My Perfect Lady - 98 Aunty!

98 Aunty!

When he saw Jimmy Hunter's marriage-of-convenience wife approach them dangerously, he automatically felt happy for his friend. It was a sign that things were good between them. Ever since the night of Jim's birthday dinner, Shekhar had been worried about the young man. He obviously liked his new wife, and since it had been Shekhar's advice to drunk dial to the girl back then, he was guilty. Jimmy had told her "I'm hungry" in the dead of the night after all.

Thankfully, it didn't seem like things had gone downhill from there. In fact, he had had Ms. Miya move into his room! That was very, very good.

Especially for a hopeless man like Jimmy Hunter.

Albeit it was purely well intended thoughts that kept Shekhar smiling, Miya didn't take nicely to the nerdy man's grin. Her frown deepened, and she gave each one of them a cold look.

"How did you come in?" she asked.

She knew Jimmy locked his doors. Always.

The three friends were so alarmed and shocked at the same time, they each had their own observations going through their mind. While Hartley was simply indignant and scared, Garret was amused.

That right then, had been a very nice shot.

Garret wondered if the young miss was trained in martial arts.

He took in her small appearance though, and he couldn't really a.s.sociate any martial ability with her. But the thorough amus.e.m.e.nt that he felt never left his eyes.

Miya decided he was the second person after the blonde guy that she disliked.

The nerd was okay, she could take him down easily. The blonde would cry soon, so he wasn't a threat. It was the big, burly one that had her scheming. He resembled one of those fighters down at the ring, those who fought only in their underwear.

Miya disliked the fight. And she disliked men with that kind of body.

Simply put, they were hard to defeat. That, she didn't like.

She concluded these people knew the young master somehow, and were here to play some kind of prank. Maybe take some embarra.s.sing pictures, to humiliate Jimmy Hunter in public? Or blackmail him?

The thought made her furious.

Jimmy had told her that the bathroom was soundproof. That must have been why she hadn't been able to hear these men enter. When she had come out though, they were trying to pour water on the sleeping husband.

That made her flinch, her reaction to stop them with a soap had been instant.

The question, however, was, how did they come in?

When none took the liberty to answer her, Miya was ready for a fight.

She did give them one last chance though.

"Why were you trying to pour water on Mr. Hunter?" she asked.

It was like two warring sides were standing face to face, separated only by Jimmy Hunter's bed. Where on one side stood a puny little girl, the other had a thoroughly amused big guy, a lean and smaller geek, and an unimportant beauty. Unimportant because he was scared anyway.

The odds were heavily against the little girl.

It was exactly then, that Jimmy Hunter took his chance.

He had woken up when Miya had asked someone how they had come in. She had sounded furious. It was exactly then, that he had realized that his three great friends had arrived while he had been fast asleep. It wasn't hard to speculate that they must have been playing a prank, and the missus had caught them in the midst of it.

Lying further still, he realized they were about to pour water on him. He heard Miya ask them about it.

Jim mentally rolled his eyes.

That was what these idiots had come up with?

Well, he'd show them.

His opportunity arrived to him in the form of little Ben.

It was like the mother and son were G.o.dsent!

The bed was huge, and the little boy was wrapped in sheets. He was barely visible. Jim saw Ben peering at him from under the covers. The young master pretended to roll over in sleep and wrapped a huge arm around the boy. Then while the missus was busy threatening his friends, he whispered to Ben.

"Three men on the left. Wanna scare them. Are you in?"

Ben was still under cover, but Jim felt the boy's head nod near his chest.

The young master could barely contain his smile.

"On the count of three, then," he said.

Ben nodded again.

Meanwhile, Miya had sized up all three, and Shekhar had almost decided that he should speak. They had been caught in an awkward situation though, and since they were all grown up men, it was kind of embarra.s.sing to explain why they were doing what they had wanted to do.

Well… they had their ways of bullying each other. That would be hard to explain to Ms. Miya. Shekhar, however, was willing to give it a try. Because Garret was simply being an*le and enjoying himself, while Hartley was sulking.

The shorter man cleared his throat.

It was exactly then that Ben jumped up.

Jim had finished counting to three, and the little boy took his chance. Completely wrapped within sheets, with only his blue eyes visible, the boy stood up on the bed looking like a mummy. He then ran towards his target hurriedly and jumped, screaming "AAAAHHHHH!"

The soul was knocked out of Hartley.

Shekhar stopped midway, flinching whereas Garret was taken aback. Hartley was the only one sufficiently victimized.

The man screamed back at the wrapped being, immediately stepping back in horror as the blue eyed mummy landed near Hartley's feet.

In the process, he also managed to step on the soap that he had been hit with.

It was barely a second, but Hartley Greene landed on his a.s.s.

"Oww!" he screamed.

It was exactly then that Jimmy sprang up from the bed too. His eyes had already found the water bottle lying on the floor, and so he picked it up rapidly and in the next second had splashed water onto the faces of both Garret and Shekhar.

"F***!" Garret swore, jumping back in surprise, whereas Shekhar's mouth fell open wide.

Jim laughed merrily.

"And that, freaks!" he announced, looking like a man-child in his jet black pyjamas and terrible bed-hair, "Is how you play a prank!"

The young master tousled his own hair, and then looked to the side at his team mate. Ben had stepped out of the sheets, and stood there, smiling like a little devil.

"I'm so proud of you, my boy!" Jim grinned.

The two high fived.

Hartley, who had recovered somewhat from the shock of falling on his a.s.s, was so indignant, he picked up the soap he had fallen on and threw it at Jimmy's face.

"You*le!" he yelled, "You dare treat your guests this way!"

The soap, however, was caught midway. And it was caught by the scary wife.

Miya didn't really understand what had pa.s.sed, but once again, her action had been a reflex. As she caught the soap in her hand, she glared at the blondie.

She remembered him from the wedding day.

She remembered she didn't like him too.

And so, Miya glared.

"Excuse me?" she said very softly, almost in a hiss, which made Hartley want to cry tears of blood.

He looked away and fixed his glare on Jimmy.

"This is unfair!" he complained, "Why are you bringing the scary aunty into this fight? It's unfair, I say!"

Miya's brows twitched. She took another step forward.

"Who the f*** are you calling aunty?" she said rather threateningly.

Hartley wanted to immediately stand up and run away, but he couldn't be afraid of this little person. Else, he'd be bullied to no end by his heartless friends…

So, summoning up all of his courage, he pointed at Miya and said.


That, exactly then, was a declaration of war.

The sides had formed.