Evening had come and gone, and it was eight in the night now. The entire Palace Jade had been lit up with the most exquisite colours and lights. It was still serene, but its beauty wasn't cold, like the one that Jimmy Hunter personally preferred.
The party downstairs had begun.
Jimmy had announced the occasion to be one of having closed a very important deal with a firm placed in another country. However, the only people in the party were trained security guards dressed as businessmen, friends and close relatives, and every possible enemy of Thad Carver. They didn't know for what purpose they had all acc.u.mulated, except for Jimmy and company and a few chosen trustworthy men.
Carver had said to meet at ten.
Jimmy was unnaturally tense.
No, it wasn't Miya's meeting with Carver that had stressed him. He would follow her like her own shadow throughout the Carver ordeal. It was something else.
This party… tonight was supposed to be the big night.
He was telling her today.
As far as this Toby-Freeman business was concerned, Jim personally wasn't all that worried. There were privately hired people from the media all around, trained security personnel and Thad Carver was only one puny drug lord. He wouldn't be that hard to tackle.
This, however… It was the most difficult thing Jimmy was ever going to do.
He was sure.
And now that he thought about it, he was nervous. What the h.e.l.l would he even say?
Would she remember?
It had happened a long time ago after all!
Jimmy, who had dressed himself in a black tuxedo, paired with a black tie, now shoved his hands nervously inside his pockets, and fiddled with a little box inside.
The ring.
She would like it right?
The young master's mouth was immediately in his throat, when he thought of that. But then he shrugged, trusted his superior choice and calmed down.
It was going to be alright.
In fact, it was going to be amazing.
Meanwhile Miya looked grudgingly at Rebecca who stood in her room, dressed in simple black pants and a crop top. She had an incredible smile on her face as she looked at Miya from head to toe, and clapped her hands in glee.
"Oh, Miya," Becky was saying, "If I didn't know you were already married, I'd have said it was your wedding day. You look so beautiful!"
Miya rolled her eyes.
Sis Becky always exaggerated.
But… she really wasn't looking all that bad.
Miya stood before the mirror, dressed in a gorgeous floor length royal blue gown, that looked like it had come straight out of a fairy tale.
The dressing up had begun as a joke, really. Because thirteen years ago, at that d.a.m.ned party where Becky and Miya had accidentally kissed, Rebecca had wanted to play a prank on someone. Kasu, probably, and she had forced Miya into a princess-like blue gown that had creeped the fourteen year old girl out to no end.
She had pulled the same old trick again today, saying that they had to commemorate that incredible night. And Miya had been forced into a similar dress once more.
Only, she liked this one. It wasn't childish. And it made her look really nice.
Becky had used all her superior skills in make up too, and just then, Miya stood before the mirror completely transformed. The alteration wasn't too much, but she looked so pleasantly different, Miya herself found the getup not too shabby.
In fact, if she cared to give herself a careful look, she could have concluded she looked beautiful.
Also, the dress would be a good way to mix in, since most of the ladies at the party were wearing dresses alone. When Miya was ready, she picked up the black lace mask, that was designed as if raindrops were falling from it.
And she rolled her eyes when she saw it, giving Becky an exasperated look at the same time.
Even the mask was the same as from back then.
Becky was frivolous, but she apologized, "I'm sorry! I just thought it would be so much fun! And later on, if all goes well, we can get drunk like last time!"
Miya chuckled at Becky, and then put on the mask.
Then, she walked out, kind of uncomfortable in the dress but feeling good. But she remembered something, turned around and asked, "Will you be dressing the same as last time as well?"
Rebecca laughed.
"Of course! Where's the fun if I don't?"
Miya returned her smile.
Jimmy had been hastily shaking hands with the guests, accepting congrats and doing a lot of sh*t that he didn't give two flying f***s about. He was so nervous, his heart was practically bouncing in his throat. He was continuously steeling his heart, reminding himself that he was the great and brave Jimmy Hunter. And yet, it was all no good.
He had even started sweating, and it wasn't even hot!
And then, the missus arrived.
She walked down nervously, clutching at the sides of her gown so that she wouldn't trip on the hem and fall. Her eyes were searching every person in the room outside, and her lips quivered slightly.
Her face was mostly covered with the mask.
But Jimmy could have recognized her with his back turned.
The girl…
She was going to be the death of him.
Right then, in that moment, Jimmy's entire being was stunned, she looked so breath taking. Jim's hands were placed behind his back, and he stared at her with eyes that had sight only for her, as if the entire world came down to just one person.
