Everything in the kitchen was kept in shelves, and all shelves were so high up the wall, that she couldn't even get sugar to put in her coffee. Last night, when Mr. Park had told her that Jimmy Hunter had left the keys to his apartment, so that she may have a place to stay at for the time, she had been doubtful. Thankful, but suspicious. Then the old man had courteously informed her that Mr. Hunter was out for the night, and that he would probably be returning only the morning after. She had then accepted Park's offer to drive her to the apartment. They had chatted quite a bit on the road.
Miya had concluded that the old man was very amiable. She liked him.
The apartment in itself, was a whole other ordeal. It had left her breathless for a minute. It was on the seventh floor of a rather gorgeous looking building, and it was big enough to make her head spin. She had been so afraid to enter into the place, Mr. Park had to coax her like a child. When she did get in, she stuck to sitting on a couch in the living room, swearing to herself she wouldn't move even an inch till the owner had returned.
Such glamorous places scared her to death. She didn't dare explore an unidentified area.
Then, late at night, of course, the call had happened. The young master had told her he was hungry, and even though he sounded a bit off, she had thought it best to inform the good old man. When Park had returned with Jimmy, the guy had pa.s.sed out already, and she had felt very guilty about the fact that an older person like Park was carrying a giant like Jim. She had tried to help, of course, but the young master was simply too huge. She had slumped and fallen instead.
Later, Mr. Park had looked so exhausted, she couldn't let him go without at least eating something. The d.a.m.ned kitchen had been of no use last night as well, neither had been the refrigerator, for it contained no food. When she could finally find instant cup noodles and had served them to the old man, he had graciously accepted and wolfed it all down.
Such a gentleman!
He hadn't asked her one question like whether she had washed her hands before cooking, or if the food was stale, etcetera, etcetera. He had just eaten it, just like that! Miya had been moved to the point of tears.
In comparison, she also couldn't help but remember Jimmy Hunter's know-it-all face, when he had told her, "I can't wear something worn by someone else!"
Mr. Park was totally a sweetheart.
So, when Jimmy entered the kitchen, Miya had one hand raised to a shelf in the wall and was lost deeply in thought. Sadly, her hand was nowhere close to any of the jars. Sighing, Jim walked to her and said loudly:
"What are you doing?"
Miya almost jumped at the piercing voice that disrupted her thoughts. She turned around, looking directly at the face of the young master, and then frowned unpleasantly.
"Why are you shouting so early in the morning?"
"I was just asking if you need help."
"Of course, I do."
"What do you want?"
Jim's dismissive gesture as he picked up the bottle of sugar with ease, and handed it over to her rather nonchalantly, somehow made Miya sulk. It was unfair that she was so short, while people like this person got to be as tall as towers. Not cool.
Jim, however, had no idea of her hurt pride, and began to walk out of the kitchen. Just then, she looked at his arm and called out, "Did you remove the bandages?"
Jimmy looked back.
"Oh, no. It's under the sleeve."
He was in his pyjamas too, so his wounded arm was still wrapped, but was hidden beneath the full length sleeve of his t-s.h.i.+rt. But before she could ask him how he was feeling, the sound of soft footsteps made Miya's eyes gleam with happiness. A small boy came trotting into the kitchen.
"I bathed, ma!" he said gleefully, while running into her arms.
Miya was about to hug the boy, when her eyes fell on his outfit. She was frozen.
She looked at her son, and then at Jimmy Hunter, who was standing right behind him. To her astonishment, they were both wearing the exact same PJs!
There was nothing very extraordinary about the outfit, of course, it was just pitch black. But they both looked so… cute. Especially since neither had made the effort to brush their hair, and so it was all messed up.
Miya immediately began to fan-girl.
"Oh, my!" she said excitedly, "Look at you two. You're both so, um, so cute!"
Jimmy was immediately on alert when he heard the words, whereas Ben looked back at Jim with not too much dislike. The little guy knew he was cute. His ma always said so. But why was she calling this Jimmy cute as well? He didn't dislike Jimmy as much now, but that didn't mean he was sharing his mamma's compliments with him.
Almost as if to a.s.sert the point, Ben walked over to his mother, and hugged both her knees with his tiny hands. Miya, however, was too busy just ogling the two.
She immediately lifted up the kid and then placed him directly beside Jim. She then moved back, and looked at the duo with folded hands.
Only when he saw the kid stand right next to him, did the young master realize that he was wearing the same clothes as the boy. He lifted his head to look at the childish expression on the mother's face.
