My Perfect Lady - 29 It's Practice

29 It's Practice

She went stiff in his grasp, unsure of her next move. The news startled her, and she thought again. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe this was just this man creating trouble for her, amusing himself at her expense. But nothing beat what she had earlier realized.

What was it, if not flirting?

Her face darkened, and she tried to glare at him, but to no avail. Somehow, all she could manage was an indignant stare while blus.h.i.+ng furiously.

Jim, who watched her every move, now wanted to burst out laughing. But he also saw that Miya wasn't giving him a death-glare, so he gathered his courage and proceeded further. She was already firm like a log in his hold. He decided to exploit her vulnerability more, even if it was for just a bit.

Smiling, Jim tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Later, he decided he would tell her to shampoo more often. Meanwhile Miya's eyeb.a.l.l.s fell out of their sockets.

She couldn't breathe.

What the h.e.l.l was this man doing?!

Jim then leaned in closer, so much that she could feel his breath on her skin. If it were possible, she became stiffer in his hold.

Jim breathed.

"You're probably wondering why I kissed you last night," he said in a low whisper, which automatically alarmed Miya. He didn't wait for her to respond.

Jim pulled her closer, and his arm that had been wrapped around her stomach, now moved to her waist. She was practically pressed into his body.

Oh f***.

That was a wrong move.

Jim realized, too late, that he had unconsciously brought her too close. Her breath sent a burning sensation down his spine. And of course, he was aroused. Jim swallowed.

As much as he didn't want her to know about his depraving thoughts, he also didn't want to let go of the golden opportunity. It wouldn't be an everyday thing, to have this little mouse so startled after all.

Dreading the consequences, he still ventured on.

"You see," he said in a deep voice, "It's practice."

With that, he dipped his head further, and landed one smooth kiss on her right cheek.

Miya almost pa.s.sed out.

Th-This m-man…!

What the… What the… f*** was he doing?!

Her mouth dropped to form a perfect 'O' and her face turned redder. Her heart started jumping in her chest. Her legs went weak, and she was suddenly not breathing. She tried to squirm out of his grasp, which under normal circ.u.mstances would have been no big deal. Right then though, she somehow, had no strength.

Strength, however, was no problem for Jim.

His hand tightened around her waist.

"Wh-What –"she mumbled , only to see Jim smile brightly at her once again.

Now that, made her angry.

She was so going to break his nose.

But for that, her heart had to stop beating so fast, and her legs had to regain some strength, of course.

Jim however, continued to grin.

"Practice, Miya," he said delightedly, "In case we have to put on a show someday of being a loving husband and wife." He then looked at her still open mouth. Somehow, he wanted to trace her lips with his fingers.

He wouldn't though. For that would definitely earn him a blow from her.

He still couldn't resist teasing her.

"There," he gestured towards her lips, "Do you want to practice there?"

That was Miya's wake-up call.

She fell out of her daze instantly and pinched him hard, on his shoulder. Jim was startled, and he winced from the pain. He jumped back, but as the girl was about to run away from him, he held her hand.

"Don't jerk it," he said quickly, taking in her alarmed expression and gesturing towards his hand, "It's my injured hand."

Miya looked at his bandaged arm, with which he clutched at her hand. She of course, couldn't hurt him. Annoyed, she glared furiously.

Though still unnerved, her glare had more intensity this time.

"Just what the f*** do you think you're doing?!" she hissed, trying to release her wrist. Jim held on.

"Practice," he said smoothly, "You know, we'll have to pretend to be lovey-dovey somedays. I don't want the marriage to be doubted, you see."

Miya had not signed up for this.

"You said I wouldn't have to sleep with you!" she howled again, and Jim couldn't help but smirk.

"And what part of that kiss made you think you had to?"

Miya was displeased. She made such an unhappy face, he couldn't help but feel guilty. Okay, he was being mean.

"Miya," he began, "It's just a peck on the cheek. Even friends do it all the time. Heck, if I gave Hartley the chance, that idiot would kiss me anytime."

Jim shrugged foully, whereas Miya recalled the blonde guy who had addressed her as 'gorgeous young lady'. She frowned too.

"I don't like him," she said.

Jim was happy to have s.h.i.+fted the focus of attention to someone else.

"Well," he replied loyally, though, "I like him. But then, I have a tendency to like weirdos."

"I can see that," she replied heavily.

She was undoubtedly referring to herself. Jim's heart leaped at the words, realizing that she had a hunch that he liked her.

Well, he had been kind of blatant since last night.

Jim grinned. Miya rolled her eyes.

"Leave my hand, please," she said rather sternly, and Jim immediately let her go.

She sat down and began to fold the hem of her trousers, so she wouldn't trip again. That was what had started all the trouble anyway.

She then said resolutely, "And practice or not, don't do that ever again. I will lose my good opinion of you." She was talking about the kiss, of course.

Jim didn't know why, but he heard the hint of a threat in her voice. Like she was implying, "If I lose my good opinion of you, you won't leave unhurt."

Disturbed at the notion, Jim immediately nodded rigorously.

Miya was satisfied.

Even though her cheek still burned, and her heart was pounding, she was content with the young master's promise.

"Could you please go now?" she said then and began to walk towards the bed.

Jim couldn't resist just one more urge.



"I really was practicing. Um, was it bad? I mean, if someone saw, they wouldn't doubt the credibility of the marriage, right?"

Miya stopped for a moment.

She didn't want to believe him. But if he put it that way, it somehow made more sense. It was absurd anyway, for Jimmy Hunter to suddenly start flirting with her. Even more ridiculous would be for him to be interested in her in any way whatsoever.

For if he was, she would have to a.s.sume that he was stupid.

And blind, of course.

It almost made her sag with relief, even though she couldn't fully trust the reasoning. She turned back and muttered, "It was okay. It was just a peck on the cheek after all. How different can it be? Just don't do it again."

Then she turned around and walked to her bed.

Just like that, Jimmy felt like the woman had shot him a hundred times over and over again.

Why did she have to be so blunt?!

Nevertheless, he was happy that he had still got her to be a little less suspicious. Sulking, and inevitably depressed, Jim walked out of the room.

He had only walked a few steps, when he was met by Hartley, who stood in the middle of the corridor, grinning devilishly.

Jim rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?" he said rudely, not in the mood to entertain Hart.

Hartley beamed.

"I wouldn't kiss you for a hundred million dollars. Just so you know," he said sarcastically.

Jim's jaw dropped.

This insolent man…!

Had he been eavesdropping this entire time?!

Oh h.e.l.l.