What the h.e.l.l.
What had just happened?
Her cheeks flushed once again, and her face turned a deeper shade of red. That Jimmy… did he really feel about her that way?
And almost in acceptance, her mind flashed back to last night's kiss.
Miya's throat went dry, and her heart smacked against her chest. An overpowering s.h.i.+ver ran down her body, and she felt her legs go weak.
Too fast.
It was all happening too fast.
She didn't know what to feel. Or how to respond to whatever it was that Jimmy Hunter felt. She then remembered his eyes, the intensity in them when he had looked at her last night, before the kiss. His gaze had been enough to shut her mind off.
Hadn't she prayed for it? That the man's feelings were actually l.u.s.t?
Wasn't mere attraction all she felt towards him too?
Her heart clenched at the thought.
Her hands began to s.h.i.+ver, and she cursed herself out loud, not able to think straight.
It wasn't good.
Whatever it was, that was happening between her and the young master, it wasn't good at all.
It didn't make sense for him to be attracted to her in the first place. The realization that he had been her first kiss was breath taking in itself. Maybe that was why he felt what he did for her. But, when had Jim realized it? The fact that thirteen years ago, it had been her at that masquerade party?
She hadn't actually asked him about it. Well, they hadn't really had the time, but she wanted to know.
Miya clenched at her s.h.i.+rt, trying to calm herself.
It didn't really help, but she relaxed. And the last night haunted her mind once again.
"G.o.d, I want you."
Jimmy had said that in between the kiss.
Did she need more explicit confession on what it was they felt? She recalled the beating of his heart against her fingers, the way it had felt like his heart was cras.h.i.+ng against his chest. She didn't need further explanation.
She knew that she was attracted to him too.
He was a beautiful man after all.
What scared her though, was that Jimmy Hunter maybe felt more. It wasn't mere attraction, never mere l.u.s.t on his part. His eyes had chilled her last night, to the very bone. That gaze saying volumes about the man.
She wished with all her heart it wasn't true.
Because Jim… what did he know?
He had found her in a washroom, cleaning toilets. He himself was the Chief Executive Officer of the biggest corporation in the country. For them to even know each other was a miracle in itself. Everything else just felt like a deep, deep trance.
Because from what she understood, Jimmy Hunter was a good man. She couldn't vouch for half the men she had known, but this bigshot guy she understood. And he affected her like no one ever had.
She didn't know her own feelings. She didn't want to know them at all.
But she was afraid for the young master.
l.u.s.t, she could still handle. Improbable as it was, she could still deal with it. Anything more, would simply be a burden. A weight she didn't have the strength to carry anymore.
Somehow, the thought hurt her, but immediately calmed her down as well.
She needed to talk to Jimmy Hunter.
Because this idiot guy had dared to feel more than he was allowed to. And to top it all, he didn't know anything about her! Was he really operating the most prestigious company in the country?!
Her surprise and embarra.s.sment turned to mild annoyance.
She d.a.m.ned it all, wis.h.i.+ng she had simply skipped work that day when they had first met.
With a past like hers, she wished they hadn't even met thirteen years ago!
Miya held her head in her hands.
The situation had turned complicated. To the point she wanted to do what she did best: run. She had been running away for years now, it wouldn't matter just one more time.
But she had promised to help out Jimmy, and he still didn't own the Hunter Corporation. She owed him for saving Ben's life, and hers too. Not to mention, she had signed a one year deal. A contract that was clawing at her throat.
He would find her.
If Jimmy Hunter wanted to, she knew he would find her. Teasingly, but they had discussed it when he had offered her the deal.
"And where, my dear," he had said, "Will you hide?"
The words echoed through her head like a premonition.
Running wasn't an option.
But she didn't know how to explain it to the man! She had an entire history stabbing her in the back, with power to still bleed her to death. Even after all these years, she was still part of it.
And there he was, the great and handsome C.E.O., who had decided to feel whatever the heck he felt without even knowing it.
Miya's head hurt.
She badly needed a smoke.
She knew she would find one in the room outside, but she couldn't risk seeing Jim's face right then. She therefore pressed her head against the door once more, closed her eyes, and simply concentrated on breathing.
You fool.
The words jolted through her mind. Miya frowned, but kept her eyes closed. Her body calmed down considerably, but her mind jumped into action.
This was Jimmy Hunter she was talking about.
He knew about Becky's dealing with Karl, before Miya could even get over with her fight with Rebecca. He knew Rebecca had to be into Shade Street that night, when Jim had barely just arrived into the library. He had even let her be hit purposely to let Becky win.
And almost suddenly, something she had completely forgotten jolted through her brain too.
When Jim had first been trying to convince her to marry him, he had talked about Ben's adoption. How he could get rid of the man who wanted her to give up Ben, if she married him.
Miya, you f***ing idiot. Her brain was sneering.
Did she really think Jimmy knew nothing about her?
The father and son knew more about Becky's life in 24 hours than Rebecca herself could ever figure out.
Had Miya really just thought Jim was so clueless about her past?
Well of course he knew.
The only question was, how much.
The realization sent her cras.h.i.+ng down to her knees.