"Aiyya!" she was exclaiming, "You're both so, so handsome!"
Without warning, Jimmy turned red.
Miya, of course, didn't notice.
She rattled on.
"Ah! You're looking so cute, almost like siblings! Big bro, and the lil' bro. Aw! I wish I was half as handsome as you both, then I'd at least look like you guys' mother. Aw!"
Jimmy almost spat out blood at the words.
What! Why?
Why in the world did this woman want to look like his mother?!
As his face began to darken automatically, he tried to contain his expression, suddenly remembering his promise to Park. And just as he thought about the devil, the old man too came into the kitchen.
He was grinning, from ear to ear, and moved directly to Miya's side.
The girl pointed at the duo excitedly, as they stood uncomfortably next to each other, and said, "Look, Mr. Park! They're so –"
"Cute, aye," Mr. Park agreed, with one hand caressing his own chin while the other one settled in his pocket. He then swiftly took out his phone and took a picture. Albeit, both the boys were scowling in it, but it was still a good photo.
He glanced at Miya and showed it to her, who was practically giddy with happiness.
"Mr. Park," she said, beaming, "I'm going to say something totally inappropriate, but I love you right now! Please send the picture to me! Thank you for taking it too."
Mr. Park grinned.
"Oh, come on!" he said nonchalantly, "It's always great to be loved. And I'll send them to you right now. And my dear girl, you might not be handsome enough to look like this pair's mother, but you are definitely cuter. You'd pa.s.s off as the sister, for sure." The old man then leaned in closer to her ear, and whispered, "Younger sister, too, especially to that old man you married. Don't tell him I said that."
At once, Miya burst out laughing.
Meanwhile, both the objects of the conversation, stood in the corner darkly. Jim's glower had jealousy written all over it, as he watched the two chat and laugh and whisper like best friends. His eyebrows twitched, once he heard Miya tell Park she loved him, and his frown was deep as a valley as she complimented the old man on what a good decision it had been, of buying the black PJs for Ben last night.
So they had even went out for shopping…
Park was mean!
How could he, after he had just lectured him over staying away? Even if he was going to tell him later on, that he was doing it for the purpose of investigation, that if he was friends with the girl, he might have inside information too. But still, the old man looked too comfortable! He was genuinely enjoying her company.
Huffing, Jimmy had half a mind to stomp indignantly out of the room. For the pair was not even fussing over him and the brat anymore. They were just chatting with each other. But then, his eyes fell on the little guy, who didn't look too happy either.
Ben was positively lost. Mum loved to take pictures of him, and he always basked in her love alone. Today, was a strange turn of events. Mum wasn't showing him the picture, as she always did, she didn't give him a hug, and she didn't kiss him at all since the morning too.
That, when he had obediently followed her every instruction. He had even bathed early!
He felt a hand rest on his small shoulder.
Ben looked up to see a frowning Jimmy.
"Come on chap," Jim said gravely to the boy, "We got to get out of here. They've forgotten we're here!"
Ben looked on at him without expression.
Jim sulked.
"Oh come on, bud," he exclaimed again, "Let's just go take our own pictures. Later, we can trouble them by not showing our photos to them!"
Ben frowned at the plan, and then looked at his mother. He didn't want to trouble her. But she would have liked to see more photos of him, and then he'd definitely get lots of hugs for being mamma's smart boy.
So when Jim held out his index finger to the child, Ben held on to it, and both the boys stomped out of the room, frowning.
Two hours later, when the four of them were again in a limousine, on their way to the Hunter manor, Jim and Ben sat together consensually. Therefore, Miya and Park had to sit together, on the seat before them.
Miya gave her cute boy a smile, as she saw him dressed in a maroon s.h.i.+rt and black pants. She also rewarded a half smile to Jim, who was neatly dressed in a black three piece suit.
Both hearts were immediately at peace.
But once Park began sending pictures to Miya, she became hyper excited again, and the boy and his comrade were heartfully ignored.
They both huffed, folding their arms over their chest.
Worst thing was, when they had decided to take more pictures of themselves by their own, their selfies had been so dark, they had ultimately decided to just get dressed instead. They had both scowled foully in the pictures, sometimes looking angry, sometimes just plain blank, and most times, too uncomfortable on standing too close.
As two pairs of eyes watched the old man and the girl with utmost concentration and annoyance, the car was ignited and it sped through the morning.
Hunter Manor wasn't too far away.