And that was her.
His steps were an impulse, when he walked to the edge of the staircase.
He had never found anything else so flawless, so perfect.
He knew it then. From b.a.l.l.s to bones, through and through.
He loved this woman.
Miya was beginning to feel she would fall straight down the staircase. She hadn't realized it before, but the dress was kind of heavy, and too long for someone of her stature. It was beautiful though, and she decided to do her best to not ruin it.
She was descending the staircase carefully, when her eyes found one person.
Jimmy Hunter.
He stood at the bottom of the stairs, his beautiful eyes looking at her with an emotion she was afraid to understand. But it drew her in, like a moth to a raging flame. She walked towards him, slightly nervous, when he held out his hand.
Like the perfect gentleman he was.
Miya took it, entranced. Jimmy's words were an instinct too, when he said, "My lady."
A slight blush crept up Miya's cheeks and she flushed.
Oh. She was perfect.
Jimmy held her hand in his, and walked her to the party room. It was almost an acknowledgment, an announcement to the world that Jimmy Hunter was taken.
He was threatened, broomed out, but finally, he was taken.
The young master had found himself a bride.
The scene perhaps was astonis.h.i.+ng to most present, for Jimmy Hunter had never walked to a room with a woman by his side. And he had never looked at one as if she was the most exquisite being alive.
The situation caused a stir.
Albeit, the event was supposed to be low profile, but the appearance of Jimmy Hunter with a strange girl caused a hushed uproar amongst the guests and the private media. It was news they couldn't resist, the evidence of which they wouldn't find again if missed. It seemed as if Jimmy had forgotten about the world.
Simon Hunter stood in a corner, sipping on a gla.s.s of whiskey.
He should have expected it.
In his honest opinion, he hadn't expected Miya to appear so beautifully clad, or look so enchanting. For a second, when Jimmy had walked in with her, the old Hunter himself had been entranced. The girl had looked like a different person altogether.
But even if the children had forgotten, he remembered that there was still a plan.
And it needed to be executed.
To put the situation under control, and to prevent pictures from being taken clearly, Simon Hunter ordered the lights to be put out. Instead, the room was lighted only by excessive chandeliers, and blue ballroom lights.
He walked towards Miya, announcing boldly as he did, "Ladies and Gentlemen, do this old Chairman a favour, and let him have the pleasure of watching you lively souls dance. Let the music begin."
The crowd cheered at the fascinating atmosphere and the calm music that began to flow through the night.
It was when Miya saw the Chairman approach, that she was somehow pulled out of her stupor. The old man was donned in the deep maroon and brown suit that she had chosen for him, and that made her smile.
"Miya," the Chairman smiled at her as well, "You look terrific, darling."
With that, he bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
That froze the girl, but she calmed down. It must be customary… this sort of thing, among the rich people. So, she looked up at him and said genuinely, "You look very handsome too."
Simon smiled.
"In that case, would you care for a dance?"
Miya opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She looked nervously at Jim, and only when the young master agreed with a slight dip of his head, did she hold the old man's proffered hand.
"I don't know how to dance though," Miya warned. Simon paid the threat no heed.
The room was filled with beautiful music, that held the magic of transporting a person to a dreamland.
Jimmy watched silently, as his father put on a mask and pulled Miya in for a dance.
He should have felt jealous. Discomforted. Like a raging storm.
And yet, all he felt was stunned.
He hadn't even realized what he had admitted to himself.
Was someone like him really capable of feeling that kind of emotion?
He watched Miya twirl around awkwardly, as the Chairman almost stepped on her leg. Jimmy shoved his hands in his pocket once again, and watched his girl fixedly, dazed. He played with the box again, going over and over in his head on what he was going to say.
"I love you."
Was that appropriate?
But honestly… was that what he really felt?
Or was it simply the string of fate that he was lurking at?
That one chance meeting, that he had decided was destiny?
Jimmy's heart had started pounding again.
The room was filled with music that numbed his senses, and the young master couldn't come to terms with his own emotions. The more he deterred, the more afraid he felt. And when the clock struck nine, and father finally let Miya go, Jim approached her slowly.
This was it.
The young master held her hand, his breathing heavy as he put on a mask himself. It was the simplest black design, one that covered his eyes and part of his nose. Then taking her out of the dimly lit room, he walked her to the garden outside Jade.
Night had fallen heavily, but a bright moon shone through the clouds. The sky was full of stars, and a soft wind blew. The air was filled with echoes of the music playing on inside.
