What the h.e.l.l had happened?
The banging at her door increased. She felt weak in her legs. Why was the police there suddenly at her house? She couldn't understand.
And why in the world did they think she had kidnapped Mr. Hunter?!
Miya wanted to pull out her hair. She already had a ridiculous history with the police, especially the local police in this area. They'd believe she had abducted dinosaurs in her bathroom if they had to. They just hated her!
The feeling was mutual.
She cursed aloud, her head barely working. The worst thing was, this time she was with her son. And Hunter was actually standing in her room. If she let the men in, they wouldn't believe her if she said Mr. Hunter had just been visiting. Because in ordinary circ.u.mstances, why the f*** would this man visit her?
a.s.suming Hunter sided with her, she knew the policemen still wouldn't believe. They'd definitely come back later, after he had gone just to create trouble for her. Not to mention, she did not want any rumours going around, claiming she had connections with the Hunter family.
Her mind almost blasted off. She started sweating profusely as someone kicked at her door. Her heart ripped through her chest.
She could only think of one thing to do. The one thing she always did.
With renewed energy, and surging anger when she saw Jimmy's shocked face, she grabbed the man���s hand. Then she dragged him into the kitchen behind her, albeit with a lot of effort. Jim was surprised. Miya fumed.
"Why the h.e.l.l is there police here? Why do they think I kidnapped you?!"
Jimmy was ready for this.
His eyes widened as he shook his head.
"How would I know? Like I said, it's the contractor –"
"Argh! I don't care. Look, Mr. Hunter, I need to go."
Jimmy frowned.
"Where to? Miya, don't be worried. Let them in, and I'll tell them I was on a visit. That you're a good friend."
Miya rolled her eyes.
"No, thank you. I have to go, and you're coming with me."
Jimmy smiled internally.
"What? But why?" he exclaimed though, giving her a confused look, "You're taking them too seriously! It's just policemen. Let me talk to them."
"No." Miya hissed. She obviously wasn't telling him of her relations.h.i.+p with the police. Also, she wasn't letting this man be found in her apartment at any cost. He was running away with her. He had dragged her into this mess, it was only fair he at least a.s.sisted her out of it.
Ben, who was silently watching the two talk, now noisily put his plate in the sink. Miya looked towards him instantly.
"Do we need to use the secret pa.s.sageway, mommy?" he asked pa.s.sively.
Miya went up to her son and kissed his forehead. "Yes, mommy's smart baby, it's time we use our secret tunnel!"
Jimmy was immediately on alert. Seeing the kid's listless reaction, he could only conclude that the brat knew of his mother's activities. That took him by surprise. He hadn't expected the woman to be dumb enough to even involve her child. But the more important question was, what was this secret pa.s.sage that they were talking about? And why in the word did they have it?!
As far as the police outside was concerned, Jimmy wasn't too worried. They were acting on his orders. They wouldn't dare break into the room until he asked them to.
Meanwhile, Miya opened a rather large window in one corner of the kitchen. It was at least five feet in length. Nice. Jim hadn't noticed it before.
His eyes almost fell out of his sockets though once he saw the woman lift up the kid and throw him out of it. He almost howled.
Miya quickly turned around as she realized Jim was going to scream his guts out. She hastily took a step towards him, and covered his mouth with her palm.
"Quiet!" she scolded in a whisper, "I don't want them to hear us! There's a balcony outside, it just isn't visible from here. I didn't throw away my child."
Jimmy stopped breathing. His eyes moved towards the door of the main room.
"Don't worry about that," she a.s.sured him again, her hand still plastered over his mouth, "The door won't give way that easily. It's one of the reasons I rented this apartment."
Despite himself, a sweat broke on Jimmy's brow. Miya was talking like a practised criminal!
Just then, though, he saw the woman stagger. He looked at her feet and observed that she was standing on her tip toes in order for her hand to reach his mouth. Immediately, he put an arm around her waist to prevent her from falling.
Miya regained her balance, and clutched at his chest with her other hand. Her eyes widened as he pulled her close.
Jimmy was instantly lost.
Her eyes really were beautiful. They were black, but a different sort of black. They almost had a greenish hue to them. They reminded him of something… of someone. Someone he felt was important. It –
And then, for the thousandth time in that day, he froze.
Oh f***.
She was too close!
Jimmy was about to let her go in panic when he saw her stagger again, and so pulled her closer instead. Fearing his disgraceful arousal would be discovered, he quickly motioned towards her hand, indicating her to release his mouth.
Miya however, was positively panting. Her heart had suddenly jumped to her throat as she had watched Mr. Hunter stare into her eyes. She stood still, afraid to move, once she felt his heart beat beneath her fingers. Her brain had conveniently stopped working. So when he gestured towards her, she didn't understand.
Jim's throat tightened. The stimulation was deepening, as was his fear of it being discovered. He motioned towards her hand again, this time a bit impatiently. When she didn't react yet again, he poked at her palm with his tongue.
Miya looked back at him in horror.
In the same instant, Jim swallowed in realization.
And immediately, he let her go and she freed his mouth. Then she looked at her palm again, and back at him.
His breath stuck in his throat.
The woman looked horrified.
Through the corner of his eyes, Jim saw the open window. He took a step towards her, noticing as she flinched in alarm. Then barely giving her a glance, he brushed past her and stood near the window.
"What the h.e.l.l are you doing?" he then said nonchalantly, "Don't we have to go?"
Miya was dishevelled. She looked at her palm again, and then at Jimmy's back. What had just happened?
Just then, the knock on the front door came blasting through her ears. She clenched her fist, her hand still quivering, and quietly mumbled a "Yes."
Jim breathed.
Good heavens.
This woman was going to be trouble.