My Perfect Lady - 28 You're Cute!

28 You're Cute!

There was another reason he was giddy with happiness.

It was Miya, of course. He had kissed her last night! Even though he had surprised himself, he still didn't know what had come over him, but G.o.d did it feel good. He thought he'd pa.s.s out from the excitement right then. Granted it wasn't a real kiss, just a peck on the cheek, but he was still satisfied. He had walked away after that, joining the gang in their cheers of 'Happy Birthday!'

Miya had no such happy feelings, he was d.a.m.n sure. She had frozen beside him, and though he had left as quickly as possible, fearing she would punch his face, she still hadn't moved. Later, when he turned around, she wasn't in his room.

Worried, he had had her followed, and had arranged for a maid to take care of anything that she might need during the night. The maid had reported that Miya had gone back to her room in the hospital and was sleeping with her son.

That made Jim sigh in relief.

Now that he had woken up though, he wanted to go see what she was doing. Also, check if she was still in her room, and hadn't actually run away. And maybe mess with her a bit.

Smiling playfully, Jim took a quick bath, put on fresh clothes, and had a bodyguard lead him to her room. Pleasantly, the room wasn't locked, and the maid was nowhere in sight. Jim quietly went in.

He wasn't surprised by the fact that she was still sleeping. He was surprised by the fact that she had changed her clothes. She now wore white and brown pyjamas. It looked like she had taken a late night shower too, for she appeared clean and better than she had the entire day yesterday.

Her hair was dishevelled, and it fell onto her face. She frowned in sleep, roughly pus.h.i.+ng it away and turned towards Ben. Jim had the sudden urge to tickle her and wake her up. Or maybe put a straw in her ear? Or kiss her again?

He walked closer.

Miya, meanwhile, had been having a horrible dream. She had been sitting on a cloud in it, and she was happy about that, but then an enormous pair of lips, almost five times the size of her own body had appeared out of thin air. It began to come closer to her, pouting all the way and even though she tried to escape to another cloud, it had gobbled her up anyway.

She woke up, screaming.

But as she sprang up from the bed, her head strangely collided with another person's head. That person howled in pain.

Miya was immediately annoyed. Who was making so much noise so early in the morning? She rubbed the sleep off her eyes and frowned, trying to focus. When she saw it was Jimmy Hunter rubbing his head, she was p.i.s.sed off.

And in a flash, she remembered the night from before and her stupid, terrible dream. Her face darkened.

This man had kissed her! Without her permission, and in front of strangers! What did he mean by that? Was it an expression of power? But it was just a peck on the cheek… Then what was it? Why the h.e.l.l had he behaved this way?

And suddenly, she wanted to hit him.

She wanted to sleep quietly, was all! And this man had just made her think so much, so early. Her head hurt now! He would not be forgiven.

Looking like a haunted girl, she glared at Jim, who was immediately alarmed.

"You're the one who hit me!" he said defensively, scared now.

"What are you doing here?" was all she said, and that too, in a very dark voice.

"I just came into check if you're doing fine!"

"I took a shower last night, the nice lady got me pyjamas, and I slept. I'm good. Now, go."

Jim couldn't believe his ears. This woman was so rude!

"Fine!" he said indignantly, "It's my birthday, and because you were the first to wish me, I thought maybe I'd ask you if you wanted to hang out."

Miya was immediately awake. She hadn't expected that.

"Oh," she mumbled, but then another dark thought creeped into her mind, and she hissed, "Why were you leaning over me, right now then?"

Jim's first reaction was denial.

"I wasn't!" he declared.

"Then how the h.e.l.l did you hurt your head when I got up?"

Jimmy was scared now. If she were to know that he had been contemplating on whether to land another kiss on her cheek, the woman would slaughter him. He gulped. Better to admit to a less risky reason.

"I… okay. I thought I'd tickle you to wake you up."

Miya's jaw dropped. This guy…

"What are you, a kid?!" she howled, and then got down from the bed angrily.

Jimmy looked at her guiltily. Then suddenly, he noticed how small she was.

Even though she was dressed in what seemed like a 'Small' size t-s.h.i.+rt and trousers, the clothes still looked baggy on her. The sleeves were longer than her arms, and she had rolled them back. The hem of her trousers though longer, hadn't been folded by her.

So when she approached him furiously, she tripped on her own pants and almost fell to the floor. Only for Jim, who had been observing her, rushed to her aid and supported her with an arm. Miya held his shoulder for balance, and was immediately concerned.

"Are you okay?" she asked worriedly, glancing at his other, wounded arm that was still bandaged, "Did I hurt you?"

Jim rolled his eyes.

"No," he stated, and then raised a brow, "You?"

"Okay too."


The conversation ended, but they stood still, just like that. Jim stared at her again, whereas she stared at his injured arm. A minute pa.s.sed.

Slowly, Miya realized that she was still holding onto the young master's shoulder, whereas he still had an arm wrapped around her torso. She coughed. Jim didn't move.

Uncomfortable, she looked up at him.

She was surprised to see him smiling.

"Wh-What?" she blurted out, unnerved by his stare somewhat.

Jim's smile broadened.

"You're cute," he told her, beaming, and then playfully pinched her nose.

Miya's eyes widened. A few wires in her brains fused, and she turned red like a tomato.

Last night, the kiss… And now… this.

Wait a d.a.m.ned second.

Realization struck her like a blow from a club, and she almost choked from the understanding.

This young master… he was flirting with her, wasn't he?!