My Perfect Lady - 101 The Arousal

101 The Arousal

Miya could sense the dark aura around Jimmy Hunter. She wanted to ask a lot of questions, ranging from the incidents of the last night till the morning, but she didn't want to talk in front of Ben. So she waited patiently, till they were inside the room and Ben had run off to change his clothes.

When Jim still didn't look at her, she was disheartened. And slightly annoyed.

Once she was sure Ben couldn't overhear, she said,

"Are you not going to talk to me?" She had jumped straight to the point.

Miya's indignant voice surprised Jimmy and he snapped out of his thoughts. He looked at her in confusion, then shrugged.

"When did I say so?" His voice was calm.

Miya huffed.

"You were angry with me last night. And you're angry with me now. I apologized about last night. And I swear I wasn't going to attack that gigantic friend of yours. It was just to scare him! And in my defence, you did win."

Jim eyed the annoyed wife with slight amus.e.m.e.nt, then crossed his hands over his chest.

"Okay. I'm not angry with you." His voice was serene now.

Somehow, that irked Miya.

"Then why are you not talking to me?"

"I said I am."

"And why were you angry yesterday?"

"Do I have to tell you?"

Miya immediately wanted to say a "Yes!" but she saw Jim's expression darken slightly at her words. She didn't want to risk spoiling his mood once more, so she shook her head rigorously. She didn't really understand what she had done last night though.

But well, she wasn't going to poke her finger into the eye of the storm.

Jim was satisfied with the wife's response, but he could see through her façade like an open book. She really didn't realize what he found wrong about her dealing with Thad Carver last night. The young master sighed. He would then have to explain to her in bits and pieces. Currently, though, he didn't have the patience for it.

There was something else that troubled him after all.

Seeing that the little boy was still in the bathroom, Jim fixed a stern gaze on Miya and asked in a toneless voice, "Why Jim Attack?"

Miya frowned.


Jim's gaze intensified.

"I'm asking, why is that attack of yours named the Jim Attack?"

Albeit the young master's face held a scowl, Miya didn't notice it. Despite herself, she chuckled.

"I decided to name it after you. You're the most prestigious person who were subjected to it, after all so…"

"So you named hitting people with a broom, the Jim Attack?"

"Ah! No! Um, yes actually, but Jimmy, I really didn't want to hit your friend. It was to scare him so that he'd let you go. I swore never to use that attack on another powerful person!"

Jim c.o.c.ked his brow.


"Of course! If I did, then the powerful person would talk about suing me again, or ask for compensation, like you did when we first met. I can't deal with all that. And I don't have money too."

Jim's brows raised further, but his heart softened at her words.

"Miya," he said diligently, "What happened with Gar was a mistake. I trust you. And n.o.body is going to sue you for anything. Also, you have all the money you want. You married the richest man in the country."

Contrary to expectations, Miya's frown deepened. Then she sulked.

"It's a deal. For one year. Why would I spoil my habits? And its wrong to use other people's money for your stuff."

Jim's heart clenched at her words. He didn't understand why, but that hurt.

"Is that so?" his tone dropped to a whisper.

Miya was immediately horrified.

Why was Jimmy suddenly looking so wounded and lost?!

Something she had said, definitely!

Miya went back over her words in her mind, unable to pin point what exactly had offended the young master.

Ah! It must be the money!

Was he offended she didn't want to take his?

Miya didn't like Jim's dropping expression, so she hurriedly said, "But because we're best friends, Jimmy, if anything happens, I'll borrow yours!"

The words took Jim by surprise, and his face immediately lightened up.

"You think we're best friends?" he asked with an unusual glint in his eyes.

Miya swallowed.

"Yes, of course! Didn't you claim we were? Are you backing out now?"

Jim's happiness was immediate. Before she had shut her mouth, Jimmy pulled her into a hug. Miya was almost swept off her feet, but she couldn't help but smile herself.

She was getting used to his embrace.

She hugged him back.

And she gave in to another impulsive urge. She didn't like that she was having such urges more often these days, but Jimmy was too close, and her heart felt too delighted.

Turning her face slightly, she was about to kiss him on his cheek, when Jim turned his face a little too. Both froze, as Miya kissed the corner of his lips instead.

Jim felt a familiar wild sensation in his body, as his bottom stirred. Pressed so close against him, Miya felt it too.

Her eyes widened.

She looked at Jim, who stared back helplessly. Then leaning back, still locked in his arms, she whispered,

"Is that…?"

Jim didn't breathe.

"Yes," his voice was almost a gasp.

Miya's face was so red, that Jim couldn't control his own blush too. And before the situation could get any more awkward, he let the missus go. Miya flew from his arms and into the bathroom, mumbling something about changing clothes.

Jimmy couldn't believe what had happened.

Miya… she had felt his arousal against her body.

And she had had him confirm it for her.

Oh f***ing h.e.l.l.

That meant –

She knew, right?