As she looked at the entry gate of the airport, all the enthusiasm that she had been feeling minutes before, left her. Her legs began to s.h.i.+ver as she saw the gorgeous infrastructure, and once she heard the echo of an airplane taking off, she almost cried.
It was impossible, how her life had turned around in just two days.
She wanted to go home!
Travelling in long cars that looked and were almost like apartments, was still fine. She could come to terms with that. But walking into an airport and boarding a plane? They have got to be kidding her!
Had she felt even a little strength in her legs, Miya would have run away as far as possible. Airplanes had scared her for years, even when she was just a child. She had always had the unnerving fear that someday, one of it would drop from the sky and crash into her nose. Just the idea of boarding one of these things had the alarms in her brain blast off.
It wasn't happening!
Meanwhile Ben stood in awe of the huge aircrafts that took off, their sound rumbling through the skies. He had seen these artificial birds before too, but this was his first time seeing one so close. He had no idea they were so big!
He quickly pulled at Jim's finger.
"Where do you think they are going?" he asked him, at which Jim raised his brow. Then the boy pointed at one of the aeroplanes that had just taken off.
Jimmy smiled.
"Wherever they are designated to go," he said smartly.
Ben didn't understand.
Jim looked at him for a second, and then explained again in layman terms.
"These, kid, are all flying to various places in our country. Some, outside the country too. People who want to visit those places will sit in them and reach there. Kind of like getting a cab."
Ben's eyes widened.
"There's people sitting in it?!" he shrieked, which made Jim surprised. The young master observed the kid quietly, unable to believe that this child, who was a whole five years old, did not know what a plane was.
Nevertheless, he maintained his smile.
"We're going to sit in one too," he said, which made the kid's eyes go wider.
"Really. Ours is a private one though. It means that we are going to be the only ones sitting in it. Except the pilot – the person who flies the plane – of course, he will be there too."
"Then… we will fly? …Really?"
"Technically, yeah. We will."
Miya was listening to the conversation pa.s.sively, at the same time formulating a hundred different plans to avoid entering the airport. Just then though, Jimmy Hunter said something, and her brain registered the word "private". She was immediately p.i.s.sed off.
This man had too much money!
And to think, that out of all the people in the world, she had to be the one to get involved with him. Oh no, not involved.
Married, was the word!
All her good mood from before was wiped off, as another plane took off into the sky. She looked at Park determinedly. She almost stomped her foot, while telling him her problem honestly. She even looked scared enough to wet her pants. And even though the old man gave her an understanding look, he kept quiet, indicating that he couldn't help her with the matter.
Jimmy Hunter, was of course, no big help either. He looked at her with an amused face, and when she offered to take a cab, or a train, or even walk the distance instead, he actually laughed out loud. He then dragged her in as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Miya wanted to punch him instantly, but couldn't.
Because once she entered the airport, she realized once again that not only was this man too rich, he was also too important.
He was the only one who wasn't even asked for an I.D. The receptionists all gave him an admiring look as he pa.s.sed by, scowling a little at the woman he was dragging behind. While there was a short queue of people at the various counters, Jimmy Hunter had no obstruction in his path, whatsoever. He only had his plane to board.
Miya sighed.
Some people really were respected by all of the world. And then, there were the ones like her, who were the object of scorn even if they did nothing – just simply existed.
It somehow hadn't struck her before. But seeing this small specimen of the authority that this young man exerted, it hit her hard. She had got involved with something way out of her control and means. For a second, her heart thumped in warning, saying to her in a low voice,
"It's the biggest mistake you'll ever make."
At the same time, while she was lost in thoughts, they had almost reached their plane. Ben jumped up excitedly.
"It's so big!" he exclaimed, as he looked at a gorgeous six-seater plane, that they were walking towards.
Jim, who was still holding Miya with one hand, would have revelled in the kid's joy too, had he not felt his wife's arm s.h.i.+ver hysterically. He looked back at her, confused.
Sure enough, the woman seemed like she would pa.s.s out. Her eyes took in the airplane in all its entirety, and she swallowed.
"Please don't make me do this," she said in despair.
Jim felt a pang of guilt, but then he shrugged it away.
"Don't be so afraid," he comforted her sincerely, "You just have to sit in there. Like I told Ben, it's just like hailing a cab. You get in, sit and pretty much wait for the thing to land. Nothing out of the ordinary."
"It flies!" Miya was ready to cry.
"I'll have the curtains drawn. That way, you wouldn't be able to see the clouds outside. You wouldn't feel like it's flying."
"But it would still be flying!"
"There's a reason it's called an 'airplane', Miya."
Miya looked at him grumpily.
Jim was slowly losing his patience with her. Not to mention, he still wasn't happy about the incident with the photographs. So he motioned Park to take Ben in and board the plane. The old man nodded, and the kid was excited enough to tail behind him without complaint.
Jim then looked at Miya sternly.
"Okay, Miya. Last time. Get in."
"But there's got to be another way! What if the plane crashes? I don't want to die!"
"It won't, okay?!"
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I've travelled a thousand times before. Now, please, get in, Miya."
"No! It's too big, and ever since I was a child –"
It was at that exact moment that Jim lost his cool.
Putting his fingers to his forehead in annoyance, he hissed through gritted teeth:
"Miya Jimmy Hunter, get your a.s.s in right now."
She froze.
What the f*** had this man just called her?!