My Perfect Lady - 44 I Tell You, Eat More!

44 I Tell You, Eat More!

Then without warning, he howled, "Why is your phone switched off, Jim?!"

Jimmy was taken by surprise.

Why would his phone be off?

Confused, he placed a hand in his pocket and pulled out his phone. Astonis.h.i.+ngly, it was turned off.

Now, how did that happen?

Just then, Jim recalled the events from the day before yesterday, when the missus had hit him with a broom and thrown mop water on him. He frowned darkly at the memory, but realized that the phone had been working fine for two days already. It was high time it broke down, especially since it had been soaked in water and stomped over when he had first met Miya.

Sighing, the young master looked apologetically at Park.

"I didn't notice," he said.

A look of warning pa.s.sed over Park's face, but he didn't say anything. He then glanced at Miya, who stood closely behind while Jimmy still held her hand.

The old man further descended a few steps, and stood before her directly.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a lot of concern, "Did you get hurt earlier?"

Miya shook her head.

The old man's shoulders almost sagged in relief, but then his face changed to that of a stern old grandpa's.

"As much as I hate to scold you," he told Miya severely too, "But if you act this way again, you're grounded!"

Miya suppressed a laugh that bubbled from her stomach, thinking of how sweet the old man was being. And he had such a sincere and offended expression on, she couldn't help but oblige him.

"I'm sorry," she said squeakily, repressing a smile, "It won't happen again. Promise! Thanks for taking care of Ben, sir!"

Mr. Park nodded, satisfied.

Meanwhile Jimmy was frowning, displeased.

This old dude had practically yelled out his weak guts at him before, but when he stood before Miya, he had barely raised his voice. Not to mention, he had actually said, "As much as I hate to scold you." What was that all about?

He had never said so to him before!

He always came thundering directly before him! Why, did the old man actually enjoy scolding him?!

d.a.m.n it!

In that moment, Jimmy's only relief was that he had threatened Miya with a "You'll be grounded!" That, he had not said to Jimmy ever since the boy had turned thirteen. Also, Jim couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Seeing Jim's mixed emotions play wildly on his face, Park actually smirked, almost as if he knew what the young master was thinking about. Then clearing his throat, he said, "Get in, the both of you. I've had Charlie prepare some food for you. Miya get your wound bandaged."

Miya nodded dutifully, then asked, "How's Ben been? Has he caused too much trouble?"

The old man immediately cheered up at her words.

"Your boy, my dear girl," he said happily, "is a darling. He's been so charming and obedient, Charlie's about to cry her heart out as to why she didn't find him thirty years ago."

Miya beamed, overjoyed.

Now, that was her boy!

As they followed Mr. Park into the house, Miya learnt that Charlie was actually the name of Mr. Park's wife. Jim tagged along, somehow feeling like the biggest third wheel in the world as Miya and Park carried on with their conversation cheerfully. When he couldn't deal with the discomfort and curiosity anymore, he finally voiced his opinion and told Park to involve him in the conversation as well. That he too wanted to understand what they were talking about.

Park rolled his eyes, and looked at Jim pointedly, trying to hint to him that he was being pretty obsessive about Miya again. The young master though understood the look, yet for the moment chose to ignore the reminder.

As they walked towards the kitchen, where Park a.s.sured them that Mrs. Charlie was ready with food and first aid both, Jim came to know about the entire sequence of events that had taken place till then. Miya had seen the weird man earlier, had decided to hide Ben, but then they had seen Mr. Park in the corridor and he seemed to be coming towards their room. She had told Ben to quickly go to the old man for help, and then had run down to chase the painted dude.

When Ben had come running to the old man suddenly, he was immediately on alert. He carried the boy back to his room, and sure enough, Miya had already gone. He had tried contacting Jimmy right then, but his phone was switched off. He had then sent guards to find her, and even though they looked everywhere, they couldn't find the girl. Park had been worried sick that Miya would be hurt, and angry that she had decided to tackle this by herself.

