of yours.
Kenichi got you into this mess, he can get you out of it.
Uh...let's see...the seikuken was about extending, right? Wasn't the next level about reducing?
But how the h.e.l.l did they do that?
No, wait, if it felt like p.i.s.sing then didn't I just have to stop it? Yeah, that's it!
If there's one thing men can do, it's control their bladder! Come on, me! Hold it in! Hold it in, d.a.m.n you!!!
...The wind instantly died down.
The pillar of light that was my life force leaking away started to shrink and fall.
I felt like I was gonna burst open. But nah, I held it in like a man. I mentally crossed my legs, desperately trying to stop what remained of my life from draining out.
And the light continued shrinking. It came closer and closer until it clung to my skin like a latex bodysuit.
RyusuI seikuken? Yeah?
looked at my arms.
Even the hair was clad in fine golden light! Forget the seikuken, this was definitely me having finally gone super saiyan!
Although I did feel a building pressure from deep inside trying to force itself out. That just made me feel even more explosively energetic though, like I could burst at any moment.
I snapped my fingers. "Hah! Nothin' to it."
Bad move.
Poweful vibrations erupted from my hand and cracked the ground.
"Okay, that's awesome."
With a snap of my fingers, I, Damien Claybrook--
"What did you just do?" Sir Kane glared.
"Go to h.e.l.l." NOW he cared? f.u.c.k off mate.
Now, my pretties, let's take this form out for a spin!
I focused the power between my hands and took the famous, well-known stance.
Sir Kane, however, was trying to ruin the fun.
"Whatever you did, stop it. Completely sealing off an Aura as powerful as yours might cause--"
"...HA....ME...H-!!!" Boom.
The world went dark.
Haha...f.u.c.k my life.
I made a great foundation for a pool. That's something good, eh?
Yeah. Apparently you're SUPPOSED to let at least a little leak out.
I, according to Sir Kane, have an abnormally powerful Aura within me. And doing what I did, sealing it all up with no place to go?
Hiros.h.i.+ma 2.0.
f.u.c.k you, Ken! You nearly killed me, a.s.shole!
Not that I minded very much. Die once and you've died a thousand times. Loses it's mystery. But still, like I said, still had s.h.i.+t to do.
More than being scared for my life this whole ordeal just made me more worried about Lottie. Kane implied she'd excel at the use of inner power, which could only mean she had a powerful Aura. Something about Angelic bloodlines...I could believe she was a little Angel, but what if she messed up too and blew up like I did?!
Her weak little body can't handle something like that!
"Boy. You're not staying here anymore."
Sir Kane sighed, surveying the damage.
There was a ma.s.sive crater about a hundred feet in diameter and nearly half as deep.
The man moved fast and kicked me further away just before I went nuclear, thankfully, so the castle wasn't in the blast zone. I woke up covered in blood, seveal bones cracked, and coughing up smoke.Still, at least no one was hurt. Aside from me. But who cared about that?
More importantly was what I woke up to.
Flowers, flowers everywhere.
And they weren't there before, mind you. Nope. They sprouted to life all due to this guy right here. Not because of my winning smile, but because they craved the blood of the innocent. Me.
Anyway, yeah, there was a bunch of strange flowers popping up all over the place like distant cousins after you won the lottery.
They smelled great too.
Some were blue and gold, others were white and gold. There were even a few trees that were pus.h.i.+ng their way out of Gaia's womb. At a speed visible to the naked eye, I'll have you know.
Me? I was just laying there, exhausted.
"Technically this is your fault." I wheezed.
"I'm not the one creating weird techniques of ma.s.s destruction." He spoke dryly. "Just what was that move anyway? It gave off an incredibly concentrated level of destructive power. Why would you use a technique that seals your Aura and stupidly attempt using a power that's the exact opposite in nature simultaneously? Though perhaps it's best you used it to set yourself off early. That life bomb of yours could've sp.a.w.ned an entire jungle full of mutant creatures ready to have you for dinner if allowed keep building up. "
Early? So i would've still went boom either way?!
Also, mutant creatures? Satan's hairy n.u.t.s.a.c.k, it would've been Green Worldz all over again!
I HATE bugs. And giant baby monsters. f.u.c.k that cheese.
Also I liked that. Life bomb. Sounded pretty cool, right?
"You truly are a plague upon the earth." The man's words cut deep. And here I was thinking we were pals.
"Wanna off me now, do ya?"
"A bit, but then again I have for a long time now. I merely have no desire to start a one-sided slaughter of the human race."
Say what now?
"No, even plagues have their purpose." He said, quite charitably. "But no place here." Okay screw you too then.
Not that I didn't understand the sentiment.
"I think I've gotta go again."
There's a rumblin' in my tummy and it's sayin' they wanna turn this place into the Amazon rainforest.
"Oh no you don't." Sir Kane took out something from his coat pocket. "Put this on."
He threw a small object my way.
I was pretty tired right so I couldn't lift my arms but it landed right atop my chest.
The rumbling ceased, becoming a small pang.
"What is it?"
