My Perfect Lady - 43 You Shouldn't Have Touched My Woman!

43 You Shouldn't Have Touched My Woman!

Panic struck Jimmy immediately, and even though his face showed no hint of alarm, his mind quickly deliberated between dodging and trying to hold her hand. Miya was giving him such a filthy look, Jim was sure she was preparing for attack.

Her eyes said it.

Not just the eyes, though. Her entire body said it.

And Jimmy almost cried at the fact that he still found her attractive. He stood just inches away from her, his hand cupping her small face as she scowled at him treacherously. And despite all that, his groin had started to move. It was almost as if the area below his belly-b.u.t.ton had a mind of its own. It had somehow decided that whether this woman laughed, smiled, scowled or even beat him up to a pulp – it was going to be aroused anyway.

He needed a psychiatrist. A therapist. A priest. Someone who could help!

And soon!

Jimmy was busy revelling in his sorrow, when he saw that the face of his bride lost some of its fury. He was instinctively relieved, but worry gnawed at him again. The woman was now staring at his hand.

Wait… was she going to break it? It was already injured!

Contrary to expectations though, Miya held his hand, albeit a bit too tightly, and removed it from her face. She then looked into his eyes and said, "Don't underestimate a gunshot wound. If you move it too much, it could open up again. Did you hurt yourself when you were holding on to that ladder?"

Jimmy blinked, surprised.


And when her words finally registered, he was instantly furious.

This woman…! It was okay for her to boss him around for his injury, but when he did the same, she gave him killer looks. That was so unfair!

"I'm okay," he said grumpily, "But you're not fine. That wound is fres.h.!.+ Come, get it dressed."

"Eh. It's barely a scratch."

"I swear I'm going to remove all my bandages and tear open my wound myself if you don't listen to me now."

"You…! T-That's – That's so unreasonable!"

"Yes! As is you hanging from a tree upside down. But you don't see me complaining about it, now do you?"

"That's a different issue! It's not my first time doing it! And you are complaining about the tree thing."

Jim's face darkened.

"You are looking to get kissed, girl. It won't be my first time doing that either."

Miya's mind immediately went into flashback. She recalled this rude man kissing her on the cheek several times and even licking her hand. And if he somehow pounced on her now, the only way she'd be able to escape this huge person would be to hit him in the crotch. Which she didn't want to do. Also, the Chairman was still there. It would be totally inappropriate if she kicked his son, or evaded his annoying affections, because of course, they were happily married.

Miya's face fell and took on a brooding look. Because just like that, Jimmy Hunter had won this battle. Nodding silently, she gave him a very serious look and whispered, "Just a second."

She then walked back to Simon Hunter.

Simon Hunter had been looking at his son and the girl with strange eyes. So when he saw the girl approach him, he was slightly nervous. She, however, looked at him expressionlessly, and plunged one hand into her pocket to take out a key. She then handed it over to the old man.

"The man you sent," she said firmly, her eyes revealing nothing, "I must say, he wasn't very strong. I tied him to a tree in the orchard near the Jade mansion. I used a chain to bind him, and this is the key. You can get him out."

With that she turned around and walked away.

Simon Hunter's eyes were the size of orbs, as he watched her get away.



What did she just say?!

Meanwhile Jimmy held her hand, which thankfully she didn't jerk away, thanks to his father's presence, and walked back to his bike. Just when he had neared the vehicle though, Miya stopped in her tracks again.

Jim sighed.

Why the f*** was this woman so hard to handle?

Couldn't she just listen to him and keep walking?!

He turned sideward to reveal his annoyance, when he saw her stand there like a statue. Her eyes were wide with astonishment, and he thought that they had welled up. She looked ready to cry.

Jim was immediately on alert.

"Miya," he began concernedly, "Where does it hurt? Did you injure yourself before? Dear, you don't have to c –"

He was halfway through his consolation speech, when the woman let go of his hand, and put both her hands over her mouth. She was positively tearing up now. Ignoring him as if he did not exist, she walked forward in a daze.

And what Jimmy saw next made him feel like he had been punched in the gut again and again.

The woman knelt down before the bike, and with s.h.i.+vering hands touched it. Her whole body quivered, almost as if she was shuddering, and with fat tears that threatened to spill over, she looked back at Jim.

"I-It's –" she said hoa.r.s.ely, swallowing as Jimmy stood there like stone, "I-It's a Hayabusa…"

What the f***.

Jim didn't move, couldn't till he saw that the woman was actually going to cry. The thought freaked him out, so he took three long steps and immediately knelt beside her. She was still touching the bike with shuddering hands. Jim quickly held both her hands in his and said with concern.