Miya was confused.
Her heart was thumping against her chest, and she wanted to remind the young master of the plan, of that man Carver who was about to arrive, and yet, no words left her soul. It was when Jim turned around and looked at her again, that she flinched a little.
Those eyes…
Were they brown? Or were they grey?
They were an odd combination alright.
And they were looking at her with an intensity that threatened to claw up her skin and tear her very heart apart. Miya swallowed, a cold s.h.i.+ver running down her spine.
What was this man up to?
Her lips parted, and she uttered one word.
"Jimmy –"
Jimmy lost all control.
He pulled her by the arm, until she was pressing into his body. Then wrapping a hand tightly around her waist, he clutched her hand and placed her palm on his own chest.
His voice was heavy, when he said,
"Feel that?"
Miya froze in his hold. Her own brain stopped working, her breath caught in her throat. She could feel the young master's heart pound beneath her fingers, the sound of it echoing through her soul like lightning thras.h.i.+ng into a sky.
Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, as she looked into the man's eyes.
Her own heart crashed against her chest, her body trembling from the sound of his heart beat. The young master's eyes were too intense. She wished she saw l.u.s.t in there. She prayed for it in that moment.
And yet, there was something else.
Her lips couldn't form words, she just trembled in his arms, from need or from fear, she couldn't tell.
Jim searched her face.
He was once again struck by those eyes, but in that second, he missed the green in them, that had entranced him for the very first time. His gaze stopped on those lips, and lingered there. His next words were on impulse.
"You don't remember me at all, huh?"
His tone was one of a monologue, but Miya heard the words. Before she could respond though, her heart had already leapt up to her throat.
He was too close.
Jim looked at that small face, those perfect eyes. His hand around her waist tightened, and he cupped her cheek.
How in the world could it not be meant to be?
Thirteen years ago, he had met her for the first time.
She had been his first kiss.
What was it then, if not destiny?
With that, he gently held her face and without another thought, dipped his head.
The next second, their lips met.
It was a slight brush at first, one that was as innocent as the touch of a gentle leaf. And yet, Miya gasped. Her body stiffened under his hold when his mouth found hers. Her breath wedged in her lungs, and when Jim bit lightly on her lower lip, she moaned.
The sound surprised them both.
It was then that Jim let go of her waist and held her face with both hands.
Miya gasped for breath again, in the process giving him full access to her mouth.
Jimmy didn't know what he felt right then.
His heart threatened to rupture through his chest, it was roaring against his ribs so hard. Miya was trembling in his arms, her hands quivering as she clutched at his s.h.i.+rt tightly. She was surprised by how gentle and soft his mouth felt against hers, even though his face was one with hard edges.
Her legs lost all strength.
The young master licked at her lips, slightly probing her tongue with the tip of his own. It sent a wave of pleasure through the girl's body. He then drew at her bottom lip again and touched the tip of her tongue with his own once more. The sensation sent her spiralling, and she wrapped her hands around his neck.
The need was urgent now.
Jim groaned against her mouth, silently mouthing, "G.o.d, I want you," before his tongue plunged inside her.
That was enough.
It was only when Jim felt the metallic taste of blood spread in his mouth that he pulled away from hers. Decades pa.s.sed it seemed in that moment, and they both gasped for breath.
Jim gently wiped the small stain of blood from her lips. Miya looked back at him in a daze.
"Do you not remember still?" he asked, gently caressing the side of her face.
It was then that memories ricocheted through Miya, and she was left staring at Jim shocked, stunned.
That mouth… it had felt amazingly familiar.
She frowned at the young master, trying to control her own heart, when she remembered that night from thirteen years ago.
It had happened at Rebecca's house.
She had been kissed by someone in a black tuxedo, and a simple black mask. He had stolen her first kiss, just like that. And because the dress was one that Rebecca had worn as well, Miya had always thought it had been the girl who had kissed her.
Rebecca had looked like a man after all back then, in her short, impish hair.
The realization sent her a blow in the guts now.
Her words almost didn't leave her mouth.
"I-It was y-you…?"
Jimmy couldn't resist it.
He pulled the girl back in his arms, and wrapped both his hands around her waist.
Then dipping his head to give her yet another light kiss on the lips, he whispered softly.
"It was me, my dear. It always has been."
Miya couldn't settle her thoughts or wrap her head around the revelation.
But the temptation before was too much too.
So she put her thoughts on a hold and simply kissed him back.