My Perfect Lady - 97 They Meet!

97 They Meet!

"Jimmy!" one sang.

"We're here, mate. Surprise!" another one howled.

And then a small, patient voice said, "Hi Jim."

The door to Mr. Jimmy Hunter's room sprang open, as three figures stomped inside. One was a tall, muscular guy with a build that could have been compared to that of a wrestler. Another one was an obvious beauty with a devilish smile. The third, was a shorter, quiet fellow with a nerdy look, who also wore

The trio directly walked over to the young master's bed, and was surprised to see him still asleep.

Garret frowned.

"This b.a.s.t.a.r.d calls us here, and then dares to sleep?" he said crossly, and then leaned over to watch Jim's face. The man really was sound asleep.

Shekhar sighed.

"He must have been busy. Why did we have to break into his room anyway? See, he's sleeping so calmly!"

Garret shot Shekhar a look, and then glared at the indignant looking Hartley Greene.

"Ask him,�� the bulky man said to Shekhar, pointing a finger at Hartley, "He's the one who has spare keys to his room! What are you Greene, Hunter's boyfriend?"

Hartley was still frowning.

"Well, no," he replied smugly though, "But I am proud to be the only person alive who has spare keys to Jimmy Hunter's bedroom."

Shekhar rolled his eyes.

"You probably took his and got a copy made." The man's voice was accusing.

Hartley was annoyed.

"No!" he retorted, "Jim gave it to me himself, saying that I am the bestest of all his friends, and he –"

Hart couldn't complete his sentence, before Garret c.o.c.ked an eyebrow and folded his arms over his chest. Then, he huffed.

"I'm going to tell Hunter that you have another pair of keys."

Shekhar joined in on the hara.s.sing.

"And I'm going to tell Jim that you're spreading rumours of him being a part time pimp."

Hatley's eyes fell out of his sockets, and his jaw dropped to the floor.

"What?!" he howled out loud, "I did not! When did I say he was a pimp?"

"When you made his profile on that dating website, back when you were trying to find him a wife."

Garret and Shekhar were both smirking.

Hartley was in a panic.

"But I never did that!" he retorted, as the other two smirked. Then with glinting eyes, Garret said, "I know you didn't. Bolin was the one who altered it. But we'll tell him it was you."

Hartley looked like he had been stabbed thrice.

"You*les," he grumbled, and then hmphed.

"Fine!" he said loudly, "Jim didn't give the keys to me. The Chairman has one. He was at Gravestone Entertainment once and he gave them to me to give to Jimmy, because he thought Jim had lost his own. When I later found Jim, he told me he had found his, so I never returned Simon Hunter's."

Hartley was positively sulking by now. The other two however, laughed out loud and then slapped him on his back.

"Now that's my boy!" Garret praised.

They all chatted some more, inviting themselves in and sprawling on the nearby sofa. When they didn't see the young master wake though, and the thought occurred to them that he had forgotten that he had invited them over, mischief ran through their heads.

Hartley was the first to stand.

"Guys!" he said very excitedly, "I have a perfect plan to wake him up!"

Garret and Shekhar collectively rolled their eyes again.

"Don't tell me you want us to pour water on him?" Shekhar said, and Hartley nodded rigorously, saying, "Yeah! How did you know?"

The actor sounded surprised.

Garret chuckled.

"Because it's so juvenile, I thought it was pathetic even when I was in grade four."

Harley shot them both a furious look.

"Then what?" he asked angrily.

Shekhar was the one who chose to reply.

"Let's scare him! Make a loud noise!"

Now, it was the other two men's turn to look at Shekhar as if he was an idiot.

They obviously ignored the scientist's suggestion, and fell into thought. After only a few seconds though, Garret had the perfect plan ready.

"Let's pull down his pyjamas," he said mirthfully, "And we can –"


The reply from the two was instant. Hartley looked as if he had been wounded.

"What if he's not wearing undies?!" he said with the most horrified expression possible, and then groaned out loud, "My eyes! Why would you do that to us, Gar? You pervert!"

For a second, Garret realized that what Hartley had pointed out might be true. His own face turned to horror, and neither spoke about the plan again.

After full five minutes of contemplation, when the boys couldn't come up with anything, they settled on using the juvenile trick that Gar had found childish even in grade four.

They were going to throw water on Jim's face.

Hartley looked at the other two victoriously, and went ahead to pick out a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Shekhar and Garret meanwhile stationed themselves beside Jim's bed and peered over his sleeping face.

Hartley marched towards Mr. Hunter, ready to soak the man.

Only, just when he was about to open the bottle, while the other two were ready to shout "Gotcha!!", something hit Hartley's hand hard. The handsome boy yelped at the sharp pain, and immediately let go of the bottle.

He then looked at the thing that had hit him.

It was a bar of soap.

Frowning, he was about to turn to Garret to yell, when someone cleared their throat. The three men's attention turned to the small person standing near the washroom door. She was glaring daggers at them, as she stood there with her arms crossed.

Hartley's face immediately paled at the sight of her face, as he remembered the one time he had met her, at the time of Jim's marriage. And with the dark expression that spread on her face as she watched the three, Hart was ready to cry.

Why was this woman in Bro Jim's room?

He didn't like her! She was scary!

Miya looked at the three strangers in the room darkly, who had somehow barged in. They were clearly trying to trouble the young master, who had slept G.o.d knew when. The thought that these weird men were disturbing Jimmy's sleep didn't go down well with her. At all.

She had stopped the blonde one from pouring water. Now she had to deal with the other two.

"Who are you?" she asked menacingly, her expression brooding when she said the words.

Hartley was visibly afraid, and Garret simply looked at the small thing. Shekhar was surprised.

Could this be the legendary wife…?

Her next words, though threatening, confirmed their thoughts.

When the men didn't reply, Miya walked over to the bed, her expression growing filthier. She was furious when she said,

"And what do you want with my husband?"

The three gulped.

So it was she… the pauper girl.

The one Jim had a crush on.


They had finally met!