My Perfect Lady - 19 The Secret Passageway

19 The Secret Passageway

Indeed, a small balcony did exist there, almost in extension to the kitchen, on just the other side of the wall. Miya's boy stood there with both his hands on his hips.

He glared at Jim, and Jim glowered back.

What was it with the brat?

Moreover, he noticed that the balcony could barely fit two people, three at max if they squeezed. And it was a closed s.p.a.ce. Where the h.e.l.l was a pa.s.sageway there? Jim turned around to ask Miya, only to see her standing still, still confused.

He immediately felt guilty.

He thought for a minute, wondering how to get past this new situation. And then, an idea struck him. Quickly turning back again, he looked out of the window and howled, "Hey Ben! Stop doing that, or else you'll fall down!"

Her reaction was instant and gratifying.

As soon as Miya heard his words, she sprang into action. In no time, was she standing beside Jim and leaping out of the window, shouting, "What? What happened to Ben? Where is he? What's he doing?!"

She swiftly landed on the other side.

Ah, tigress.

Jim smirked. Miya looked at Ben, and then looked back at him blankly, for the kid was standing in a pretty safe corner, glaring daggers at Jim.

Jim shrugged.

"I thought he was trying to climb the rail," he said with a small laugh, that was so fake he himself was creeped out, "Turns out he was just leaning against it."

His lie was apparent, and it made her frown. Ben was shorter than half the height of the handrail, after all. And then suddenly, it hit her.

Mr. Hunter had, of course, done it to pull her out of her disoriented self! The situation must have been uncomfortable for him too!

She almost sighed in relief, and then looked at Jim who seemed quite satisfied with himself. Her eyes glinted with mischief.

"I thought you didn't lie, Mr. Hunter?" she asked.

Jim was taken by surprise. He let out a quiet chuckle, though and then climbed to the other side of the wall as well, to join the mother and son.

"I don't," he replied, grinning. Miya returned his smile.

The area was pretty small with there being barely enough s.p.a.ce to stand. Jim craned his neck to look around, trying to figure out where the secret pa.s.sage was. Yet, he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Only similar balconies of several other apartments.

"Where's this tunnel of yours, Miya?" he finally asked, still searching, "I don't see anything."

Miya looked down, slightly red in the face.

"It's not so much a tunnel. Just a bunch of stairs." She then motioned towards the ground, "Look at the apartment below." Jim leant forward across the handrail. Sure enough, he did notice that attached to the balcony of the little place beneath, was a fire escape.

"Oh." He breathed, somewhat disappointed. But then, he was on alert again.

"And how do you plan on reaching there? To ask the neighbours, we'll have to go through your main door, and there's police there. I told you! Let me just – "

"Mr. Hunter. I don't intend to ask for permission. The woman who lives there is a b*tch, she's – "

Jim immediately glowered at her, furious, and c.o.c.ked his head in Ben's direction. Miya realized what he meant and coughed.

"What I was saying was, the woman is not nice. And she's not home at this time of the year. So we should be fine."

"Okay. But the question is how do you get there?"

"The distance is barely five meters."

"Please tell me you're not going to jump all the way over there?"

Miya rolled her eyes.

"Of course not."

She then turned towards her son and lifted him up in her arms. The child beamed in her embrace, which almost made Jim choke on his breath. He thought the shrimp could only ever frown. She ruffled his hair.

"Ready, dear?" she asked.

Ben nodded.

Miya then lifted the kid over the rail. Jim's mouth opened to form a perfect 'O' as he watched her put the kid on a hefty pipeline that ran along her apartment all the way to the one below. The kid gripped the pipe with both hands, and slowly like a lizard, began to climb down.

Oh, no, not a lizard. He resembled a salamander… Oh no. Not a salamander either. The brat resembled a f***ing serpent!

Jim didn't close his mouth until the kid had reached the apartment below and climbed over the handrail there. He then stood on the balcony beneath and waved a thumbs up at his mother.

Jim almost stopped breathing. He didn't know whether to be impressed, or horrified.

In the next moment though, the ground slipped beneath his feet when Miya said, "Alright, Mr. Hunter. Your turn."

His eyes fell out of his socket.

Oh, no. Oh f*** no.

"Miya, no," he told her grimly.

She frowned.

"What no?"

"No as in, I'm not climbing down some pipe like a f***ing snake, no!"

"Well, the pipe is thick enough…"

Jim rolled his eyes.

"I don't care, okay? I said no," he told her firmly.

Miya crossed her arms over her chest, scowling now.

"Well then, let's hear your plan B in that case."

"I don't have one, but I'm not going down a pipe! I'm the C.E.O. of Hunter Corporation for Heaven's sake!"

"Who wanted to marry a wildling like me."

"That's a different issue!"

Miya stomped her foot in agitation.

"Oh come on, Mr. Hunter! It's getting dark already, I think it's seven in the evening. Besides, n.o.body's around! Our cla.s.s of people usually work till late!"

"So does my cla.s.s of people, alright! But no matter what you say, I am not sliding down a pipe!"

"You're such a child," she sulked unhappily, "It's cute at times, but do you have to be so persistent about this? It's so cowardly!"

Jim's ears twitched at the word 'cute'. This was the second time she had called him that. And had he not been considerably horrified, he might even have blushed.

Seeing that the man wouldn't budge and that the police might break open the door any minute, Miya sighed. Then almost immediately, she dropped to her knees and folded her hands in entreaty.

"Please!" she began, "Please, please, please Mr. Hunter! I can't have the police see you anywhere near my house. Please!" She hurriedly trotted towards him in appeal.

Jim's horror tripled.

Why was the woman doing this to him?!

He jumped back in absolute terror, trying to put as much distance as possible between them. It wasn't of much help though. The s.p.a.ce was too tiny.

Miya was reaching close.

"Please, just this once! I'll treat you to ice cream again. I'll do anything, please!"

Jim was positively stuck to the handrail in fear. The excitement in the lower part of his body was rising, obviously, and considering that she was at his feet, the situation was rapidly turning from bad to worse.

"Miya, I've told you not to kneel," he tried to say sternly, but his voice came out only as a hoa.r.s.e whisper.

"No," the woman was adamant, "I won't budge till you agree! Please, Mr. Hunter!"

"Miya, I can't slide –"

"Please, I'll help you! I'll even hold your hand. Please!"

His crotch was happy. Jim almost cried.

"Miya, get up, I'm requesting you."

"No, sir! Look, this humble servant of yours is pleading to you – "

Jim couldn't control the feeling rising within, and she was so close, his throat choked. She continued with her blabber till he went stiff, unable to breathe. He felt as if he would die right there.

"And then, there's the fact that when we go down –"

"Miya, look – "

"No, no, like I said, I will help –"

"Miya –"

"And then, you look so strong, you shouldn't be afraid of little stunts –"

"Miya – "

"And also –"

Jim felt himself go numb. She was directly at his feet now. Sweat broke over his brows as he howled angrily, panic evident in his voice:

"Get up, alright?! Just get the f*** up, and I'll do whatever you say!"

The woman abruptly stopped speaking.

And then, she beamed.

Ah ha! She got this young master to agree with her again!

Mission accomplished!

Jim almost bit his tongue in fury.