"Something I picked up on my travels. It's an ancient artifact once used to help young, powerful mages control their overflowing mana. It acts as a second outlet, continuously discharging mana into the air. "
"I'm not using mana."
"The two energies are similar enough." He said.
"What's the difference?"
"You won't die from being drained of mana. But if your body has excessively low levels of Aura for prolonged periods of time you won't survive. One of the key compenents of your Aura, life energy, regenerates slowly."
"So. Dehydration?"
"I see. Isn't it better if you have more mana though? I don't see how an overflow of mana would be bad. Mana doesn't have negative outwards effects, right? Since the world is made up of it and all."
"Outwardly, yes. Inwardly it's different. Unlike Aura too much mana within the body is akin to a poison. It can slowly rot you from inside out if not properly maintained. On the other hand life energy, the main form of power your Aura was just spewing out, has no negative effects toward the person himself but can cause unpredictable changes to the outside world in high enough concentrations."
"So I'm like those powerful mages, but with Aura instead." I surmised. Damien's stats were too OP. I dunno if I should be happy at that or not." I could really f.u.c.k up an ecosystem, in other words. Again, you're sure it'll work for me?"
"It will. I made the modification while you were pa.s.sed out." He confirmed. "And about the ecosystem bit, your Aura shouldn't even do that."
"Do what?"
"Make flowers." He replied.
"Alright, I'll bite. Why does it then?"
"I suspect it's due to the abundance of soul strength and life energy. Aura is comprised of will, soul, and life energy. Soul strength and life energy aren't the same but they possess life-giving and life-sustaining properties which compliment each other. I know why you have great life-giving energy, but as for why your soul is so powerful as well I have no idea. And I can only think it's those two bountiful energies both being present that allow you to cause a phenomena like this. Other Aura users do not have great life energy alongside great soul strength, it's almost always one or the other. "
"A question for scholars, boy, not me. That aside, you'll clog it up eventually. The artifact, I mean. It'll help some come out and dissipate without causing any effects on the world around you, but most will still be held back and then you'll induce another life bomb. Which WILL have an effect. Maybe not as large as this one if you don't use that strange ability you made, but still."
"Well that's just fan-f.u.c.king-tastic, isn't it? Why the heck did you let me learn how to to release it in the first place? Also why didn't I explode before now?"
"How could I know you had such an unreasonably powerful and abnormal Aura?" Another careless shrug. " As for the other question, it's because they exist in a dormant state until one learns to unleash it. Now that it's agitated you can't put it back the way it was either. It's like a beast that was once asleep and is now fully awake. You were fine before due to it being dormant since everyone's Aura leaks out to some degree or another. That natural leakage of your Aura was good enough to stop you from overflowing, but only barely I would reckon. That isn't enough anymore, not with it awake and pumping out more power than you know to deal with. You'll have to find a way to control and then refine the energy so this won't keep happening."
"And why can't you help me with that? You're an Aura Master, aren't you?"
"Yes but I'm not a being like you. I wouldn't know where to begin. Each race has a different body type, which means different pathways for energy to flow through and, consequently, different methods of training. Your body is much too complex for me to be of any real help at this point. Although." He considered. "Your Mother could probably--"
"I rest my case then." He grunted. " Anyway it's actually your fault for being such a freak. Who skips past the first three stages of sensing, touching and moving? You actually manifested the energy right from the start. It's like punching a tiger on the nose. I never told you to do that."
"You sure as h.e.l.l didn't stop me." I grumbled.
I was, as always, ignored."The only problem is your lack of control. You can manipulate it enough to empower your body, I noticed, but not enough to send it out benignly. I can't teach you how either."
The man looked down at me. "Strange, though. You life energy is twice as powerful as I expected. Even Water Dragons like you shouldn't have such great life-giving abilities. They'd need at least a few days to make so many flowers bloom like you just did. How curious..."
"I'M NOT A G.o.dd.a.m.n LIZARD!"
Why did everyone call me that?! If there were things I hated more than bugs, it was lizards!
d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, all weird-eyed and creepy-looking...skin dry and cracked or oily and disgusting...
Ugh. I shuddered just thinking about it.
"I'm quite aware your mother has told you of your heritage. Denying it will serve no purpose."
"Whatever. Just tell me I won't be making craters anymore. Or mutant plantlife. "
"Yes and no. The Holy Sword did well in managing the rampant life energy. It's your luck to have it. With it offering it's support you won't sp.a.w.n any mutants. But you will certainly cause more holes in the ground. Just not here."
"I'm not going back to Mother."
I sent her a letter days ago asking if she'd seen the light, yet have't gotten a single word of apology in reply!
"I didn't expect you would, stubborn as you are. But I think I know just the place where you can create as many craters as you want. They may even thank you for it. Tell me, how do you feel about deserts?"
"I don't like the sand. It's coa.r.s.e, rough, irritating and it get's everywhere."
...All I wanted was to do a few Lunar Fangs...a single kamehameha...at least a rasengan if nothing else...
Now I'm gonna have swamp a.s.s.