My Perfect Lady - 88 Remember The Lessons

88 Remember The Lessons

The Hunter Estate was a buzz during that time, almost as if the entire mansion had come alive. In addition to that, a tight security had been put around Rebecca and Miya both. Rebecca, because it was not supposed to be found out that she was alive, and back to her country. Miya, because she could not be seen hanging around the Hunters like family.

She had to appear as an outside source, so as not to destroy her credibility when she approached Thad Carver.

These five days, though, were the most fun that Miya had ever had. It became common knowledge in the household that the young master had got married and that the scrawny girl who had only been seen with Jimmy Hunter for a day in the Hunter Mansion, was actually his wife. There was scepticism at first, mostly among the guards, servants, maids and butlers.

But here, Miya had had the advantage of being one among these people. Winning them over had been natural for her, they were too easy to impress. She simply had to help a maid with food, and another one with her dress for her to become a favourite among the workers.

Simon Hunter, though, was very sceptical about this approach of hers. Albeit they never really talked once they had come back to the country, but the Chairman kept a watch on her, even gave her disapproving looks at times. Miya would try to correct herself in his presence.

Besides that, there was no trace of the kind old man she had met in Country S. He was back to being cold, bizarre, and extremely fond of kites. Maybe it was just so that they wouldn't attract attention, and no one would secretly take pictures again. However, Miya didn't particularly find it unnerving or odd.

The one person she did miss though, was Jimmy Hunter.

Ever since they had landed back, Jimmy had been extremely busy. He took off early and returned late. She had almost been unable to see him at all, except for today, when she had determinedly pulled herself out of bed so that she would be able to at least have one look at his face.

The effort had been worth it.

It was four in the morning, and Jimmy had been awake, dressed, and sipping on tea, when Miya walked downstairs from her room, dressed in her pyjamas. She still hadn't realized the effect Jimmy Hunter's presence had begun to have on her. Because in that moment, she had felt unnaturally, and yet fully satisfied. And she had only taken a single look at his face.

Jimmy too, had been pleasantly surprised.

He hadn't talked to the wife for almost a week, and looking at her smiling face as she stood at the top of the stairs, he hadn't been able to compose himself. His own face had spread into a huge smile, and he had instinctively spread out his arms.

The grin on Miya's face had broadened, and she had run down and into his embrace like a happy gust of wind. It had felt like the most natural thing in the world to her.

They had then said 'h.e.l.lo', and Jim had left for work.

The head maid, Kyouko had witnessed this little exchange of pleasantries between the young master and his new bride. She hadn't liked Miya before, but that little incident made her completely change her mind.

For the young master to have looked like that… the girl was obviously dear.

And now, when the afternoon had arrived, and the preparations were in full swing, Miya was beaming and roaming around. She was happy about everything. The wind seemed sweet, the clouds fluffy and even the guard who scoffed at her every time seemed nice. It was during this chirpy mood, that Miya found Mr. Park.

Her reaction was instant.

She quickly rushed to the old man, and beaming, asked, "Mr. Park! I haven't seen you for so long! How are you? I missed you! And how's Mrs. Park?"

Mr. Park was surprised.

He had never seen Miya in this bright a mood before.

Although he himself had been too busy, thanks to simultaneous orders from both the father and son Hunters, his heart was filled with content when he saw that familiar, small face.

He smiled at the girl kindly, and couldn't resist patting her head, "I've missed you too. I'm good, Miya. Just a bit busy so I couldn't come to see you sooner. How was Country S?"

Of course that was a lie.

Mr. Park had been torn between wanting to meet the girl and not confronting her at all. Her past still had a heavy impact on him.

Miya, however, was unaware of his inner turmoil.

"It was good!" she said enthusiastically, "Jimmy took me to a white sand beach and it was a lot of fun. You know how the rest is."

Park nodded solemnly, never forgetting to note how Miya had called the young master 'Jimmy'. Whatever the old butler's personal feeling may be though, he kept them aside, and said cautiously to the girl, "Play safe tonight, alright? Don't land yourself into too much trouble. I'll be around, just in case you need help."

Miya looked at the kind man gratefully.

"Thank you!" she said, "And I won't get into trouble. Promise!"

Mr. Park smiled at her, and then began to turn around. Just then, Miya held his hand. That surprised the old man, but he stopped.

Miya's voice was low.

"Um… Mr. Park, I have a favour to ask," she said in a quiet voice.

"Yes?" Park's tone was serious.

"Will you go meet Ben when you can spare some time? He's been asking for you."

The terseness that had enveloped the old man's voice immediately left his entire body. He visibly relaxed, and sighed in relief. Then giving the girl a quick smile, he said, "Of course," and scurried away.

Miya was happy, and Mr. Park confused.

He still didn't want to believe it.

This girl couldn't have had that kind of a history at all.

It was some time during that hour that Simon Hunter came to Palace Jade. He was accompanied by his son.

Miya of course, had been informed of this before.

It was time to make the call.

They all sat together in a private parlour that was exclusively for Jim's use, and he generally allowed n.o.body to enter it. Today, however, was an exception. They waited for Rebecca to come, and when she did, Simon Hunter looked gravely at Miya, and leant across the table to hold her hand.