The guards later reported at having found the painted man tied to a tree, and he turned out to be a security guard from his father's place. Park was impressed with Miya, and annoyed at the same time. And as if that hadn't been enough, he had heard about the incident of the Chairman hanging from a tree and Jimmy rus.h.i.+ng to help with a gigantic ladder.

Jim heard all of it, a bit amazed.

Meanwhile Park looked at the girl walking beside him and was all the more astounded. She was so tiny. How in the world did she even manage to beat up guys thrice her size and hold on to hanging men double her height?

It was like she knew magic!

When they walked into the kitchen, Miya's heart was filled with happiness. Her little boy sat on the counter and sipped adorably on a gla.s.s of milk. And as if he recognized the sound of his mother's footsteps, once he saw her come in, he immediately ran and landed into her arms.

"Baby!" Miya sang, cuddling him to her chest, "How has my darling been? Did you miss mommy?"

The boy nodded, hiding his face in the crook of her neck.

"Oh, sweetheart. Mum's so sorry she left you alone and came back so late. Are you okay?"

The boy nodded again.

"And did you have fun with uncle Ben and aunty Charlie?"

This time, he raised his head and looked into his mother's eyes. Then giving her a kiss on her left cheek, he nodded, smiling happily.

Miya beamed.

After a few minutes though, a gruff sound of someone coughing echoed nearby, and Miya immediately came out of her own world, realizing that she was ignoring everybody else in the room. She quickly turned around in apology and saw a large woman standing opposite to Mr. Park.

Charlie Park had short hair, that reached up to her ears, and she was huge in size, almost double the size of her husband. She was tall too, and had it not been for the warm and kind smile on her face, she was bound to give people the chills.

She was beautiful in her own way.

That was all Miya could think of.

The girl quickly stepped towards her, and bowed slightly.

"Thanks for taking care of my son!" she said gratefully.

Mrs. Park, who had been eyeing her carefully till now, burst into laughter. Miya was surprised by this, and when she looked up, the woman patted her head as if she were a child.

"Aye, no problem, no problem," she told her with a shrug, "Ben's adorable. Come here, let me take care of you too."

With that, she somehow appeared before her incredibly in a second, carrying a disinfectant and some bandages. Then with the speed of light, she took Ben from her and sat him on the counter again, and then dressed her wound like an expert. Miya was amazed at her proficiency, and didn't utter even a single word – of appreciation or of protest.

Mrs. Park was amazing!

Jim and Mr. Park meanwhile stood in a corner, as they watched the two women amusedly. While Mr. Park's gaze on his wife was loving, Jim simply looked on at the elder woman with admiration. He also noticed how obedient Miya was around elders.

Man, did she only not listen to him? He was pretty sure he was elder to her too!

Wait… now that he thought about it, how old was she, really?

After Mrs. Park was done dressing the wound, she patted beneath Miya's eye with light hands and mumbled, "I hope it won't leave a scar."

Miya was simply touched. She was not used to such nice treatment or to such kind people.

Then, the older woman carried a bowl of soup over and demanded her to eat it up.

When she showed hints of resistance, Mrs. Park was all over her, standing with her arms crossed over her chest like a school headmaster. Miya had no choice but to obey.

Jim laughed silently.

Charlie had no restraint.

When Miya thought she couldn't eat anymore, Mrs. Park looked at her with obvious disapproval in her eyes.

"Look at how thin you are, girly!!" she scolded, "You should eat more, get stronger. How else do you expect to take care of your child?"

Miya looked at her helplessly.

Mrs. Park rattled on.

"And really, you don't look like this little baby's mommy at all! Miya, dear, you aren't underage, are you?"

Miya almost spilled her soup.

"No, of course not!" she called out at once. The old lady frowned.

"It's still hard to believe someone of your size would have a five year old. I tell you, eat more! I wonder how you even gave birth, dear? It must have been hard for you, aye, getting the baby out from there?"

Miya immediately froze as the two men in the room choked on their own breaths and turned a deep red.

Jimmy especially started coughing, clearly uncomfortable at hearing the conversation.

Charlie really had no restraint!