"Miya, what's wrong?"

She repeated, in a smaller voice this time, "I-It's… a Hayabusa…"

"Yes, Miya, it's a Hayabusa. Is there something wrong with it?"


"Dear, it is a Hayabusa. Do you not like it?"

Miya's expression immediately changed. Fury surged in her, and before she could stop herself, she blurted out in a shout, "You don't get it! It's a Hayabusa!"

Jimmy was scared now.

"Y-Yeah… and?"

"d.a.m.n it, it's the third fastest bike in the world! What's not to like?!"

"Ah… yeah, I'm sorry dear… It's the sixth fastest actually…"

"You don't call me your dear! And why do you own a Hayabusa?"

Jimmy was stunned. How was he supposed to answer that?

"Of course you do!" she answered herself though, "You're rich. I don't like you!"

Jimmy was trying to get his head around what was going on. But the woman's emotions were so volatile right then, that the next moment, she was looking miserable, her face so dejected that it seemed like the world was coming to an end.

"I thought I'd die before seeing one," she said sadly, and then she looked at Jimmy again, "Would you let me take a picture?"

She sounded so earnest, and looked so sad, Jimmy wanted to hit his head.

All this, just because of a stupid bike?!

Argh! Jimmy didn't know whether he was amused or annoyed.

Almost suddenly though, an idea struck him. He quickly helped Miya up and then said to her solemnly, "If you agree to two things, I'd let you drive it."

Miya stopped breathing. She looked at him with such big, startled eyes, that Jimmy almost snorted into a laugh. He didn't though, and continued to look at her seriously.

The girl's eyes, meanwhile, were s.h.i.+ning brightly. She s.h.i.+vered slightly, and then walked another step closer to Jim. She got too close.

Without warning, Jimmy stiffened.

Oh, no.

This wasn't good.

But before he could put her away, she clenched her fists and placed her hands near her chest, as if praying to him in entreaty.

"You'd do that?" she asked softly.

Jimmy choked on his breath.

Did she have to be so cute…?

His crotch was practically dancing right now!

He hurriedly mumbled a, "Yes!"

Miya beamed. Jim's bottom stiffened.

"What would I have to do?" the girl asked, and for a moment, Jimmy had the wildest urge to just grab her and kiss her. He then slapped himself twenty times mentally, and told her in a hoa.r.s.e voice, "Tell me what happened between you and the Chairman. Then, come with me and get your wound dressed."

Jimmy had expected some resistance on her part, but when she nodded rigorously, he was amused. It looked like she really did have a thing for his Hayabusa.

Which was downright weird.

The girl began to talk.

"When you left me in the room," she said, "I went to the window and saw this weird man with a painted face. He looked really creepy, and he was smiling and aiming a slingshot at the window. I was alarmed. I know that I'm not welcome here, so I thought trouble had already begun. So I jumped down, and –"

"JUMPED?!" Jimmy was immediately horrified, "How did you jump?! You were on the first floor!"

"It's not that high," Miya said nonchalantly, and then continued, "The man was taken aback I think, when he saw me come down. Maybe he didn't expect that. He was startled, and immediately began to run away. I caught him though. Beat him up, asked him who he was. He didn't say a word. So I tied him to a tree in that orchard near your palace. Later, I thought I shouldn't return to the room, who knew, what else had been planned. So I walked around, found that apple tree and rested there. Obviously, I wasn't expecting your father to come climbing up."

Jim's face was steel now.

What in the world! She had been attacked? And the guy had already been beaten up? And tied to a tree?

Why was he not surprised?

However, he really was a fool to think that his father hadn't acted yet. To send a man to attack her… what if she had been some weakling, and had been hurt?

The thought made Jimmy curse.

"It was him, wasn't it?" he asked icily.

Miya nodded.

"I guess. The man with the painted face was actually wearing a mask. A mask similar to that creepy drawing on your father's kite. And I'd heard him tell you before that he had made the kite himself, so… Then, the Chairman himself said he wanted to talk. So yes, it must be him."

Jimmy sighed, and then looked at her wound. It was very close to her eye.

"The b.a.s.t.a.r.d attacked?" Jim hissed, at which Miya eyed him nervously.

"Of course. I was. .h.i.tting him, so…"

Jimmy didn't know how to react. So he held her hand, and said in a whisper, "Let's get your wound dressed."

"T-Then –"

"Yes, you can have the Hayabusa later."

Miya beamed happily, whereas Jimmy rewarded her with a small smile. Right then though, there was only one thought that was rumbling through his head.

Chairman Simon Hunter, you shouldn't have touched my woman!