That took Miya by surprise, but then she understood his hold. The old man's grasp was tight, and he was steadying her hand, which she hadn't realized was trembling. His voice was soft, yet firm, when he said "What did I tell you about pride?"

Miya looked at him, confused, but then she remembered what the old man was talking about. She immediately sat up straight, though not sure what good that was now.

The Chairman understood her confusion, and said in the same voice, "Remember the three lessons Miya. Use them today. Even the voice says it all. Do not fear, for even a second."

Jim handed over a pay phone to his wife, squeezed her hand gently, and gave her a nod. Rebecca gave her an encouraging smile.

A lot depended on this phone call to Thad Carver.

She dialled the number.

The phone was picked up at the third ring.

A hefty voice spoke on the other end.


Miya froze for a second, then closed her eyes. She remembered the old man's words, and repeated them in her heart.

Pride, Impression, Power.

Her back automatically straightened briskly, and within moments her eyes changed.

Albeit the young master and Rebecca had together prepared a script, for Miya to say exactly what was written, it was Simon who had looked at them like a bunch of jokers and taken away the paper. Then tearing it to pieces, he had said in an alarmingly defensive tone, "She's not stupid."

Jim had not liked that at all.

In that moment, however, he understood what his father was talking about.

Somehow, Miya's eyes had gone cold. She looked unimpressed, yes… and incredibly bored.

"Not going to the Hunter's, huh?" she said listlessly, staring at the wall in front as she leant against the chair.

The voice on the other end was calm.

"Who is this?" it said.

"A well-wisher, I'd say. But ain't that too cliché?"

Jim was impressed.

The wife now looked lost in her own world. He knew it, that look on her face, when she alone existed in the universe.

Thad Carver seemed to be about to hang up the phone, when Miya chuckled deeply.

"Oh no, Mr. Carver," she looked genuinely amused, "It's bad manners to hang up when someone's talking. Lil Becky had more manners than that."

The call didn't disconnect.

Miya knew she had the man's attention.

"Answer me, Mr. Carver, won't you be coming to the Hunter's? I know you received an invite."

"What do you want?" The voice on the other end was cold.

Miya smiled instinctively. These kind of sc.u.m were always, always all the same.

"I'd say 'you', but then you're not my type. How about 'revenge'? Does that interest you?"

The voice was quiet again.

Invitation to keep talking. Cla.s.sic.

Miya beamed, enjoying this thoroughly now. It was time to land the killer blow.

"I know Becky's alive," she said, this time her tone losing the mock satire, and turning solemn, grave, "And don't waste your breath telling me otherwise. This isn't a threat though, Mr. Carver. More of an exchange. I just sent you a link. Check it out."

The call went on hold for a few seconds, and then was retrieved.

"What's with the picture?" the voice was still cold, but now it had the hint of confusion in it.

"The girl," Miya replied, "That's me. Now you know who I am. What would interest you though is this: I know Rebecca is alive, and I know you don't want others to know. I am in the Hunter Mansion right now, you can get this number traced. I can show what I have to Simon Hunter, and he can rip you apart with his bare hands."

The voice was about to say something, but Miya cut it short.

"Don't ask me stupid questions like 'How much', Thad," she had jumped into final battle mode, called the enemy by name, "Money makes it boring. What I'm offering is, either I can let Simon Hunter tear you apart, or I can help you do the same to him. I have proof against him, enough to cover up 40 pages of your new magazine. He'll fall to dust."

The voice on the other end didn't make a response. When Thad Carver spoke though, he was breathing hard.

The battle was won.

"Why" the voice came, "Should I believe you?"

Miya gave him an amused laugh.

"Did I ask you to? That brings me back to my first question, Thad. Not going to the Hunter's, huh?"

"You – Will you be there?"

"Do I still need to say a 'Yes'?"


And then victory.

"I'll meet you at 10."

With that, the call was cut.

For a few seconds, it was difficult for Miya to come out of her hoodlum mode. But then she heard the line 'beep' on the phone and blinked.

She was back to normal.

The room had fallen into silence. Jim was a mixture of shock and amazement, whereas Rebecca's jaw had dropped. The only one sitting normally was the Chairman.

Miya smiled sheepishly at them all, and then nervously mumbled, "Was that okay? He said he'd meet at 10."

Jimmy didn't know how to react, whereas Rebecca was in fangirl mode.

"Okay?" she immediately shrieked, "That was f***ing awesome! That's my right hand man, my hoodlum little girl!"

Miya chuckled at Becky's praise, as the girl enveloped her into a bear hug, whereas Jim looked at the wife in fascination. He then glanced at his father, who simply sat in the corner, grinning now.

The Chairman really must have found out everything about Miya. Enough for him to entrust her singlehandedly with something this important.

The Chairman… sure was something.

Simon Hunter was satisfied, and he got up from the chair, and began to move out. He couldn't resist saying to the daughter-in-law though,

"Rip apart with my bare hands, huh? Do you really think this old man is that scary?"

Miya was immediately on alert and she shook her head fervently.


"Well I am."

Simon chuckled, patting the girl on her head, and then left the room.